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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Star Angeles
    The problem of relocating is WHERE? I have seriously thought of living Southern California where I have lived for over 40 years. I love the climate. I hate the illegals. And it has gotten progressively worse over the years. Obviously the price of housing and rent here would make it hard for others to move into California. I actually think it might be a good idea to move to a few states en masse and have Americans work towards making a NEW American dream as well as have an area for retirees and disabled. If we abandon the border states to the illegals and give them a free reign for a couple of decades WHILE vigoriously enforcing laws against illegals and state borders, it would SHOW that where the illegals live en masse that there is a third world sort of situation, increased crime, increased welfare, corruption of local and state government, etc. While the states with AMERICANS will again become prosperous and clean ( relatively speaking ), low in crime, etc. Oh and it might make those high rents and housing prices fall as well!
    I rent but if I OWNED I would be selling that high priced house or condo in a heartbeat and moving to one of the states with a low amount of illegals! I do think it is an idea that people should seriously think about. AND I also think that some of the border states should be included in the states Americans would go to so it can be shown what states CAN do if they police the borders, ship the illegals home and cut off any taxpayer monies to them.
    As far as a foreign country I would say Australia. I don't think the situation would be very good in Europe as it has been invaded by Muslims. And in Australia here is a lot of that continent that is still unexplored. Pioneer time!

  2. #32
    Greyerhat's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    Could someone get the companys bosses email address? We need to ALL email this company!!
    IF TRW is the company, it may be good to be sure of the cost. TRW used to be in the credit reporting business, and usually still has a hand in this...those who protest might find ...mysterious coincidences...being related to their Credit Score

    Let's be brutally honest: THe Only thing that matters is when you force Politicians to STOP and PAY Attention to You. Its time to think about ways to do that.

  3. #33
    Senior Member NoIllegalsAllowed's Avatar
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    Sewell, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by libbeebell
    The problem of relocating is WHERE? I have seriously thought of living Southern California where I have lived for over 40 years. I love the climate. I hate the illegals. And it has gotten progressively worse over the years. Obviously the price of housing and rent here would make it hard for others to move into California. I actually think it might be a good idea to move to a few states en masse and have Americans work towards making a NEW American dream as well as have an area for retirees and disabled. If we abandon the border states to the illegals and give them a free reign for a couple of decades WHILE vigoriously enforcing laws against illegals and state borders, it would SHOW that where the illegals live en masse that there is a third world sort of situation, increased crime, increased welfare, corruption of local and state government, etc. While the states with AMERICANS will again become prosperous and clean ( relatively speaking ), low in crime, etc. Oh and it might make those high rents and housing prices fall as well!
    I rent but if I OWNED I would be selling that high priced house or condo in a heartbeat and moving to one of the states with a low amount of illegals! I do think it is an idea that people should seriously think about. AND I also think that some of the border states should be included in the states Americans would go to so it can be shown what states CAN do if they police the borders, ship the illegals home and cut off any taxpayer monies to them.
    As far as a foreign country I would say Australia. I don't think the situation would be very good in Europe as it has been invaded by Muslims. And in Australia here is a lot of that continent that is still unexplored. Pioneer time!
    In a state filled with just illegals who would pay for the welfare?
    Free Ramos and Compean NOW!

  4. #34
    KickEmOut's Avatar
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    Rural N. CA
    Some people on this thread have mentioned moving to Australia. That nation has some of the toughest immigration laws in the world. You have to be under 35 years old and have a skill before they will even look at you. We are the dopiest country on earth when it comes to immigration lately. We shouldn't even be giving the idea of leaving our country any thought. We should be thinking of ways to rid our land of the illegals and the jerks that want to give illegals equal status as us. WE MUST get our land back and then we must change the laws and then we must instill in our children and grandchildren that constant VIGILANCE is the only answer.

    Now I realize we're just venting and having some brainstorming, etc. but please people let's not surrend our rights and our nation so easily. The fight is going to get worse before it gets better. We need everybody pulling together. OK, nuff rah-rah from me. I'll back off now.
    <div>Want some ICE with that cervesa?</div>

  5. #35
    Senior Member nittygritty's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    legalgal, this gal you talked to sounds dangerously like a Stepford wife lol
    Build the dam fence post haste!

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Fired and accused of advocating violence?? Bull!!!!

    Advocating violence ? The Illegal Imigrants coming into the U.S. is advocating violence! I know everything has a time and place. We shouldn't use Enployer's Time to share our views and insight now matter how good it is, so we squelsh it down, and all along our corprate heads are telling us what to think. Well the way I figure it maybe we need a "Guest Worker pass," then we can voice our opinion!
    One Voice Speaking Loudly ~ ~ ~ Judymd

  7. #37
    sunsetincali's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by moosetracks
    They spew more hate than the one's they keep calling racists...I don't know how citizens in California and other border States, stand it..!
    It's depressing out here but I know in a few years I'll be gone
    so I am trying my best to tolerate the blatant disrespect for my
    country and language.
    Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed.
    Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
    Mahatma Gandhi

  8. #38
    VOATNOW1's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    All, do not use your work station/computer for anything but work unless you have written permission to do otherwise.

    I have seen several people lose their jobs for this reason. They were not looking at porn or other questionable sites either. A friend lost a 35K a year job over this. He even took it to arbitration and still lost.

    Read the employee handbook (RTFEH) if you are not sure about this.

    Some companies expect you to follow certain rules even when you are off the clock BTW.

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