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  1. #31
    Leta's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    It's Time To Stand Up

    I see that everyone else here is as frustrated as I. I have one comment only.


    I urge each of you to research the above term. It is our only hope.

  2. #32
    BobbyXD9's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    Ok, I see a few possible courses of action to this dilemma. The 2 most doable are 1) Write off America. Find a country where honest, productive, conservative people can live with an iron-clad Constitution. Move there & live free. 2) Rinse our minds & thinking of any notion that there is a viable political party in America that will serve the will of Conservative citizens; because there isn't one.

    As conservatives, we are the enemy of liberals, globalists, open borders advocates, lawyers, psychiatrists, unions, victocrats, bureaucrats, terrorists, media hacks, & all the others who would steal people's liberty for their own gain & that of the government. Yet, it is these very enemies who we let define us. They call us racists, bigots, homophobic, xenophobic, fascists(a liberal construct), mean, etc. The Republican crybaby polititians wince, cry & slink away when such names are hurrled.

    Here's what we must do. Found, fund, & support a TOTALLY NEW political party. State right up front that we are looking to support a candidate who meets all the above qualifications...then support him/her to the death. The media & other Marxist entities will make up all manner of lies & dirt about whoever this might be but we just nod gently & say, "Yup, that's my candidate". We would have to be upfront with the fact that all current political refuse is so substandard that even when our guy is accused of pedephilia, we just nod & say, "Yup, that's my candidate." Believe & react to NOTHING said about our guy. If crimes are alleged, then say, Ok, take him to court, send him to jail & maybe we will believe the worst.

    The entire Nazi regime was based on the fact that if you tell a lie often enough the people will believe it. Well wake up, people, the dinosaur media makes billions of dollars for telling the same lies EVERY DAY until they are believed! Witness Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay, global frickin warming!

    We need to support a candidate with absolute, overwhelming support. I'm talking about Ron Paul times 10! And we need to start NOW! RFN! Begin with finding 3-4 squeeky-clean candidates & decide who will be Pres, VP, etc. If the guy we've picked for pres. gets shot, or whatever, the VP steps up. But we find these guys within the next year & they spend the following 3 years to build a war chest & gain support & popularity.

    That's how we do it. It has to be all or nothing because another McAmnesty in 4 years will end up just like the last one & since he's just another Osama Barak, who cares anyway? Me, I like the go find another country idea. Leave this palce to become the socialist sh*thole as described by Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged. I see it as time to shrug but will sign onto either solution. [/b]

  3. #33
    ncfm's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    The sky has fallen?

    It was my understanding that this fellow Reid (the guy who owned the cleaning company) and his illegal aliens workers had been caught, and that he was complaining bitterly about the $22,800 dollar fine he had been saddled with. How is the fact that he got caught, even though his workers managed to get in a few days at Cherthoff's house, a negative reflection on Secretary Cherthoff? Realistically, most people in the position of hiring people to "do their house cleaning" want this work down when they aren't at home. Put yourself in such a position. Would you want to sit around the house watching TV, drinking coffee, doing those private things you wouldn't want people around for, while you had house cleaning staff swarming all over? The fact that Reid and his illegal alien workers were apprehended suggests that DHS/ICE did their job. Maybe they didn't prevent these illegals from getting in (that BP's job) or getting hired (that's Reid's job) but they did manage to apprehend Mr. Reid and his illegal alien workers, and a hefty $22K fine was levied. I agree that the changes to the existing guest worker policies (some 500 pages of changes according to early news reports on NPR this morning) are most likely going to be a disasterous usurpation of the will of America's Citizens. Arguably, those of us out here in the trenches are phoning, faxing, writing, e-mailing, and visiting our Legislators at every opportunity on these issues ar doing as much as we can. Apparently, nothing short of vociferous, public demonstrations gets any attention in Washington. Obviously, the majority of America's Citizens can't or won't decend on Washington en-masse. Those of us who still have jobs, families, businesses, cannot afford to run to Washington to make our demands known. We can however; if properly motivated and planned, demonstrate en-masse at our House and Senate members offices during the upcoming "holiday break" for Congress. Sure it'll take some work. Someone in each Congressional and Senate District will have to call their representatives office and ask to meet with their Congressman and Senate member. Then everyone in that district will have to arrange to take that time (with Christmas shopping and festivities being as lack luster as they are, no one has an excuse to avoid taking action) to show up and be counted! Legislators love rallies where everyone supports them, even though they never get anything done. Legialators hate and fear rallies of upset constituents who show up and demand a redress of their grievances. Indeed, it is this fear of constituents wrath that may be the best motivator for Congress. By now Alipac should know organizationally who their "go-to" people are in these Congressional districts. ALIPAC could and should be among the movers and shakers on this issue! ALIPAC should have their "GO-TO" people calling to arrange meetings with Congressional members in these districts over the holidays. Once a meeting is secured, ALIPAC should use it's considerable outreach to phone, e-mail members and supporters in these districts, and set them up with talking points, and ask that anyone who can attend these local Congressional meetings make an effort. Those who can't attend such meetings should make note of when and where the meetings will be, and phone, fax, e-mail the legislators at those locations to reiterate their support for enforcement policies. Think of this as a form of "voting on-line". Make no mistake about it, even a few likeminded individuals showing up at Congressional offices, expressing a shared view of what Congress needs to do, is invaluable. A Legislator forced to confront constituents face-to-face is more valuable than all the e-mail, fax, letter writing, and phone campaigns. Those of us out here in the field are willing to walk the walk, but it remains for ALIPAC and similar organizations to provide us a useful methodology and a framework to work with. It's not enough for ALIPAC and similar organizations to just "bitch" about what we should do, they should play a key role in establishing a game plan and in executing this plan at both the local and national level. ALIPAC knows who to go to in the Congressional districts, and they have the database and resources to connect us all on a local and regional level. America's Citizens are fed up, but in a vacuum of leadership at the grass roots level, we will continue to wallow in ineffectiveness and apathy. If I had the "GO TO" information and the database resources of ALIPAC and other organizations, I'd certainly be packaging a plan and getting out to the masses so we can make Congress Christmas enlightening!

