A little while ago I got into a war over whether or not Hugo Chavez was a benevolent, Democratically elected leader and should be lauded as a hero in the face of our horrible Democratically elected George W. Bush.

At least you aren't going to be forced to have Bush until 2030:

http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005- ... 887865.htm

"The legislation would be revolutionary and would ensure that Chavez remains in power not just till 2021, but till 2030, Maduro said at a ceremony celebrating the victory of pro-government deputies in Sunday's elections."

Yeah, that sounds like a Democracy to me!

Note the "revolutionary" in that. One need only to look to Castro's "revolutionary" government and see that it's a Chinese news link to know what that means!

Then there's this:

http://www.michnews.com/artman/publish/ ... 0192.shtml

If you bother to read this, you'll read that the NYT and just about every other mainstream media outlet wants you to support a fascist dictator out of nothing more than hatred for Bush.

To wit:

"President Bush's troubles trailed him to an international summit meeting [in Argentina] on Friday as anti-Bush protesters turned violent just blocks from the gathering site, and Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's fiery populist leader, rallied a soccer stadium filled with at least 25,000 people against the United States.

First of all, it wasn't an international summit, New York Times. If anything it was a regional summit. And President Bush's troubles didn't trail him to Argentina; the pain-in-the-butt press corps trailed him there to harass him about the outing of a non-covert, political operative in the CIA, in the most bogus political scandal since Truman fired MacArthur."

My wife is "fiery". Chavez is a power hungry animal. Oh, and Bush is "weak" in the face of this third world banana-boat commando, too.

I'll end with this one, for now:


"Chavez spent 17 years in the military, reaching his highest ranking at lieutenant colonel. In 1992, he was sent to prison for two years after creating a coup d’état, and founded the Movement for the Fifth Republic in 1994. When he ran in 1998, he was elected by the poor and pledged to end poverty and government corruption. Imagine someone, say Ralph Nader, starting a revolution, creating a new third party and then getting elected with 56 percent of the vote. Not going to happen in the United States."

In other words, vote for him or else, ala Hussein, Castro, Jong-Il, etc.

I don't support casting our pearls to the Third World swine of certain countries south of the border through FTA's, but I have enough sense not to support this guy either!

Bring it on. You know who you are.

God Bless Democracy.