MW, I have to say that I do question your integrity. I don't really believe that you believe what you say about Trump. You are just trying to demoralize those who support Trump for the things he says he stands for. Your strategy seems to be if you can't shut Trump up, you can at least confuse and confound those who support him.

You are not the only one. joe s and JohnDoe2 are another.

But it's all good. These are all symptoms and characteristic of the broad problems at hand and it helps to learn to confront these problems civilly in forums such as this.

Trump is struggling with ways to bring his force to the public in the best possible way. It is simply slander to suggest that he is being "squishy" about anything. Trump is anything but squishy.

Victorious or not, Trump has already struck more sound blows against illegal immigration than anyone else in the public sphere, in government or not.

His appeals to first African American communities and then "Latino" communities is pure genius.