[Watch] Spanish Speaking Illegals Fight English Requirement in LA School Cafeteria Workplace

Posted on November 1, 2014 by Rick Wells

Fifty years ago California, particularly Southern California, had a nice bit of Mexican flavor to it, but it was still clearly America. That has changed and what we now see there in many ways more closely resembles Mexico than it does the United States. The infrastructure, the relative lighter population density and higher standard of living are the obvious differences, but those are both moving towards common ground, ours in decline, the Mexicans’ on an upward trend.
This video from Los Angeles station KCAL describes the Los Angeles Unified School District’s battle with two of their cafeteria employees’ unions over a requirement that employees speak English while on duty. The policy has been in place since 2005 but was recently reinforced with signage. The rule is now being challenged by the socialist labor unions, who are working hard for the Democrats as their agents in the destruction of our nation.
One parent interviewed says, “I understand that we are in America, but they should also understand that, I mean, Latinos is one third of the population here and especially here in LA.”
Aside from the obvious role that Governor Jerry Brown, the Mexican government, the Obama regime and the unions played in the decent into chaos as the state itself is concerned, even more damaging is the acceptance of the existence of illegals in their society.
That parent didn’t say he’s an American, he said he and his fellow Latinos are “in America,” as in shouldn’t be here because they crossed the nearby border illegally. He also describes those making the decisions as “they,” which could be a reference to the school district but it could be describing American citizens.
Perhaps this one individual has a green card, whether he does or doesn’t, one guy doesn’t matter. The perception in that state, and the leaders bear much of the responsibility, is that it is fine for the illegals to be there and the citizens are expected to accommodate them. His comments make that clear.
They speak Spanish in Mexico and these people won’t be satisfied until it’s the official language in America as well. And those who are here in the United States who don’t speak English are by and large here illegally. Had they grown up in America, they would speak English. Had they gone through a legitimate immigration process, they would speak some English. No English is required to sneak across the border.
California will go bankrupt as a result of their irresponsible, un-American leadership. Then their residents, citizens and invaders alike, will simply move on to parasitically feed off of the portions of the nation which behaved responsibly, destroying them as they did their own state.
This video is not about the cafeteria. It is about the reason we have borders and what happens when they are disregarded and disrespected.


Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit www.rickwells.us
