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  1. #21
    mrmiata7's Avatar
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    Unoccupied Savannah, Georgia

    Who is in control?

    The game plan will be the same as it is with the border patrol. Vincente Bush will let his brother establish Mexican liaison offices in all the command post tents where they will have free reign over all aspects of the operation of which the Mexican Government will be in charge. You can be sure that El Presidente and his brother in Mexico City have been in constant contact on the newly installed "Taco Line" since there is no longer a hotline. Once the amnesty measure is rammed down our throats Vincente Bush will pull the troops out citing some bs reason. I am not buying it but I don't have a choice. Comrade Bush will do what he wants in order to fulfill his vision of his Globalization Manifesto.

  2. #22
    Senior Member lsmith1338's Avatar
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    Actually I was thinking of suction cup darts that way I can hit whomever I hate in the face
    Freedom isn't free... Don't forget the men who died and gave that right to all of us....
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  3. #23
    Senior Member sawdust's Avatar
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    He is really going to upset the american people more than they already are by doing this because we know that what has to say is not true. Why don't he tell us aboug Atzlan and how he supports that. He needs to tell us how he supports invaders that have the desire to take over the country and they even tell us so. Why don't he talk about the racist remarks to americans. Why doesn't he just tell us to leave and go back to europe like the people he supports.

  4. #24
    Senior Member PintoBean's Avatar
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    Yes, the president plans to haul out his same old tired dog and pony show, and tell us we NEED GUEST WORKERS. It's GOOD for our economy we will be told, when it truth, illegal scab labor is only good for the bottom line profits of BIG BUSINESS, and we are being sold down the pike.

    I agree, we HAVE TO KEEP PRESSURE on the Congress.

    Pinto Bean
    Keep the spirit of a child alive in your heart, and you can still spy the shadow of a unicorn when walking through the woods.

  5. #25

    Join Date
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    New Richmond,Wisconsin
    Have you ALL read the draft of his monday speech? I have recopied it from Myspace blog.

    Draft of President Bush' s May 15 Address to The Nation

    (Confidential: For The Eyes of Democrats & RINOs Only)

    My Fellow 'Mericans,

    Americans have always been known as a compassionate, caring people. Newcomers appreciate our hospitable and warm ways, especially when we welcome them with open arms, open hearts, and, yes, open wallets.

    At the same time, we are a nation devoted to the rule of law. Without law and order, no civilized society can hope to survive.

    It is the American commitment to law and order that brings me before you tonight. As most of you know, there are approximately 20 million 'undocumented migrants' from Mexico in our midst.

    With very few exceptions, these undocumented people are good-hearted, hard-working folks who came to America only to pursue the most prized possession on earth: A stake in the American Dream.

    Unfortunately, because of rampant vigilantism that has infected people calling themselves Minutemen, and others I call RIAOs, Republicans In Action Only, millions of innocent undocumented folks have been forced to live in the shadows, afraid to partake fully in the American Dream.

    This tragic circumstance must not be allowed to continue.

    Accordingly, I have decided to restore law and order to America by pardoning all those here illegally.

    Just moments ago, I signed Executive Order 'Uno Pardonade,' which confers full citizenship on anyone who can prove his or her illegal status, and who can also speak Mexican.

    With just my signature, this most divisive, gut-wrenching issue has been resolved. Peacefully.

    Rule under law is once again an honored principle of American governance.

    By the way, this blanket pardon is NOT amnesty. Please remember that we are a nation that operates under the rule of law, rather than simplistic proposals like amnesty.

    I am fully aware that some of my fellow Americans will be unhappy with my decision and will resist the changes I have outlined.

    To those vigilante-like dissidents, I say: Your views do not count. All that matters is what the president wants----and that would be me!

    In anticipation of irresponsible behavior by some in response to my act of compassionate conservatism, I have ordered the Pentagon to begin immediate redeployment of 50,000 brave American men and women from Iraq and Afghanistan.

    These American heroes will be assigned to the Mexican border, charged with the responsibility to escort and assure safe passage for Mexicans coming to join us.

    This will be called "Operation Help Vicente." Although it is a military operation, I expect these 50,000 American patriots to show professional restraint at all times.

    Thus, the use of force is expressly forbidden, except as needed to quash out-of-control Minutemen or, even more dangerous, vigilante RIAOs like Tom Tancredo or Jeff Sessions.

    Finally, as your president, I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you in that 29f Americans who still trust me. I assume that my actions tonight will help restore some stability to my approval ratings.

    I am betting that 20 million emancipated Mexicans will cause a nice 'bump' in those silly polls.

    Thank you for listening. Good evening and God Bless Mexico---oops, Make that God Bless America!GWB

    This is not a joke, this is the real deal!
    Basically Bush and congress are doing whatever they can think of to shove this amnesty down all our throats as fast as they can. Another loophole he has found,by pardoning their illegal status making their presence legal. Those who represent the nations interests and honor our nations constitution are dismissed as vigilanty, even after millions have emailed, faxed and phoned him and each representative in congress with their strong objections. Rule of Law does not include changing the laws to suit one particular group of people. Nor does it include mass pardoning them of their tresspasses to suit any one persons political desires. If ever there were a more clear and definable example of treason, this would be it.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    Sweet Home Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by Pintobean
    Yes, the president plans to haul out his same old tired dog and pony show, and tell us we NEED GUEST WORKERS
    he can take that road show to Mexico, the people aren't impressed


    if he wants to see irate American people, then that's a real good idea!

    I went to my sisters today to see my nieces and nephews who were there for an early Mother's Day. They knew more about American Idol, and assured me I was wrong. My sister told me we "took" their land -- it belonged to them first. I told her it belonged to the Aztecs first. One of my nieces said we didn't owe them or any other illegals anything.

    but they are going to listen to the President's speech Monday night, but I think that's just to prove me wrong.
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

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