My Republican Senator went on the record yesterday opposing S 1348. He openly admitted that this bill is a sham and is nothing but a thinly vieled amnesty and will not support it. He also admitted that he heard from his consituents LOUD and CLEAR that they are against the bill.

This is huge since he has one of the worst records for voting for pro-illegal legislation. His name is Gordon Smith and he is the poster boy for RINO Republicans.

I wrote this letter to him, my Democrat Senator and my Democrat Congressman. I hope this pressure will get Senator Wyden to move in our direction.

The media tries to make it sound like Republicans oppose it because it is amnesty and Democrats oppose it becuase it is not generous enough to Illegal aliens. My wife's family is all Democrats and they hate this bill for the same reasons we all do.

We need everyone who is a Dem to make that known when they call and let the folks in D.C. know that they want enforcement of existing laws and S 1348 to die.

Here's the letter:

I'd like to take a moment to personally thank Senator Smith for taking a strong position against S 1348.

The opposition to this fatally flawed bill is bipartisan. I am a life long Republican and I strongly oppose S 1348. My wife's entire family are Democrats and they hate this bill as passionately as I do.

Don't be fooled into believing that their hatred for the bill is any different than mine. They also believe that this bill is a gift to people who spit on our laws and are attempting to step over people who ARE following our immigration laws.

NOBODY believes for one minute that the enforcement provisions of S 1348 will ever occur. The laws passed since 1986 have been ignored by our government and these would be as well.

Thank you again Senator Smith for listening to your constituents, on the right and on the left. I sincerely hope Senator Wyden will listen to his constituents and have the courage to take a public position against S 1348.
