Oh rest assured the deportations are going to pick up rapidly. All visa overstays are going out, that starts day one. All criminals who have broken a law including traffic citations are going out, that starts day one. Everyone waiting for a hearing is going out, that starts day one. Everyone on welfare or who has or is using public assistance is going out, that starts day one. Will he "target" "DACAs", not by name, no, why would you say we're targeting DACA's? You just deport the ones who are visa overstays, who have broken the law and who are using welfare or other public assistance. That will keep everyone busy in the first year. Second year, they focus on the others who haven't already been deported or who are waiting for a hearing.

Oh yes, I totally agree that the media will make a big deal out of deporting criminals and welfare users. But no one is going to care what the Media is whining about.

When I say quickly and quietly, I don't mean secretly. I mean quickly as in fast, not dawdling around playing games, and quietly I mean Trump not telling illegal aliens when they're coming for them, how they will find them, or where they will make the arrests. Trump has been very clear that he doesn't believe in telling the opposition how he plans to solve our problems because he thinks surprise "attacks" and unpredictable game plans are the best most effective plans. I'm sure all members of law enforcement would agree with that. What police officer tells the Media, "yes, we're arresting the suspect at his work place at 4:45 pm Thursday". No law enforcement officer would do that unless they're trying to tip them off so they can flee before they're arrested. Trump won't do that.