  4. #34
    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
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    Appalling that Mr. Chertoff would not request services from a company that uses E Verify which the federal government pushes. Appalling that the Secret Service did not verify immigration status and validity of documents. Illegal aliens use fake and stolen identities. So, if fake or stolen, the illegal aliens could be terrorists, fugitives, and others who would do harm.

    This shows the lack of cooperation between government departments and this shows the vulnerability of this nation when the highest offices cannot properly screen people.

    While the owner is out on the media trail, and even though he has been fined for illegal alien hiring, it is the fault and responsibility of the Director of Homeland Security to check and have checked those who would work and enter his home. He does after all have access to all available tools for verification and criminal background checks of individuals, unlike most Americans who fall victim to illegal alien hiring from employers who do not use E Verify and the photo verification of documents tool available.

    Luke 2 - "Unto us is born, in the City of David, a Saviour, Christ Jesus..."
    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #35
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    Wow, I just checked and this article has been read over 11,620 times already and it has been out less than 24 hours.

    It's receiving high ratings of 4.84 so far.

    Thank you to everyone that has commented here and by e-mail so far. I can't answer each post or email at this time but I am reading everything that comes in.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #36
    I emailed the article to everyone I know and I am sure others did as well. I am glad it is so well read. It is an IMPORTANT eye opener!

  7. #37
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    I'm sending this to our national press list


    Members of the American Press:

    We need your opinions on what you feel that Americans opposed to illegal immigration and increased immigration levels should do about these items? What are the proper recourses? Please read the following report and all constructive comments are appreciated at

    This report is hot on the net and has been read over 12,000 times in the first 18 hours.

    Please read and respond ...

    Dictatorship USA: The American Sky Has Fallen

    Located at the top of the homepage.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  8. #38
    Senior Member 93camaro's Avatar
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    Apr 2008
    You want some of this?
    Time to go to the ground!!! We need marches and we need to make the media cover Americans not Illegal Sob stories!!! We need to organize and and get off our butts and DO Something!
    Work Harder Millions on Welfare Depend on You!

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by LuvMyCountry
    The revolution must begin. We can no longer expect the regime in Washington to do whats right for Americans. they are not on our side nor do they care for this country. It is up to we the Patriots to defend our homeland.
    I agree. We can start by boycotting purchasing all automobiles made by the big 3 in Detroit if our Congress, Bush or Obama bails them out. Yes, there may be pain for the country if there is no bailout, but I think our country needs some discipline in the fiscal sense. The chickens are coming home to roost! (to quote a moron).

  10. #40

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    Jan 1970
    To the 470 guests online:Sign-up, sign-in and get actively involved.

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