The Last American Roundup - A Speculative Scenario Of The Near Future
By George Paxinos
and the 'Unspecified Iowa Idiot'

Many people wonder why Detention-Camps have been refurbished across the United States. (A few examples are listed below under the Asterisk *).

If Americans are to be imprisoned in those camps, it is unclear how they are going to be rounded-up and taken there. Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans showed emergency assistance less in the nature of a helping hand than of an invading and occupying army treating the destitute as enemies, making it probable that skeptical survivors of future catastrophes might attempt escape before government "help" arrives. People also distrust government after the many lies they have been told. How could large numbers of citizens be rounded-up to fill those now-empty camps?

At the moment, a short take of the situation might be given as follows :

The US is involved in an Oil War in both Afghanistan and Iraq.
Iraq possessed only the poorly-equipped remnants of an army, and no air force and no navy. Yet even against the few remaining freedom- fighters within that country, the so-called "Terrorists" fighting the invading American State Terror, the United States is fighting a battle it cannot win. In Afghanistan, neither the British nor the Russians - then still the mighty Soviet Union - could win, either, and Afghanistan was right in its back-yard, so to speak, not thousands of miles away across an ocean.

Tens of thousands of mercenary soldiers earning extremely high daily wages fight a dirty yet losing battle, alongside over a hundred thousand regular US troops and National Guard which should not be fighting there at all, and who are earning almost nothing, while their Stateside jobs are taken by others in their absence and their family lives are often ruined.

Lots return wounded, some maimed for life, all are traumatised by their experience and require psychiatric counselling which the government is less willing to give them, preferring to classify them as unfit to bear arms so those who have seen through the scam of a "War for Freedom", that it is actually a Corporate War For Oil, cannot, by their Right to Keep and Bear Arms, as anchored in the Second Amendment, take up those arms and go up against a crooked corporate-oil government and depose it. Most veterans are ill with Gulf War Disease or Depleted Uranium poisoning and some infect their wives who bear genetically-damaged, deformed children, as do too a great number of Iraqi mothers now.

The official expenditure per month is around 20 billion US Dollars, but who pays the mercenaries out of what secret funding remains unclear, as do also the real casualty figures of Americans fallen in action or who die later of wounds and complications or take their own lives and sometimes the lives of their families.

The US national economy is collapsing, manufacturing is massively outsourced and without production there is nothing to back a Dollar worth less and less almost by the minute. Oil-producing countries are demanding payment in harder preferred currencies for their oil, taking away the Dollar exchange which brought in so much revenue in the past.

Gasoline prices are being set by market speculators and big oil companies, and gas is becoming almost unaffordable to the average man, while high fuel prices push up the cost of everything else along the line.

If you do not believe the true thrust of the so-called "War on Terror" and the hegemony of Big Oil, glance at this article, which says it as it is :

20 June 2008
Big oil cashes in on Iraq slaughter

So Oleum non olet? - Oil does not stink?

Sooner rather than later, a general market crash will come. Very many millions will be out of work and will not be able to afford either fuel or food. Declaring a State of Emergency might be the only way to somewhat regulate food riots and violent demonstrations during such a crisis. So perhaps rounding the population up and keeping them in holding pens is the only way to keep them quiet?

But as the US has now gone from being a net exporter of food to a net importer, as the Dollar drops in value against currencies of countries able to export food to the USA, imported food will become unaffordable. And Federal funds are being squandered in an Oil War, By the Very Rich, Of the Very Rich, and For the Very Rich, so it is unlikely that that sort of pirate administration will show much philanthropy toward those they consider Useless Eaters.

So even in holding pens, the ultimate future looks very like what was found when the Death Camps were liberated in Nazi Germany in 1945.

On the other hand, a pure War Economy would boost war-related industry and manufacturing and save the day - at least for the very rich who own such facilities - and, more especially, if the jobless starving were offered a minimum wage just to keep body and soul together in their otherwise hopeless situation.

As a lucrative industry has grown up in US prisons where inmates have to work for a pittance, larger prisons would bring in more profit, especially if the wage was not in cash money, but in necessary but minimal food.

