Don’t reward immigrants

To the Editor:

As an American citizen and military veteran, I take great exception to the words of Alfonso Aguilar, chief of citizenship for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security.

In his recent address to the American Legion convention, he told veterans that America desperately needed foreign workers because American families were not having enough children to provide an adequate workforce. He implied that Americans are old and tired, and that America must have an infusion of young immigrants to remain viable. This is why the Bush administration is pushing to turn illegal aliens into guest workers and citizens through yet another amnesty.

Thank goodness the legion strongly opposes rewarding illegal immigration as the president and some members of Congress advocate.

Richard Brook

Harvard ... 782136.txt

Comments left so far:

matt22 wrote on March 17, 2007 9:16 AM:
"the Legion should have kicked Aguilar off the stage when he was spewing his biased spin on illegal immigration. oh, excuse me. i'll rephrase that... just 'immigration'."

elderslie wrote on March 17, 2007 9:57 AM:
"Wouldn't it be ironic if Alfonso Aguilar were actually an illegal. Has anybody bothered to check his status?"

alan wrote on March 17, 2007 10:12 AM:
"At the request of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce the Bush Administration in the first days in power stopped a program put in place by Clinton that the IRS tracked quarterly statements from businesses. The program consisting of 5 employees tracked mismatched names and social security numbers. Simple, if the info didn't match, the employer had until the next quarter to fix or the employee could no longer be on the payroll. This stopped about a million illegals from working in this country. No work no stay. But face it, these are the same folks who hate minimum wage, unions, pensions, social security, unemployment benefits and apparently the middle class in general. Funny, we talk about illegal immigration, but NEVER mention ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS."

alan wrote on March 17, 2007 10:14 AM:
"Stopped a million illegals each year from working .. Sorry"

ProgressiveIsTheWay wrote on March 17, 2007 1:26 PM:
"alan - you've got the right idea. I said before that if you put the employers in jail for hiring illegals, other employers will stop hiring them and they will move on. And as far as the Bush administration goes, and I don't care if it's Bush or Aguila, you can't trust what they tell you. Their motives are nothing but self-serving. BTW, Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!"