Well, I ain’t gonna fight the guest worker program. Although I know it’s actually wrong and unjustified to the people who do take a hard effort to come here legally, but we just have to stick to reality here.
also do I know that normally an amnesty should only be an individual case and should not be applied to an entire group of people. Neither am I happy about the so called guest workers plan.

I'd like to see this happen:

1 ) First of all close our borders with Mexico and Canada for a Maximum one year period. So no tourism too for just that one year.

2 ) Check all the people here whether they are legal or illegal.

3 ) The illegals that have been here less than 3 year should be deported UNLESS they gave birth to infants on US Soil. Cause then the children are citizens under the constitution and it would not be nice to separate children from their parents.

4 ) The illegals that have been here for over 3 years, can stay and should be given a Green Card. Why ?? Because I think that they have contributed to this country also.

The bush guest worker programme is going too far in my humble pov, but at least he's trying hard to deal with the issue. And that's why I think the guest worker programme should be accepted by Congress, although I do have a bad feeling with such a guest worker program. But it's the lesser of the 2 evils.

Total guest worker programme is bad, but deporting and separating parents and children from each is also bad. So I'd pick the and would support the Guest Worker Program.

And I also think that most illegals are hard working people looking for a better live. Just like my parents did when they fled communism in Hungary. They also came for a better life without oppression, so I think it would be wrong for me to bar other people to come here if they want a better life.

Although, this is what I think.