Of course this is the only place I can come regularly to feel
some support but lately something has really been bothering me.
I'm born, raised and educated in New Orleans. I've called Cali
home for the past ten years now. (inbetween that time I lived
overseas but Cali became base)

Anyway we all know how badly New Orleans was hit by hurricane
Katrina and the entire Gulf region period. I was devastated as
I faced the reality of my Dad losing his business and home.
Mom having to relocate to Houston for seven months.
Brother losing his video game store and Grandma losing the
house she built and lived in for over
sixty years.

This is what I can't comprehend. New Orleans is still in HORRIBLE
condition. I'm talking not even basic clean up has taken place in certain
areas of the city which is mind baffling. With New Orleans
and the Gulf region TRYING to rebuild and start their lives over
how is it our government can even ENTERTAIN the demands of illegals when our OWN CITIZENS are struggling, suffering, dying and losing hope. This is a clear situtaion of not giving a damn about OUR OWN! Hurrican season starts again on June 1st and those people are not prepared for a bad season so only G-d knows what will happen BUT it seems there's no TRUE concern for them. What is it? Are they just a bunch of poor, country folks that the hot shots in power could care less about? How did the ILLEGAL agenda take precedence over New Orleans, Mississippi etc?? Just how???

Now these SAME illegals expect everyone to lobby behind them...particularly other minorities when they were missing in action
during Katrina. I didn't see any of them volunteering to help the Gulf
Region. I saw AMERICANS driving down and helping fellow Americans
and well... I'm just digusted and I can't live with these ill feelings
that are simmering within me. When are we going to take care of home
is all I want to know? If anyone should be protesting it SHOULD

** I apologize for the long post but I had to get this off my chest**
