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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    N. Virginia
    WeePeebles I'm no political expert...just a disgruntled American just like you. I know all this pro-immigration stuff that is happening seems self destructive and is indeed frustrating for all of us. Unfortunately this is the result of greed for both money and power. Corporate elites can't see past their own bank accounts and the desire to be better than the other guy. Their need for cheap labor results in a better bottom line and they could really care less about Joe Six Pack. They have this inate view that all that noise will work out in the end...just so long as they are on top and part of the upper crust.

    You can see this time after time with white collar crime. Look at the best of the best who have found themselves prosecuted and now behind bars. Enron comes immediately to mind...but they are just the most exposed model. This kind of thing happens over and over again and mostly under the radar. Greed begets Power begets Greed. Politics and Money run hand in hand and it makes people blind to what they are doing.

    Also realize that most of these people have never actually worked a real day in their life. They have absolutely no clue on how it is to struggle to pay a mortgage and fight for a job. Most live in gated communities and the only exposure to the real world is the gas station between their front door and the corporate offices where they "work". Unlike their parents...most everything they have has been given to them. They go from silver-spooned crib - to private school - to ivy league college - to corporate boardroom. Most politicians are the same - they would never send their children to public school...but they make damn sure your kids stay there.

    Ok I'm rambling now...but you get the idea. Both of these people serve each other and unfortunately don't really have the country's good will at heart. Unlike the politicians before them in history, these guys are more worried about staying in office than serving the people. They are drawn to corporate money to pay for very expensive advertising. Once this happens the corporations demand payback later. Elites and politicians always beleive that no matter how it goes for the riff-raff (aka middle-class America) they will always be living above the cesspool. If you look at most Banana Republics...they are probably right. Upper class has everything....everybody else lives in poverty.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Greed, et al..

    Thank you, VaMinuteman.

    But what about the news media? I mean, they're not all wealthy (not the locals, anyway). Are they under some sort of conspiratorial mandate to decieve the public by underreporting (so as to not make the sheep nervous)?

    I saw the 60 minutes episode today re: Hazelton. The interviewer acted scornful of the Mayor, and they staged an interview with a bogus sympathetic latino woman. More deceit! I mean, how could the interviewer not see what is happening, much less condone the illegality of it all! He can't be that wealthy!

    I also read that there is a town in TX (El Cenizo) that has already passed an ordinance in 1999 to make it a Spanish speaking town!! Bush was governor at the time, and he said it was a town matter. He is an evil, evil man. And how dare those Latino activists interfere when we're trying to save our country! What hypocrits!

    We really do need to organize at least a million-person march! If blacks and latinos can do it, then so can the melting pot of LEGAL citizens! We have to make a stand soon!!

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    N. Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by WeePebbles
    But what about the news media? I mean, they're not all wealthy (not the locals, anyway). Are they under some sort of conspiratorial mandate to decieve the public by underreporting (so as to not make the sheep nervous)?
    Journalists totally confuse the heck out of the crap they pull during war time which always seems to be reporting a story relating to something bad about our soldiers. Or when they broadcast via satellite to the world where we are vulnerable to terrorist attack. Hello? Hey idiots!? - guess who ELSE is watching?!? Totally escapes me...I don't understand them either WeePeebles. The only explanation I can phathom is that maybe they get off on the power to change the public's perception and channel history. As with most liberals they enjoy challenging the status quo.

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