I call on all American citizens to stop purchasing anything made in China!

Our government is not helping their own citizens, so we will have to take the steps.

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Steve Dobbins, president and CEO of Carolina Mills, who supplies thread, yarn, and textile finishing’s to apparel makers (half of which go to Wal-Mart) said: "But you can't buy anything if you're not employed. We are shopping ourselves out of jobs."The problem with going overseas is the mere fact of the wage factor. According to Alan Tonelson of U.S. Business and Industrial Council, this represents the actual problem for many in the US. These companies who go overseas "are paying Chinese wages and selling at U.S. prices, they're not creating better living standards for America."
It is no wonder China has decided to move into the area of a free commerce society. It is definite moved away from the traditional Communist Ideas. As a result they will take over America without a shot.
If they are making all the goods we buy, they investing their profits, how can we compete? How can the middle class survive with this betrayal of own people? No one can compete in business if the competitor is paying less in wages and selling at the same price as you. They will end up owning you.

Already the figures show how close China is to breaking our US bank. According to David Bloom, currency guru at HSBC, "The US needs a trillion dollars a year just to stand still". Get that, a trillion dollars. How have we gotten so deep in the financial mire, so to speak? The same Mr. Bloom also predicts that the "dollar will buckle" . This will bring financial crisis on America and most of the known world, especially those who trade in dollars.

The forces in play today are heading down a road that many will not like. We have elected officials, but none of them seem to be doing anything.

As we head towards 2007, a recession is likely. More likely, we will see the unwelcome ‘amero’, plus the North American Federation, and the Super Highway as well. There are forces today that unite the greed of the moneychangers with the power play of those elitists that see an opportunity to grab more of America. (Dana Smith for Conservative Voice)
http://www.americaneconomicalert.com/ne ... ID=2396845