This forum is nice to vent, and find others who feel as you do. But the real question is, “where can we go when it seems that none of our leaders care”. Actually at times it feels as though they are promoting your demise to advance their agenda. (It feels as if we are the “emanate domain” losers of the immigration issue). At one time I would say, “Go vote, let your voice be heard”. But that is futile when you’re only voting for the “lesser of the evils”. With them it’s not about right or wrong, but it’s about power. That is, who has it and, the fact that anything and everything is open to sacrifice to get it. It’s unfortunate but our primary enemy is not the illegal immigrates, that is second, but rather it’s our leaders that thirst for power. None of our concerns are going to matter to them, just as long as they’re in power. They don’t have live and work in the areas that are affected by this invasion from the south. They are just building a voter base to keep them in power. That is “IMPORTING” a voter base, right after exporting all our jobs.

Everything you have said above is true . I understand your feelings of oppression and helplessness, I feel them as well. I cannot help but believe there is a God, who is just, and no matter what the odds are against us, the oppressed, we can find a way with his help to overcome and be victorious. I truly believe this and it is why I will continue to fight for justice as many other Americans are doing. Put all your effort and discontent into an avenue open to you to fight this unfair and ruthess invasion. Take steps to take the power back that was robbed from you. It will help you find peace and you will be making a difference as well. I know that doing this has helped my frame of mind tremendously.