I was driving to pick my son up from school this afternoon.
He is twelve and amazing.
And I heard on the radio an advertisement that I have heard thousands of times before.
It was about registering for the draft. As I always do when it comes on, I counted the years....six years left. Six years left till they can take him.
And as always my stomach did a flip flop.
But this time I heard something I hadn't really paid attention to before.
The female announcer said in a bright motherly voice, with not even a hint of a threat that failing to register for the draft at 18 in some states could cause you to lose your licence, be unable to go to college or in some cases not get a job.......................

(I bet I don't really have to finish now...I bet you are already there..but just in case, I will finish.....)

It hit me like a ton of bricks. Today, just today.....Illinois congress passed a bill onto Senate that will potentially give legal driving papers to illegals.

So let me get this straight.

Price of a job, a licence, or an education for a young American Citizen...
the possibility that he may someday have to spill his blood on foreign soil.

The price of a job, a licence, or an education for a young illegal alien....
well, nothing. In fact for not registering for the draft, for not obeying our laws, for not respecting our country, the young illegal will get a job with no taxes, social services, and if he has his way, that most highly prized priviledge of any immigrant ever coming to America in all of the years of this country..

Which leads me to ask. Are our young American sons expendable?
Are they replaceable..in the work place, to the banks, to businesses, and to this government as voters?

Just do the math. I think the answer is pretty obvious.

But they are not expendable to us. Mine is not expendable to me.
My post isn't a condemnation of war. I am a military vet as is my husband.
It is more about the inequity forced onto the American citizen on our own soil by our own government and it is a travesty.