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  1. #1
    Senior Member Paige's Avatar
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    Part of Dream Act Is Enlisting Illegals

    I never knew this was part of the Dream Act. I had a feeling last year that Bush would throw this in. You better believe that this is directly from him and Carl Rove. Rat fink Durbin sleeping with Bush for sure.

    For almost a week now, true immigration reformers have been bracing for the possibility that Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and other amnesty advocates will bring the DREAM Act to the floor as an amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization Bill (H.R.1585). The efforts by amnesty advocates such as Senator Durbin to tack the DREAM Act onto what many consider a "must-pass" bill has been widely criticized as an attempt to pass amnesty legislation piece by piece. The DREAM Act was part of the massive Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (S.1639), which was overwhelmingly rejected in June of this year.

    The week began with Senator Durbin giving a speech on the Senate floor, recognizing that some might question why he would bring up such a controversial amendment during a debate over our nation's armed forces. His response was that the DREAM Act would address a serious recruitment crisis facing our military. "Under the DREAM Act," he said, "tens of thousands of well-qualified potential recruits would become eligible for military service for the first time. They are eager to serve in the armed services, and under the DREAM Act, they would have a very strong incentive to enlist because it would give them a path to permanent legal status."

    Senator Durbin's vision of granting legal status to illegal aliens in order to meet our military recruitment goals was not well-received. This may have been because those who are familiar with the DREAM Act's history know that the legislation deals with more than granting amnesty to illegal aliens who serve in the military. Previous versions of the legislation have granted amnesty to an uncapped number of illegal aliens in the military or school—regardless of age, it allowed states to offer in-state tuition to illegal aliens and it expressly provided that illegal aliens who receive status under the Act are eligible for federal financial aid for college tuition.

    Under pressure from skeptics in the Senate and growing outcries from middle-class America, Senator Durbin filed a revised version of his DREAM Act (S.A.2919) amendment on Wednesday. The revised version purports to create an age limit of 30; however the age limit does not affect the ability of illegal aliens to receive retroactive benefits if they already meet the criteria of the amnesty program. The amendment also deletes the section relating to in-state tuition, but maintains the provision allowing illegal aliens granted legal status under the program to receive federal financial aid for college tuition.

    Whether these changes are sufficient to persuade more Senators to support this amnesty legislation is still in question. Outraged constituents have been calling Senate offices by the thousands. In fact, FAIR has learned that one Senate office received over 10,000 calls on the DREAM Act in only three days—85% of which were in opposition. Some worry that the relative silence on the part of amnesty advocates suggest that they intend to slip the DREAM Act into the DOD Authorization Bill under the cover of darkness. Stay tuned to FAIR for more updates on the DREAM Act…

    AgJOBS on the Horizon
    This week, Capitol Hill sources informed FAIR that Senators are already working behind the scenes to bring the AgJOBS legislation to the floor—maybe as early as this week! According to these sources, Senator Feinstein hopes to amend AgJOBS onto the Farm Bill in the Senate Agriculture Committee and then use that bill as a vehicle to pass the amnesty legislation. Some Senators have already been approached to see whether they would support a cloture motion on the Senate floor.

    AgJOBS, which was part of the massive Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (S.1639), grants amnesty to 1.5 million illegal alien farm workers, plus their families. It also makes substantial reforms to the existing—and uncapped—agricultural guest worker program, commonly known as the H-2A program. These reforms would make it easier for agri-business to import foreign labor at lower wages. AgJOBS has long been pushed by agri-business special interests and Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Larry Craig (R-ID) to secure a stream of cheap foreign workers for U.S. farms and ranches.

    Recent House Bills Make Strides Towards True Immigration Reform
    Over the past month, several members of the House of Representatives have taken important steps to encourage state and local governments to take up immigration enforcement in the absence of federal action. On September 7, Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) introduced the Charlie Norwood CLEAR Act of 2007 (H.R. 3494). The legislation is named in honor of the late Congressman Charlie Norwood (R-GA), who initially introduced the legislation in 2003 as the Clear Law Enforcement for Criminal Alien Removal Act. The bill garnered one-quarter of House members as co-sponsors, but was never enacted. The CLEAR Act clarifies the inherent authority of local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws. The legislation also provides that local law enforcement agencies not inquiring into the immigration status of suspected aliens will lose federal dollars that go to cover the cost of detaining illegal aliens in state prisons and local jails.

