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  1. #131
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    Jun 2013
    Obama Bans Military Personnel from Entering Churches but Approves of Marching in Gay Parades

    Posted on August 7, 2014 by Dave Jolly

    The children at Bible Baptist Church in Carthage, Missouri wanted to honor the members of the local National Guard unit for protecting their religious freedoms. They planned a celebration and invited the National Guard who were pleased to accept the invitation.
    Everyone gathered at the church and the kids excitedly awaited the arrival of the National Guard. But they never showed. Just moments before they were to arrive, the National Guard regretfully told Pastor Kent Hogan:
    “[I]f the National Guard had assets on church property, it would look like the National Guard is sponsoring the Baptist religion.”
    Under the Obama administration, there is a policy that forbids military personnel from officially associating with any specific church. They don’t want anyone to get the idea that the government is endorsing any one religion over another. One National Guard member who wished to remain anonymous stated:

    “It makes me wonder what I’m actually fighting for … I honestly never thought I’d see the day that this would happen in my hometown.”
    Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council commented about the cancelled celebration, saying:
    “Whether it’s erasing a Bible verse on a white board or the banning of pocket-sized Gideon Bibles from an Air Force base, our military service members, under the Obama administration, have experienced an unprecedented rise in the suppression of their religious speech. Members of the Missouri National Guard are now finding out that even associating with church members is enough to trigger a secularist clampdown.”
    “Sadly, that day is here, but we must not lose heart. The Armed Forces of the United States have defended our nation for well over two and a quarter centuries. Now it’s our turn to stand up for their right to exercise the very freedoms that they fight to defend. Please call the National Guard Bureau at 703-607-2584 or send an email respectfully voicing your objection to this discriminatory act.”
    Perkins pointed out that the hypocrisy of the Obama administration which openly discriminates against Christian military personnel, then openly endorses military involvement in LGBT celebrations, saying:
    “It was only last month when President Obama authorized an eight-member military honor guard to march alongside half-clothed people and transvestites in Washington, DC’s gay pride parade. These honor guards are typically reserved for the President, Congress and other state functions.”
    “With a presidency that touts equality and anti-discrimination banners, Perkins is amazed at what he sees as an extreme bias that celebrates secular, pro-homosexual groups while demonizing Christian, pro-family groups.”
    “While the Pentagon, under this administration, apparently is willing to bend the rules for a gay pride parade that salutes a different flag, they drop the hammer down on a country church planning to hold a patriotic celebration of the military”
    “In the times of greatest peril to life and limb, it is a great comfort to know that many of those with whom your life is entrusted share a commitment to each other, to the United States, and to God. Simply put, devotion to moral principles derived from a Higher Power allows for a greater level of trust to exist among members of the military.”
    “Therefore, it is with great unease that we at the Family Research Council have noted a growing hostility to religion within the armed services in the last decade. Unfortunately, pressures to impose a secular, anti-religious culture on our nation’s military services have intensified tremendously during the Obama administration.”
    The day is here that Christians in America, both military and civilian are being discriminated by our own government and there is a simple reason why. One of the three core foundations that made America strong and free was its Christian foundation. Around 1900, progressive socialists knew that it would take about 100 years to destroy the Christian foundation of America, which was necessary to establish a socialist government. A century later they have succeeded. We are now the discriminated against and are becoming the persecuted people in this country.
    Christians are no longer allowed to practice their faith in the military or in business. When we preach and quote the Bible in issues such as homosexuality, fornication, adultery and other sinful lifestyles that are becoming acceptable these days, we are labeled as bigots and using hate language. God’s Word is no longer acceptable in many places. In some places like Dearborn, Michigan, Christians have been arrested and jailed for sharing Jesus in public.
    The First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and religion no longer apply to Christians. No wonder God has withdrawn His hand of blessing from our nation and turned us over to our own lusts, desires and sins. We are living God’s judgment as detailed in Romans 1:18-31!


