Letter: Enforce nation’s immigration laws

Published: May 9, 2007 - Page: 6b
On May 1, illegal aliens and their supporters marched on the streets of America. The true nature of what they want was televised for all Americans to see.

It was not a message of “We illegal aliens will obey the laws of America, and/or we will assimilate.” It was quite the opposite. It was a message of “We do not care about your laws, your culture, your language or your heritage.” The message from the supporters of illegal immigration was “Who cares about the immigration laws of the country we are citizens of. We will do what we want when we want to, and no one can stop us. We have the right to help illegal aliens break the immigration laws if we want to.”

What kind of message is that sending to the young people of this country? In my humble opinion it is one of open rebellion to authority much different than the rebellion our forefathers had when they started this country.

Every day that illegal aliens remain in our country, they are violating our laws. At the present time, when someone crosses our borders illegally, it is a civil offense. What people should keep in mind is that many felonies are perpetrated by illegal aliens. Some of these include identity theft, rape and murder. We have enough American citizens who perpetrate these same crimes without adding illegal aliens to the mix.

In conclusion, immigration laws were enacted to protect this nation and the American citizens and legal residents who reside here. We have the right to enforce our laws without interference from illegal aliens, supporters of illegal immigration and/or other governments.

Laura Courtney
Baton Rouge