    On September 14, Representative Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL) introduced similar legislation targeting sanctuary cities. The Accountability in Enforcing Immigration Laws Act of 2007 (H.R. 3531) authorizes the detention of all illegal aliens apprehended until they are deported and it creates incentives for those states and municipalities assisting in the identification and detention of illegal aliens. Under the bill, cities that harbor criminal illegal aliens will see a 25 percent reduction in non-emergency Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding within six months. This reduction in DHS funding may increase to 50 percent. Finally, the legislation increases the penalty for illegal entry from a misdemeanor to a felony. According to Rep. Brown-Waite, "When cities proclaim that they will not check immigration status, they essentially become a safe haven for not only out-of-status immigrants, but criminal aliens who have often committed violent atrocities in our country." At this time, the bill has nine co-sponsors, including Brian Bilbray (R-CA), Elton Gallegly (R-CA), and Tom Tancredo (R-CO).

    Lastly, on Thursday, September 20, Representative Dave Weldon (R-FL) introduced legislation authorizing state and local governments to impose additional employment verification requirements on employers and to provide state penalties for hiring illegal aliens. The bill is aimed at undoing the recent federal court decision striking down the efforts of the city of Hazelton, Pennsylvania to punish businesses which employ illegal aliens by revoking their business licenses. The legislation clearly reasserts the authority of states and municipalities to sanction employers through state and local power to issue business licenses. In addition, it allows state and local governments to impose more demanding standards of employment verification than those imposed by federal law. According to Rep. Weldon, "The federal government has passed immigration laws but refuses to enforce them. My bill will ensure that communities, which are forced to pay for tens of billions of dollars in services to illegal immigrants, are able to address local problems caused by the influx of illegal immigrants." (, September 21, 2007).

    House Committee Holds Hearing on USCIS Fee Increase
    On Thursday, the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law held a hearing on recent fee increases by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The fee increases, which went into effect at the end of July, raised USCIS application and service charges by an average of 88 percent. The agency expects to raise an additional $1.2 billion from the fee increase. With the increased income from fees, USCIS plans not only to shorten application processing time, but to become 99 percent self-funded.

    The list of attendees included several USCIS officers and directors, as well as members of various unions and immigrants rights organizations, including Rhadmes Rivera of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which is currently suing USCIS to stop the fee increase. At the hearing, committee Chairwoman Zoë Lofgren (D-CA) suggested that USCIS was overcharging immigrants for its services, noting that the agency had raised fees nearly 750 percent over the previous 16 years. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), author of the Flake-Gutierrez amnesty legislation, also took aim at the fee increase, accusing the government of double-billing immigrants who already pay taxes for access to federal services. Representative Steve King (R-IA) disagreed, pointing out that the privilege of American citizenship is "priceless," and that any cost is a small price to pay for immigrants seeking citizenship services. (National Journal, September 20, 2007

    The following senators have not made a firm commitment to vote NO on SA 2919 (all phone numbers in the 202 area code):

