the group of Americans that urgently and rightfully want Dictator Barack Obama out of office and are either A. Supporting Romney or B. Supporting neither because they feel that either one may lead America further astray.

Can you really blame anyone that feels as those in category B do if you have been reading much of what Mitt Romney has said lately?

Or better yet, how about all you people that voted for Bush like I did in 2000? I'm just glad that disaster did not get my vote twice. I voted Constitution Party as write in back in 2006! And in the end I feel better than all of my friends that had to push a button twice for the King Bush!

A lot of us Americans know the horror of having hope that the next candidate is actually going to help America and then watch step by step as those hopes and expectations are brutally crushed by powerful men and women that either could care less about this country or are to intentionally instigate what I call "The Controlled Demolition of America."

Mitt Romney, you want to give millions of illegal aliens citizenship by putting them trough training in the military or US National guard so your illegal alien servants can have full 1st world military training? It's hard not to be rude when I respond to that nonsense.

The Mitt Romney and Obama Psychophants are beyond reach, but perhaps some of the rest of us can agree that we understand people who want to play the "Mitt Romney might save us" game and those that have played that game so many times that they are fed up and done with it.

The truth is that America's entire political system is in a state of collapse due to the heavy pressure or oppression at the top and lie after lie coming from the forked snake tongues of Republicrats.

These two groups Ive described in group A. and B. are both fighters for America, but surely we can develop some kind of understanding between groups and a gentlman's and gentlewoman's agreement on the issue on how to conduct ourselves with fellow patriots with which we have a difference of opinion.

How do you feel about this suggestion?