  2. #132
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    Jun 2013

    The Obama Deception HQ Full length version


    Uploaded on Mar 12, 2009
    Get the DVD @
    The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.

    The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.

    We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. It's not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.

    Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

    Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:

    - Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.

    - Obama's handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.

    - International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.

    - Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.

    - The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    • Category

      News & Politics
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      Standard YouTube License

      This has been brought over here a long time ago. I thought it was time to re-bring it back..The sad thing we still have him in office, why is that?????

    Ps at the link on the right are more movies all brought over at one time or another just wanted to re-share them.

    Last edited by kathyet2; 08-11-2014 at 11:46 AM.

  3. #133
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    Jun 2013
    WND Exclusive

    Clambaker-in-chief: Obama scorched for vacations

    He 'fiddles' while Middle East burns,' says watchdog

    Published: 16 hours ago Leo Hohmann

    Presidential vacations have a way of rubbing people the wrong way, but the timing of President Obama’s latest lavish getaway has raised more than a few eyebrows.

    With Ebola running loose on the African continent, with a terrorist group beheading Christians in Iraq and threatening to take over the country, with a border crisis at home and race riots in the streets of suburban St. Louis, it seems like the world is spinning out of control at the same time the Obamas are relaxing at a hidden hideaway on Martha’s Vineyard.

    And people are taking notice.

    “The president has many fans on the island, but we’re told even some of Obama’s most ardent supporters are questioning the wisdom of this summer’s sojourn as war roils Gaza and a wave of families and children are crossing the southwestern U.S. border illegally,” reported the Boston Globe.

    White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said, unlike most trips to Martha’s Vinyard, this one will actually be a “working” vacation, and Obama has already made one trip back to Washington in between trips to the beach and the golf course to talk about the renewed war in Iraq.

    One watchdog group that has taken an in-depth look at presidential vacations through the decades is Washington, D.C.-based Judicial Watch. The group has filed Freedom of Information lawsuits to obtain financial records that show Obama’s travel costs – sitting at more than $44 million as of March 2014 – have now exceeded that of any other presidency.

    “Obama is fiddling while the Middle East burns,” Jill Ferrell, spokeswoman for Judicial Watch, told WND. “It’s not terribly reassuring, that he interrupts his golf game (to tend to the war in Iraq).”

    Judicial Watch has been following the Obama travel story since the infamous “New York Date Night” shortly after his first election. That tab for the evening was estimated at $72,000.

    “It made us begin to take notice. And now everything that can be known through the Freedom of Information Act is known and we are still getting rolling production from the Department of Defense as well as Secret Service, as additional documents will be forthcoming as part of Judicial Watch’s ongoing investigation,” Ferrell said.

    It’s important to note, Ferrell said, that most of the documents received by Judicial Watch have been forced into the sunlight by federal courts. Very little is handed over without putting up a legal fight, she said.

    “Occasionally they answer one of our requests but not reliably so. More often than not, it requires a court order,” she said. “The Department of Defense has provided us with a formula so we know how much it costs to fly Air Force One but it doesn’t include the cost of all their meals and entertainment and all of the front work for their trips. It’s a rather flagrant abuse of public funds.”

    And some of the most flagrant tabs run up by the Obamas involve trips for their children taken independent of the president. The children averaged a vacation a month in the first three months of 2013.

    In 2012 Judicial Watch found that one trip to Mexico by then 13-year-old first-daughter Malia Obama cost the taxpayer $115,500. She was accompanied by 25 Secret Service agents and as many as 12 of her friends.

    “Yes, the oldest child was remarkably in Mexico during one spring break, and Michelle has taken them to Aspen, Colorado, and to China,” Ferrell said.

    There have been long Christmas vacations to Hawaii. And there have been short weekend getaways that run up tabs in excess of $295,000, and this does not even include the cost of cranking up Air Force One, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch.

    The White House, like Congress, is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. But documents describing the Pentagon’s role in presidential travel, along with those of the Secret Service and Homeland Security, do fall under the Act and are considered public records. This is where Judicial Watch has found a treasure trove of information.

