We’ve Been Had!
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by Don Hank

The Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building was built in 1937. Last year, the property was valued at $109,029,200. How large a part did the Federal Reserve System play in the ongoing worldwide economic meltdown?

(Oct. 19, 2010) — Folks, time to refocus the tea party. We now have the GOP establishment running the entire show and we are not one inch closer to defending against the wholesale out-in-the-open fraud that is about to destroy our economy.

What happened to you and me? Are we chopped liver?

I don’t think so. I am not ready to relinquish my kids’ future. Let’s refocus.

Here is the issue:

Americans have been the victims of the biggest crime in the history of the world. The bank robbers were the banks and their politician friends. It didn’t stop at our shores. The bank robbers sold phony derivatives loaded with toxic mortgages to other countries as well and triggered a world financial and economic crisis that shows no signs of abating. This is not to say that it was all American banks that did it. The EU let the Greeks and other countries rack up debts that under EU law were illegal and then said, “Ah, that’s OK; we’ll bail you out.â€