But how to bring this about, the saving of at least some industry and the greater enwealthment of the wealthiest and at the same time the total subjugation of the millions of disenfranchised and dissatisfied? During a state of emergency, FEMA might not have sufficient troops to do the job, especially with so many of the National Guard in Iraq and Afghanistan looking after the interests of Big Oil.

And yet there might be an effective operation that will get people into those camps or work-facilities voluntarily, and it may proceed as follows :

It will most probably begin with another "Operation Northwoods" - (911-type) - attack, ostensibly by America's enemies, like Al- CIAda - or anyone enjoying momentary and popular-consensus corporate media notoriety :

Something awful will be done in a way that releases some alleged danger upon the general public, a danger of such immense potential for mass destruction, that people will willingly allow themselves to be herded by whatever authority tells them to go wherever it is considered Â* or at least declared - by that authority to be "safe".

Let us quickly look at the implicit psychodynamics of horror :

Explicit Horror is less frightening that Implicit Horror : the thing seen and recognised can be countered, the unseen thing not.

As an example : If you are in, say, a classic horror-movie situation, be it an alien, a vampire movie, or one set in an Egyptian tomb, when you actually see the alien, vampire or awakened mummy, you immediately start to think of ways to stop him - is there a bottle of acid in the lab to pour on the alien or an electrical mains wire nearby to electrocute him, a crucifix in your pocket to scare or kill the vampire, or a box of matches or a lighter to set the mummy's grave-wrappings alight?

In other words, you are prepared to stop being scared and to take action.

But when danger is undefined, be it some alien life-form, some unseen vampire stalking the night, or the soft, dry rustle in the hollow-sounding pyramid, THAT is when your hair stands on end and you want to cut and split and run home and hide under the bedclothes.

The unseen horror is always more horrifying than the horror seen and recognised for what it is, no matter how horrible it might be, for Man has always thought up ways for overcoming his fears, once he has identified them, even if he cannot yet understand them.

So what could remain unseen and horrible, bring certain death in some scary, perhaps lingering process of suffering frighteningly gruesome, be also large and widespread enough to herd millions of people across the country into holding pens determined in advance by the government, and make them WANT to be in those pens, designated "safe areas" by the powers-that-be that allege to be able to say where the horror is at any one moment, because only they have the means of determining this?

It would have to be something everyone would have to accept as a fact on bind trust alone, during a state of national emergency and the activation of Executive Orders created specifically to take all power from the people and give over that power to the government during just such a crisis that kicks those orders into operation. See the links to Executive Orders, below.

So what could that ultimate horror be?
Let us play a mind-game ... Three Guesses!

Guess One :
The Bird Flu - or some other epidemic? :
From historical precedents, people are frightened of epidemics, sure, but, as during flu and plague epidemics of earlier times, are generally resigned to stay put at home, look after their loved ones should they become infected, and, if they have to die, then at least die at home, in their own beds.
Strike one.

Guess Two? :
Alien Invasion from Outer Space :
The invading force would have to be produced and present pretty much everywhere for this one to be believed, and, like a rabbit diving back into its hole when a hunter misses his shot or the dog's jaws don't close in time, people might be very much inclined to wait in their cellars and hope the aliens will hit the house next door instead. Out of hiding, on the move to somewhere else, they would surely be in more immediate danger than safely unseen, underground?
Strike two.

Guess Three? :
How about, say ... a ... Radioactive Cloud?
It cannot be seen, it just IS Â* or IS at least ALLEGED TO BE.
It poses the possibility of a truly horrible death, with vomiting, internal haemorrhaging, hair, teeth, fingernails falling out, malignant cancers, leukaemia and many other of the grimmer forms of simply dying.

A possible scenario for such an operation under such a pretext might go as follows, (just as one example) :

Should such a catastrophe be initiated together with a sense of shock and outrage as was felt at 9-11 before the truth about who perhaps really was behind it started to emerge, should, say, some leading politician or politicians on whom the country might be pinning its hopes of freedom from a pirate, corporate-interests based junta, perhaps be brought down together with popular media persons in entourage in say the crash of a Jumbo jet on a nuclear facility while on tour, such outrage might occur, facilitating the rapidly snowballing dynamics of such an operation. The directed plunge of such an aircraft Â* shades of 9-11! - can once again be facilitated by the "home-run" electronic technology designed to take control of an aircraft out of the hands of hijackers.

