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  1. #41

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    great thread everyone...

    I'll start a new thread today... as these tend to GET lost in all the posts anyways...

    at some point today - I'm going to go for a ride WAYyyyy out in the woods of the southern most part of the POCONO mtns...

    Out there - I can DREAM of days gone buy without BLASTS from REALITY where my FLAG is being pissed on by people I elected and expected to see protect it... MONEY - GREED... has taken things to a all new level of ugly..

    thanks everyone for giving me a place to put my thoughts out there - it's nice to see OTHERS feel the same way on subjects that I do... Even if for some reason we would not win this latest BILL fight we are in.. All of us know we gave it our best.. not to mention - If it DOES go thru.. It's going to be ALL BETS are OFF and INSANE anyways... NO WAY people are not stand up to this crap..

    ****I do however believe WE ARE in FACT going WIN this FIGHT****

  2. #42
    Senior Member BorderFox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MW
    GoDawgs wrote:

    Right now I'm with you. Our house has always been a republican house but even now my die hard, Republican, Marine husband will vote democrat this time around.

    Exactly what Democrat does he plan on voting for? Everyone of them support amnesty for illegal immigrants.

    [quote:l0p8dbwq]I'll vote for whoever has the best plan to take care of our country, first by getting rid of all these illegals and securing our borders.
    I'll gurantee you that won't be a Democrat, you can take that to the bank.

    All members of the U.S. Congress are not are enemies. Actually the majority of Republicans, especially in the House, pretty much want a lot of the same things we do and they don't support amnesty. On the opposite side of the coin you have a majority of the Democrats that do support amnesty.

    If the Republicans wouldn't have lost the majority in the U.S. House, we probably wouldn't be sweating S.1348.

    It just amazes me how Americans can compare the Republican as a whole to the Democrats on the illegal immigration and border security issue. There is no comparison. [/quote:l0p8dbwq]

    As usual, I agree with you completely MW. So people are going to vote for Hillary, because they are disgusted with the Republican party?!!! Twisted logic. I am a conservative, but will vote the issues. If a democrat comes up with a good plan, I won't rule it out. I just dont' see that happening.
    Deportacion? Si Se Puede!

  3. #43
    MW is offline
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    BorderFox wrote:

    As usual, I agree with you completely MW. So people are going to vote for Hillary, because they are disgusted with the Republican party?!!! Twisted logic.
    It was that "twisted logic" you're speaking of that lost us the majority in the House.

    Unfortunately, there are just to many folks out there that still live in the dark where illegal immigration and border security are concerned. Of course that is changing, but will the change be fast enough? We'll see.......

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" ** Edmund Burke**

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  4. #44

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    if we add to what we are doing here on net AND talk to our neighbors.. I think it will in fact change things...

    GO AHEAD.. start a simple conversation with a neighbor today (the legal ones and see how quick it turn to the subject.. YOU WILL be shocked to hear THEY TOO feel the way we do on this subject.. MANY feel they can not do anything.. It's our JOB to show them this is not true and GET them on phones ... talking to their friends and family too....

    Now - people are coming up to me and starting the debates... THIS I LOVE - I've been on this RANT for years... I seen it coming but NOBODY would listen...

    Now they are ready...

  5. #45
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    I'm an American who doesn't like labels. If you paint yourself one way and follow the dogma that's how people like David Duke get elected.

  6. #46

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    fundamental fixes..

    Nothing we do is going to keep illegals out. A poor man is not going to respect borders. No amount of fence or policing is going to keep them out. When a man is willing to get shot at trying to cross the border, you cant do much.

    Why did this come about. From the 1990s to 2007 we have delinked our currency from gold which allows us to print $$ freely without rationale as long as there were foreigners willing to accept $$ for their goods. If we import more than we export we simply print more currency to pay for it. Normally this should weaken $$ but we made sure $$ was the only way any country could purchase crude oil to make sure $$ will continue to be acceptable. That explains our "interests" in the region.

    We have put the world in a position where $$ rules. $$ being unrealistically high has caused manufacturing jobs goto china and white collar jobs outsourced to India. That is what is causing this massive illegal immigration. Per capita income in India is 3000$ while America is 20,000$. We have setup a lamp so bright and now we are trying to keep the flies out.

    When it comes to money everybody follows the practical choice. Someone wth a smaller budget buys a Hyundai. A CEO who wants to make more profits outsources american jobs. You cannot stop these trends.

    If $$ hold more realistic value, probably half of what it is right now. We wouldnt have to be involved in middle east mess. We could be happy at home producing everything that we consume right here. We will buy a dvd player for 400$ and will fix it when it does not work. We will drive smaller cars like the rest of the world. We will use paper conservatively like the rest of the world. But we will have our jobs. We will have our american identity.

    We cannot have it both ways. We cannot have a great american lifestyle fuelled by an artificially inflated $$ and have our jobs. This problem needs to be fixed at the root.

  7. #47

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Dagmar
    I'm an American who doesn't like labels. If you paint yourself one way and follow the dogma that's how people like David Duke get elected.
    Thank you. I, too, am an American. I will fight to insure my country is here tomorrow and the next tomorrow for my sons & future grandkids.
    To stand in silence when they should be protesting makes cowards out of men. Abraham Lincoln

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