Quote Originally Posted by pkskyali View Post
I think you've completely missed my point and furthermore to that, it is another waste of time complaining about the obvious without sweating for solutions. I would suggest less time with the prognosis and more time for solutions. Which is again my point. Waiting around for a good president is wasting time and resources and might even be surrendering to a strategy posed by the opposition. The presidency is not all there is to making things work here in the US.
You cannot generate "momentum" if the people do not see any progress being made at the federal level. This "momentum" has existed for over a decade, but it never grows to critical mass, because like I said, people need to see that their actions actually affect change. You need Congress and the President to acknowledge the momentum and we have yet to see any recognition except when we get on the defense on federal amnesty. Then it's a couple of years of silence until another form of amnesty comes along.

Perhaps I have zero creativity or imagination, but exactly can we do without the Presidency, Congress, or Supreme Court? We need the first two in order to pass federal laws and to thus to fuel the momentum.