This is a new letter I recieved, that I would like to share!

Dear Friend,
It has been a good week.

Monday illegal immigrants returned to the streets demanding citizenship
and teeing off even more Americans. (Two to one Americans are less
sympathetic to illegal immigrants because of the rallies.)

Tuesday the voters of Herndon, VA ousted their pro-illegal mayor and
of his councilmen because they supported a day labor site in their
community. The voters replaced them with political novices who will
to rid Herndon of illegals.

Wednesday two national polls were released, both of which confirmed
we already knew--67% of Americans want an enforcement first approach to
immigration. The Zogby poll specifically addressed the House and the
Senate bills. By two to one Americans preferred the House version (a
fence and enforcement) to the Senate version (amnesty and guest

Then there is my favorite—last week a Rasmussen poll found that if "a
third party candidate ran in 2008 and promised to build a barrier along
the Mexican border and make enforcement of immigration law his top
priority", he would tie a Democratic candidate and defeat a Republican.

But does any of this make any difference to our Senators? I doubt it.

The debate on the immigration bill has been postponed until the end of
month. The Senate doesn’t want it to look as if they were caving in to
the demands of Monday’s mobs. So they will wait a few weeks to do so.

But they are still debating the same bill—amnesty for those here and
worker status for millions more! The general assessment of those
attending our coalition dinners is that no bill comes out of the
I am not convinced!

Harry Reid was beat up badly by Kennedy and the boys for not agreeing
some amendments. The Democrats want a bill. They see all those new
Democratic voters! They know if they can get guest worker status for
15-20 million illegals and no deportations—then amnesty will be the
step. And they are right! If we don’t have the will to deport illegal
aliens we will never have the will to deport guest workers!

And you know the Republicans are taking a beating from their corporate

Here is what I can feel in my bones is about to happen: these snakes
going to wait until a day or two before they leave for Memorial Day
and they are going to schedule a last minute vote. Then in the dark of
night, with the help of the President, they will pass an amnesty.

This is my greatest fear, a true life nightmare.

So what should we do?

Let’s take a break from the calls—a short one and let’s SEND THEM A

Yes, that is right. Send a brick, or a rock, or a piece of concrete to
your Senators and Congressman. Demand they build a fence now!

Remember last month the Senate passed $1.9 billion for border security?
Well we now know they have no intention of securing the border. It was
just for show! According to columnist Tony Blankley, “The Senate and
president have made it quite clear they have no plans to actually
the border. Their border–security proposals are charades and

They are playing games with our security and with our future! We need
make them understand how serious we are! We must make them built the
now! Without it we can’t stop the invasion and the nation is at risk!

So, please, send a brick (or rock) to your elected representatives,
next week if possible, and don’t forget to attach a note! Got to for your senators’
address and ... resses.htm
for your congressman’s address.

If you need our help we will gladly send a brick in your name to
you like. It may be best if it is postmarked from your own state, but
it helps you we can get a brick for you, put your message in it, wrap
and send it with your address as the returnee. We’ll even send you a
office confirmation slip that your package was sent. Go to for our form.

Also tell your friends and family to send a brick as well—let’s get the
attention of our so-called representatives once and for all.

Thanks for all your help in this critical battle. It is amazing we have
held the line this long. But we can’t get let our guard done; there is
too much at risk!

Good bless you,
Bay Buchanan