    Then there is the issue of higher expectations that Obama brought upon himself with statements he made as a U.S. senator in 2008, now famously captured on video, saying that those running for president should not ever take vacations. They submit themselves to a separate standard, he said, that comes with the office of the presidency.

    “The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone,” Obama said. “I am giving myself to you.”

    Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said in a statement last month that the Obamas are “abusing the public trust and the taxpayers with unnecessary luxurious vacations and travel. These staggering costs show why these documents were covered up and we had to sue in federal court to get them. Another transparency fail for the Obama gang.”

    Here are some of the other findings of the Judicial Watch investigation:

    • As of March 2014, Obama has spent more time traveling internationally than any other president, taking 31 trips since assuming office in 2009. The 119 days spent overseas cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

    • At the same point in their respective presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 116 days on 28 trips, Bill Clinton had spent 113 days on 27 trips and Ronald Reagan had spent 73 days on just 14 trips.

    • In 2010, Obama flew aboard Air Force One 172 times, nearly every other day. Just the cost of flying aboard Air Force One to Obama’s hometown of Chicago can cost around $180,000 per hour.

    • In addition to all of his international travel, the president spends a significant amount of time traveling with his family. The Obama family has taken vacations to exclusive beaches in New England, private clubs in Key Largo and, of course, luxurious beaches in Hawaii.

    • According to the government watchdog group Judicial Watch, beginning with the infamous New York “date night,” the Obamas have spent $44,351,777.12 in taxpayer cash on travel expenses.

    • The actual total cost may be higher, as the White House is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.


  4. #134
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    Jun 2013

    World Burns, Genocide In Iraq… Obama Back On The Golf Course For Round #187…

    Yeah, Christian children are being systemically beheaded, Yazidis dying of thirst… whatever, watch me crush this drive!

    Via Press pool: “POTUS is once again playing golf.”

    August 12, 2014 1:34 pm

  5. #135
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  6. #136
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    Vacationing Obama Style -- Hypocrisy's Finest Hour

    Obama Putts While the World Burns

    By Mark Alexander · Aug. 13, 2014

    “We have heard of the impious doctrine in the Old World, that the people were made for kings, not kings for the people. Is the same doctrine to be revived in the New, in another shape…?” –James Madison (178

    It is said that Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar “fiddled while Rome burned” when the Great Fire of 64 AD destroyed much of the Eternal City. Nero was not a fiddler, but many historians believe he began the fires in order to clear a section for construction of a palatial tribute to himself, the Domus Aurea (“Golden House”).

    Not to be out-fiddled, the Imperial Chief now occupying the White House, and his sycophantic Left-elite entourage, are slumbering at the golf course on tony Martha’s Vineyard Island, “putting while the world burns.”

    MVI is known as one of the wealthiest and whitest places on earth for its lack of racial and economic diversity, which makes it the perfect getaway for Democrat charlatans. I can confirm that assessment, having spent a high-school summer working for the most high of those wealthy elite hypocrites in Edgartown, MVI.

    When Obama isn’t vacationing in Hawaii, or on a $100 million “family heritage tour” of Africa, or off on one of his endless golfing or fundraising junkets across the nation at taxpayer expense, he clearly has a penchant for The Vineyard, where he has taken presidential summer vacations every year – except one.

    Notably, he skipped the MVI trip ahead of his 2012 election bid against Mitt Romney, because hobnobbing with his “Rich and Famous” benefactors while framing his campaign with class warfare rhetoric might have created some cognitive dissonance for even his most obedient disciples.

    No doubt Obama is laying the foundation for his “Golden House,” as did Bill and Hillary Clinton, who regularly vacationed on MVI when they occupied the White House. As you recall, the Clintons were “dead broke” when leaving office, but they somehow seem to be getting by just fine today and will even be visiting the Obama’s there this week.