    Go to Congressional Action Center
    Go to Senate Vote Day Action Center
    List of senators have made a firm commitment to vote NO on SA 2919, the DREAM Act amnesty amendment
    Alaska: Murkowski – 224-6665; Stevens 224-3004 Arizona: Kyl 224-4521; McCain 224-2235
    Arkansas: Lincoln 224-4843; Pryor 224-2353
    California: Boxer 224-3553; Feinstein 224-3841
    Colorado: Salazar 224-5852
    Connecticut: Dodd 224-2823; Lieberman 224-4041
    Delaware: Biden 224-5042; Carper 224-2441
    Florida: Martinez 224-3041; Nelson (Bill) 224-5274
    Hawaii: Akaka 224-6361; Inouye 224-3934
    Idaho: Craig 224-2752; Crapo 224-6142
    Illinois: Durbin 224-2152; Obama 224-2854
    Indiana: Bayh 224-5623; Lugar 224-4814
    Iowa: Grassley 224-3744; Harkin 224-3254
    Kansas: Brownback 224-6521
    Louisiana: Landrieu 224-5824
    Maine: Collins 224-2523; Snowe 224-5344
    Maryland: Cardin 224-4524; Mikulski 224-4654
    Massachusetts: Kennedy 224-4543; Kerry 224-2742
    Michigan: Levin 224-6221; Stabenow 224-4822
    Minnesota: Coleman 224-5641; Klobuchar 224-3244
    Mississippi: Cochran 224-5054
    Missouri: McCaskill 224-6154
    Montana: Baucus 224-2651; Tester 224-2644
    Nebraska: Hagel 224-4224; Nelson (Ben) 224-6551
    Nevada: Ensign 224-6244; Reid 224-3542
    New Hampshire: Gregg 224-3324; Sununu 224-2841
    New Jersey: Lautenberg 224-3224; Menendez 224-4744
    New Mexico: Bingaman 224-5521; Domenici 224-6621
    New York: Clinton 224-4451; Schumer 224-6542
    North Dakota: Conrad 224-2043; Dorgan 2551
    Ohio: Brown 224-2315; Voinovich 224-3353
    Oregon: Smith 224-3753; Wyden 224-5244
    Pennsylvania: Casey 224-6324; Specter 224-4254
    Rhode Island: Reed 224-4642; Whitehouse 224-2921
    South Dakota: Johnson 224-5842
    Texas: Cornyn 224-2934; Hutchison 224-5922
    Utah: Bennett 224-5444; Hatch 224-5251
    Vermont: Leahy 224-4242; Sanders 224-5141
    Virginia: Warner 224-2023; Webb 224-4024
    Washington: Cantwell 224-3441; Murray 224-2621
    West Virginia: Byrd 224-3954; Rockefeller 224-6472
    Wisconsin: Feingold 224-5323; Kohl 224-5653
    Wyoming: Barrasso 224-6441
    <div>''Life's's even tougher if you're stupid.''
    -- John Wayne</div>

  2. #2
    Senior Member TexasCowgirl's Avatar
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    I don't want illegals in our military. Who know what their real country of origin is? It would be easy for some middle eastern terrorist to pose as a mexican and slip in - they're already doing that now!

    I'd like to think that our military is made up of the best this country has to offer, not self-serving opportunists who have no idea what America is all about.

    Once we get out of the war, enlistments should go up again. No need to settle for bulking up our numbers with illiterate illegals.
    The John McCain Call Center

  3. #3
    jjmm's Avatar
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    You know what else will happen if they're allowed to serve en masse . .every single social experiment and program entitlement imaginable to cater to them once they join. Translators, all the free healthcare and services for their dependents -- I can't even imagine the costs involved with it.

  4. #4
    Senior Member TexasCowgirl's Avatar
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    I seriously doubt most would even be interested. Most illegals are here to provide for THEMSELVES, THEIR families and they send money back to THEIR country, not THIS one. I would guess a really small number would be interested, and about 1/2 of those are either terrorists or moles for terrorists. Bad idea.
    The John McCain Call Center

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I'm sure it might be connected to this:

    Here is info on the proposed "declaration of war" being snuck through the senate:

    Here is the language from the amendment:

    (3) that it should be the policy of the United States to combat, contain, and roll back the violent activities and destabilizing influence inside Iraq of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its foreign facilitators such as Lebanese Hezbollah, and its indigenous Iraqi proxies;

    (4) to support the prudent and calibrated use of all instruments of United States national power in Iraq, including diplomatic, economic, intelligence, and military instruments, in support of the policy described in paragraph (3) with respect to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies.

    The policy of the U.S should be to "combat" Iran with "all" "military instruments"?!? You can be absolutely certain that those are the ONLY words Dick Cheney and George Bush will see or care about.

  6. #6
    Senior Member TexasCowgirl's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyurm
    I'm sure it might be connected to this:

    Here is info on the proposed "declaration of war" being snuck through the senate:

    Here is the language from the amendment:

    (3) that it should be the policy of the United States to combat, contain, and roll back the violent activities and destabilizing influence inside Iraq of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its foreign facilitators such as Lebanese Hezbollah, and its indigenous Iraqi proxies;

    (4) to support the prudent and calibrated use of all instruments of United States national power in Iraq, including diplomatic, economic, intelligence, and military instruments, in support of the policy described in paragraph (3) with respect to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies.

