I went to the clinic yesterday within the "welfare" office in my city. While I was trying to find parking I could not believe how blatant the abuse of our social services is. Parked in the parking lot were numerous cars with TJ plates, what the heck are these people doing going to a tax payer funded facility? In the cars were the same thing, men asleep waiting for their wives or girlfriends. It's bad enough I have to see TJ plates when I drop my kids off at school and pick them up but at a place like this? Especially since we are in a financial crisis wouldn't it be prudent for congress to pass an ammendment fixing the 14th ammendment for these anchor babies since people from TJ cross the border with their anchor babies and get their free medical and food stamps and checks every month? The lines for welfare almost reached the clinic and most people were Mexican who spoke little english, not even the "security guard" spoke english. You'd think it was a bank or something. While Americans are struggling to put food on the table these leeches are sucking up much needed funds for Americans and congress has done nothing about it.