Before a national vote it would throw one party into disarray, the election might be postponed indefinitely while a "government of national unity" declares a State of Emergency and takes over the reins until "further notice" - which might never come.

So should such a cloud ever arise and begin moving across the country, driven by fickle winds no-one can predict or see but our weather reports, having access to satellite imagery, etc, tell us they absolutely can Â* their track record as of now notwithstanding Â* we should either have to believe them and move out of its way Â* or perish.

And perhaps ... just perhaps ... the government in any such emergency would casually add that the camps were refurbished by the government in its infinite wisdom in anticipation of just such an event Â* because they lie exactly on the very spots where all those many winds just happen to cancel each other out and no radioactivity can ever fall Â* that by its immense foresight it has already prepared the only safe places for its people where they can be assured of a safe and happy existence Â* if they would just please care to step this way?

Unless one has a Geiger-counter oneself, one cannot judge whether a radioactive cloud were near or not, and even then, finding out might only be telling you it is already too late, for by the time you know it it there, you are done for.

Any organised evacuation to a known goal in a "safe" area, because voluntarily embarked upon, would be far more orderly than the panicked rout of, say, a nuclear war. During an organised relocation, personal Geiger-counters would have to be confiscated to "not panic evacuees with confusing and conflicting reports" of the position and strength of radioactivity as officially determined by high-tech - speak government Â* sources.

Cell-phones too will have to be confiscated, "because enemy terrorists will be able to pick up their transmissions and gain intelligence about refugee movements". In the camps themselves, only canned programs will be shown and perhaps a nightly news bulletin over radio or TV, equally canned in advance, of massive population losses and huge tracts of country lost to agriculture and habitation forever. There will be no means of verifying these claims. Rioters, looters and people holding out at home will be seen as "Enemy Combatants" and orders given to shoot them on the spot.

And furthermore, as the economy would basically grind to a halt under such an incident (it is grinding slowly to a halt, anyway) and with perhaps a vast portion of the country on the move, refugees from the cloud will be assured of a roof over their heads, food to eat (just enough to go round, folks! - don't be greedy!) - and also creative, active employment to feed the burgeoning war- economy of a United States Under Siege Â* no, this is not prison- production by inmates, who work for what? - 60 or 70 cents an hour? - this is Freedom Production! - voluntarily given by a grateful population rescued from a Fate Worse Than Death, in the words of JFK : "Think not what your country can do for YOU, but what YOU can do for your country!" - or, perhaps, in another time and place : "Arbeit Macht Frei!"

Those most able to do hard manual work will be drafted into work- armies and sent off to "safe factories" for production in the war economy or to "safe farmlands" to grow food for the rest, and those of more education, questioning news reports about radioactive wastelands and the expected half-life of radioactive fallout and other such technical trivialities, will be formed into scientific teams and sent to special areas unspecified. The rest will be put to work in locally erected factory facilities, and the image arises of grateful, exhausted people at the end of their workday, sitting around together in old, sparsely-illuminated (No Lights! - War Footing!) aircraft hangars after their supper of soup and bread, listening to or watching the latest news bulletins of the fearsome war being waged across the country by brave Federal troops in decontamination moon-suits against eternally-elusive terrorists, radiation pollution and looting, people being shot before the viewers' eyes for holding out and abetting the terrorists, and a contented sigh going up all round that one Did the Right Thing in following government orders and coming here to this safe, if desolate, place, rather than being exposed to radiation and terrorists.

Should such a radioactive cloud be raised in this or some other way from an operating nuclear facility or some old and obsolete plant with great pools of radioactive nuclear waste such as the old Hanford uranium and plutonium-processing facility in Washington State, with the right prevailing winds to spread it out from one of the country's corners in an irregular pattern whose path is determined by FEMA bulletins, millions of US citizens will be only too happy to evacuate themselves, house and home, too, in any direction FEMA wants them to go, even be it into "holding camps", "Sanitized", as the old hotel toilet-bowl coverlets used to boast, "for your Protection".

Just a thought.
And now, we wish you Good-Night.

* US-Based Concentration Camps and Executive Orders, a few references ... e&sid=1062 ... entration- Camps3sep04.htm ... ion-camps- locations-and-executive-orders