    The policy of the U.S should be to "combat" Iran with "all" "military instruments"?!? You can be absolutely certain that those are the ONLY words Dick Cheney and George Bush will see or care about.

    Oh my word, don't even get me started on Iran. Today made me sick to my stomach.
    The John McCain Call Center

  7. #7
    Senior Member redpony353's Avatar
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    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  8. #8
    Senior Member NOamNASTY's Avatar
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    May come in handy if marshall law is needed . Foreigners won't mind attacking Americans or locking them up .

    Of course we have to remember that some Americans don't mind it either . The Clintons and Janet Reno proved this at Waco . We have paramilitary camps filled with ex felons and they are left alone to plan, train and posess weapons .

  9. #9
    Equalizer's Avatar
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    Van Nuys, CA
    There is no way illegals should be in the U.S. military. This is the current position.

    While there is a statutory requirement that only a United States Citizen may
    become a commissioned officer, this is not true for enlistment. Certain
    non-citizens can enlist in the United States Armed Forces. To be eligible to
    enlist, a non-citizen must:

    (1) Entered the United States on a permanent residence visa or has an
    Alien Registration Receipt Card (INS Form 1-551/I-551 greencard or stamped
    I-94), and

    (2) Established a bona fide residence, and

    (3) Established a home of record in the United States.

    The visa and/or "greencard" must have sufficient time remaining on it
    (expiration date) to be valid during the entire term on enlistment. While
    non-citizens may enlist in the U.S. Military, they are not allowed to
    reenlist (stay in beyond their first term of service), unless they first
    become U.S.Citizens. However, there are accelerated citizenship procedures
    for non-citizens on active duty. For details, see our article, U.S.
    Citizenship in the Military.

    I get lots of email from non-U.S. citizens, who do not live in the U.S.,
    asking how they can join the U.S. Military. Quite simply, you can't. In
    order to join any branch of the United States Military, one must either be a
    U.S. Citizen, or one must be a legal immigrant, currently living in the
    United States, with a "green card." The United States Military cannot and
    will not assist in the immigration process. In order to join the U.S.
    Military, one must legally immigrate first, and then apply to join the
    military, once they are living in the U.S. ... ndards.htm
    <div align="center">" Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore "

  10. #10
    Senior Member TexasCowgirl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Equalizer
    There is no way illegals should be in the U.S. military. This is the current position.

    While there is a statutory requirement that only a United States Citizen may
    become a commissioned officer, this is not true for enlistment. Certain
    non-citizens can enlist in the United States Armed Forces. To be eligible to
    enlist, a non-citizen must:

    (1) Entered the United States on a permanent residence visa or has an
    Alien Registration Receipt Card (INS Form 1-551/I-551 greencard or stamped
    I-94), and

    (2) Established a bona fide residence, and

    (3) Established a home of record in the United States.

    The visa and/or "greencard" must have sufficient time remaining on it
    (expiration date) to be valid during the entire term on enlistment. While
    non-citizens may enlist in the U.S. Military, they are not allowed to
    reenlist (stay in beyond their first term of service), unless they first
    become U.S.Citizens. However, there are accelerated citizenship procedures
    for non-citizens on active duty. For details, see our article, U.S.
    Citizenship in the Military.

    I get lots of email from non-U.S. citizens, who do not live in the U.S.,
    asking how they can join the U.S. Military. Quite simply, you can't. In
    order to join any branch of the United States Military, one must either be a
    U.S. Citizen, or one must be a legal immigrant, currently living in the
    United States, with a "green card." The United States Military cannot and
    will not assist in the immigration process. In order to join the U.S.
    Military, one must legally immigrate first, and then apply to join the
    military, once they are living in the U.S. ... ndards.htm
    How confusing. I'm pretty sure on Lou Dobbs last week I saw Congressman Guiterrez say that some soldier that fought in Iraq was an illegal originally.
    The John McCain Call Center

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