I am listening to the Mark Levin radio talk show. A woman just called in, quite upset, and said she had just come from a meeting of LaRaza. She had taken copius notes and was reading them off. At first I was flabbergasted......but then I started writing.......

The Dumbama health plan:

Latino children need health care more then whites....

Useless treatments for elderly whites will be gone....

He (Martinez I believe it was) said he is going to make sure latinos are the center of the health care program....

There was a LaRaza statement, "if they get the health care they don't even care about amnesty.... (Can you imagine the INCOMING rush for our border????)

The crowd was told that people (meaning us nasty whites) must not find out that latinos are the center of the bill....

That latinos making up to $66,000/yr, will pay nothing for insurance....

WHEN I HEAR MORE, WILL LET YOU KNOW. Mark is leading the fight right now among his 7 million listeners against cap and trade. As soon as this is over he is going to go with health care, so very well may replay this woman's call, or put it on his site.

Also, here is some info on Martinez that will make you ill.
Senator Mel Martinez Receives Award From La Raza

For his continued support of mass illegal immigration in the United States and his fervent support of amnesty for illegal aliens, the National Council of La Raza issued Senator Mel Martinez a big award last week. As you can see in the picture to the right, Digger's Realm also has issued him a big award. Unfortunately that picture will probably be used many, many times here in the future as Mel Martinez gets behind mass amnesty for illegal aliens.

La Raza's award is called the "Capital Award" for what they say is "support of and commitment to policy issues critical to Hispanic Americans". But we all know what that means. It has nothing to do with "Hispanic Americans". When was the last time Tom Tancredo received an award for defending American citizens of a Hispanic culture against illegal aliens taking their tax dollars and their jobs? Oh that's right, he hasn't. And he won't. Because at La Raza they're all about "the race", not America - and certainly not Americans.

Who was the other recipient this year of the "Capital Award"? None other than Ted "Amnesty" Kennedy.

You can watch the video below where Senator Mel Martinez sickeningly slobbers over Ted Kennedy and the racist horde at the conference. He says that he will get behind - and force - "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" soon. He uses every single cliché that the open borders groups use. "a nation of immigrants" and the bull that only immigrants have been innovators in this country. Stuff about bringing people "out of the shadows". Stuff about giving illegal aliens paid college educations over struggling American kids. It's so sickening because he talks about his struggles getting through college and then goes on to point out how he's going to make that even harder for American kids today - if they can even get into college with seats being taken by illegal aliens.

He also thanks La Raza and in particular thanks them for their efforts to "advance all the causes that are so important to our community". It never ceases to amaze me that someone can get away with outright racist comments like that. Flip it around, a white person receiving an award from a white only activist group and having him thank them for "advancing all the causes that are so important to our community".

Outright in your face racism - and nobody bats an eye.
