Yesterday I was at a McDonalds with my grandkids and allowed them to go into the playarea. I walked outside in the sun where I could keep an eye on them and sat down next to 2 Mexican couples whose kids were also playing in the playarea. I looked over and saw that these parents were obviously not patrons of the restaurant as they were passing around their own appetizers to go along with the glasses of beer they were drinking.

Now I am not opposed to anyone having a beer or two, but openly drinking at a McDonalds play area goes against my grain. We have our liberals going after McDonalds giving away toys in their Happymeals and then I see Mexican parents openly drinking at one of their playareas. They were not trying to hide what they were doing, it was obvious that they didn't think they were doing anything wrong.

As I watched this my thoughts went beyond exposing kids to drinking to the fact that every adult had a glass of beer in their hands and eventually were going to pile these kids into their car and drive.