    Now, if your only source for information on Obama is the White House press blog, you’d never know he’s on vacation, because there’s been no mention of “Martha’s Vineyard” – and for good reason.

    Exotic presidential vacations don’t go over well when all those “hard-working Americans” Obama so often exploits in his stump speeches are barely making ends meet because of his failed economic policies. Indeed, illegal immigrants are streaming across our southern border, and a recent study found that the net jobs created since 2000 have been taken by immigrants instead of by the record numbers of unemployed Americans.

    Beyond our shores, as a direct result of Obama’s foreign policy malfeasance, there is a dramatic resurgence of al-Qa'ida terror around the world, the Middle East is melting down, there is religious genocide in Iraq and Central Africa, Putin’s “Russian Spring” is in full bloom, Assad has long since laughed away Obama’s Syrian “red line,” Iran’s nuclear bomb production is nearing completion, and there is a looming pandemic threat on our horizon.

    Meanwhile, Obama is on the putting green. And why not?

    Desperate to distance herself from a failed foreign policy she helped create, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned her former boss’s international efforts this week: “Great nations need organizing principles, and ‘Don’t do stupid stuff’ is not an organizing principle.” Unfazed, Obama predictably pulled out his favorite rebuttal – “Blame Bush.”

    Obama can sit back and coast now, having set into motion policies that, if left unchecked, fulfill his promise of fundamentally transforming the United States of America – undermining our heritage of Liberty and all that is good and right about our great nation.

    So, does it really matter that he’s putting while the world burns?

    According to his legions of Leftmedia apologists, no. As ABC News put it, “Obama is catching flak for doing something tens of millions of Americans do every summer.”

    But make no mistake: Obama has set a record pace for vacations, golf outings and fundraisers, and he has logged more hours on the most luxurious private jet in the world with the most costly support teams, all at gargantuan taxpayer expense. Monday night, he hosted his 401st fundraiser, having already far outpaced the number of political events George W. Bush attended over his eight years – by almost 40%. One of his MVI neighbors noted that an entertainer at the latest event was belting out lyrics to “Signed, Sealed, Delivered.” Indeed, Obama is bought and paid for!

    As public opinion analyst John Zogby said, noting Obama’s dismal approval ratings, few Americans across the country are “singing and dancing to Pharrell Williams' ‘Happy.’”

    But do any of Obama’s hard-core base supporters care that this consummate hypocrite, pathological liar and textbook pathological narcissist, is leading them like so many lemmings toward the abyss?

    Do they care that in the 2008 campaign, then-Senator Obama promised he would not be a “recreational president,” insisting, “The bargain that any president strikes is, you give me this office and in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone. I am giving myself to you.”

    Do they care that during his first term, their Community Organizer in Chief repeatedly promised that “I/We will not rest … until every American who wants a job can find one … until anybody who’s looking for a job can find one … until the American Dream is within reach for everybody … until businesses are investing again and businesses are hiring again and people have work again … until we have revived this economy and rebuilt it stronger than before … until we are creating jobs and opportunities for middle-class families … until we have moved beyond the cycles of boom and bust … until we build an economy that’s ready for America’s future … until we’re not just recovering, but we’re prospering … until every American who is able and ready and willing to work can find a job … until these seeds of progress grow into a broader prosperity, not only for all Americans, but for peoples around the globe … until we have fully recovered from this recession … until we get this right … until we get the job done … until brick by brick, block by block, our communities are being made whole again … until anybody who works hard can earn their way into the middle class,” … ad infinitum.

    Of course, the White House did announce that Obama will interrupt his vacation for a quick hop back to DC on Monday, probably to sign an executive order fast-tracking citizenship for illegal immigrants – you know, the ones who are taking all those jobs from Obama’s most vociferous base supporters, and enabling them to remain, in record numbers, on government subsistence.

    Memo to America: FORE!

    Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
    Semper Fortis Vigilate Paratus et Fidelis

  7. #137
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    Jun 2013
    The Buck Stops There

    For Obama, everything is the fault of the 'previous administration'

    BY: David Rutz
    August 13, 2014 2:00 pm

    Since 2009, President Obama has often reminded audiences of actions taken by the “previous administration,” nearly always to pass off responsibility for any bad news plaguing his White House.
    As recently as Saturday, Obama sought to deflect any culpability for Iraq’s deteriorating situation due to his decision to pull out all American troops by referencing the policies of the ”previous administration” of President George W. Bush.
    “What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up as if this was my decision,” Obama said. “Under the previous administration, we had turned over the country to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government. In order for us to maintain troops in Iraq, we needed the invitation of the Iraqi government and we needed assurances that our personnel would be immune from prosecution if, for example, they were protecting themselves and ended up getting in a firefight with Iraqis, that they wouldn’t be hauled before an Iraqi judicial system.”
    The buck stops there.

    This guy doesn't quit..the lies just keep coming out of his mouth!!!

    Hey, it wasn’t ME that decided to pull out of Iraq…

    Posted by Michael Becker on Aug 13, 2014

    It was George Bush that set the Iraq pull out timetable. Not me. There was nothing I could do. So there.
    President Petulant is back to spinning the buck, this time on the Iraq pull out. He was asked last week if he regretted pull all of the troops out of Iraq. If you watch closely, you will see the ghost of Harry Truman – “The Buck Stops Here” – spinning in the background.

    video at link below

    Well, you probably guessed it, that’s an absolute lie.

    The New Yorker magazine, no Tea Party publication there, blew a big hole in that idea long ago.
    President Obama, too, was ambivalent about retaining even a small force in Iraq. For several months, American officials told me, they were unable to answer basic questions in meetings with Iraqis – like how many troops they wanted to leave behind – because the administration had not decided. “We got no guidance from the White House,” Jeffrey told me. “We didn’t know where the president was. Maliki kept saying, ‘I don’t know what I have to sell.’ ”
    That would be “leading from behind.” Or leading from his behind. On that note, here’s what President Obama said on October 21, 2011.
    Good afternoon, everybody. As a candidate for President, I pledged to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end — for the sake of our national security and to strengthen American leadership around the world. After taking office, I announced a new strategy that would end our combat mission in Iraq and remove all of our troops by the end of 2011. [...]
    So today, I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year. After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over.
    In fact, from the horse’s, ummm, own mouth, here’s what the President had to say about just WHO ended the war in Iraq.

    video at link below

    Now you’d think that would cause some questions from the major media about his current state of denial. Obviously, from the lack of follow up questions to his original dodge, they’re not all that interested in what is just another Presidential lie.


    Last edited by kathyet2; 08-14-2014 at 08:59 AM.

  8. #138
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    Jun 2013
    Take Your "Miss Me Yet?" Sign and Stick It

    by Tom Woods on August 13, 201

    Published on Aug 13, 2014
    Anthony Gregory joins Tom to discuss the horrific George W. Bush record, lest we forget, in the age of Obama, just how bad he was. Subscribe to the Tom Woods Show:


    Alex Jones Visits George H. W. Bush Temple

    NO!!!! Not on your life do I miss this jerk!!!!
    Last edited by kathyet2; 08-14-2014 at 12:47 PM.

  9. #139
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    Jun 2013
    Turns Out Liberals Can’t Do Whatever They Want

    Townhall Magazine | Aug 14, 2014

    Editor's note: In the August issue of Townhall Magazine, where this column originally appeared, HotAir's Mary Katharine Ham discusses how courts from New York to Washington are striking down liberal overreach.

    It was a good day for the rule of law. On a Thursday in the early summer of 2014, those who would overstep their legal bounds in matters big and small were roundly rebuked by the nation’s courts for their, ahem, creative approach to governance.

    There will inevitably come days when the courts are not so liberal in their doling out of I-told-you-sos to liberals, so we should gather our power-limiting rosebuds while we may.

    In New York, former-Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s nanny-state utopia lost one of its signature components as the state’s highest court said nope to a ban on large soft drinks. The court affirmed a lower court decision that said the state health board overstepped its bounds when it essentially enacted legislation without the power to write law.

    Under the soda ban, which was meant to go into effect in early 2013, establishments like restaurants, fast-food joints, movie theaters, sports stadiums, and food carts would have been prohibited from selling sodas over 16 oz. The nanny- staters lost this bid to meddle in your life because instead of doing the hard work of winning over the public and passing a law that would allow such meddling, the health board simply asserted power it didn’t have.

    “[I]t is the province of the people’s elected representatives, rather than appointed administrators, to resolve difficult social problems by making choices among competing ends,” the court decision stated.

    A recent Rasmussen national poll found more than 60 percent of Americans oppose local bans on sodas over 16 oz, with only 19 percent approving. That complicates the work ahead for the New York City Council, which says it will consider passing soda ban legislation. Of course. You can’t keep a good meddler down.

    The city’s health commissioner, as reported by Time magazine, is determined to explore ways “to limit the pernicious effects of aggressive and predatory marketing of sugary drinks and unhealthy foods.”

    We can only hope the media coverage of this overreach might cast a pall on the nanny-staters’ future attempts by revealing their authoritarian impulses.

    On a grander scale for a meddler of even greater and graver ambitions, a unanimous Supreme Court decided, when it comes to presidents making recess appointments, the president cannot unilaterally decide when the Senate is in recess.

    Recess appointments have long been exercised by presidents of both parties to install their nominees when thwarted by the Senate confirmation process. Such appointments may be made while the Senate is in recess, according to Article II of the Constitution, but must eventually be ratified by the Senate, or they become vacant again. The installment of John Bolton in the position of ambassador to the U.N. was a famous recess appointment of the Bush years. Though this appointment raised hue and cry from liberals, it was within the powers of the presidency.

    Not so for President Obama’s most famous recess appointments, which happened when the Senate was not actually in recess. The Senate, in the bipartisan manner for which the president is so very often yearning, hammered out a deal by which Senate Republicans would agree to a slate of Obama nominees if Democratic Sen. Harry Reid agreed to keep the Senate in session to prevent Obama’s more controversial, desired appointments to the National Labor Relations Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

    Yes, it sounds boring and technical, but stick with me. Unfortunately, the Obama administration has realized that it can snag plenty of unconstitutional powers by doing it in boring and technical ways that don’t arouse as much suspicion from a compliant press or much interest from a busy public. So, the Senate went about gaveling itself into session in the barest technical sense of the word.

    It’s called a “pro-forma” session, and though it was decided by the Senate and approved by dint of the bipartisan compromise which, again, the president claims to love, Obama simply deemed the Senate was not in session. He appointed whom he wished to appoint and liberal writers and reporters lined up to explain to everyone that this was totally within his rights, silly conservatives and constitutionalists. The president’s a constitutional scholar, you know.

    At the time, The Washington Post called the move, “a bold act of political defiance.” Liberal blog Think Progress offered this smart take: “Sorry, Boehner, the Senate cannot take away Obama’s recess appointment power by pretending to work.” A New York Times editor declared the “validity of recess appointments ... depend on the eye of the beholder.” The New York Times, he explained, approved of pro-forma sessions when they beheld them under Democrats thwarting Bush, but not when they beheld them being used against Obama.

    No, really. Liberal reporter Brian Beutler declared Obama “suddenly on a recess appointments roll” and Ezra Klein argued it was Republicans who were radical, not the guy who “set a new precedent” that the Supreme Court knocked down 9-0.

    In the end, by overreaching so thoroughly, the New York health board and the Obama administration made it materially harder for bureaucrats and executives to overreach in the future. The authoritarians who wish to make the rules for the rest of us are occasionally required to obey the rules themselves. And, for that, everyone who loves freedom can be thankful. •

  10. #140
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    Jun 2013

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