Aliendroid, my husband is a trained cryptographer (that translates into almost no civilian jobs, but is worth almost an entire college degree) , he works in a warehouse receiving department. Pay is nominal, he is 56. There he has seen young guys come through with Masters Degrees as Architects, who cannot find a job for the life of them, so this is not even in a field where illegals can touch, yet these young guys cannot find jobs.

He met another young man, fresh out of college, working for a temp agency, filling in during a busy time there, and this guy had a degree as a Computer Programmer. Could not get a job, he said he had applied all over, even out of state, but he found out all too late many jobs were going to foreigners with Visa's, still not a field illegals could touch.

So now we come to the jobs they can, which they are taking from the guys with those degrees, which is all they can get. All of that time spent getting that higher education, which is highly financed, and cannot get a job. This is what is actually happening out there.

It has little to do with actually having a lot of education or experience, it is simply about a business owners desires to line his/her pockets at the expense of Americans. It also has to do with illegals knowing they can find a job that pays better here, versus what they would make for a similar job in Mexico and other Central American countries (yes, there are jobs in Mexico and those other countries).

These same people come here also knowing they can find ways to get freebies as well, something they would not have gotten in their home countries, makes life more plush you know. Where as the people with the good education here, cannot hardly support themselves, pay their student loans and regular bills, and very likely cannot get any help from an government agency to boot.

Education is great, but when you get it, have to pay back student loans, then not be able to find a job, all you have done is gotten into debt, to be unemployable.

We need the illegals out to open up those blue collar jobs that many Americans used to hold, which illegals now hold, then the balance will be restored, the average citizen can work and live decently, as well as have the chance to make more of themselves, without going into debt for a sometimes useless education (note I said SOMETIMES).

BTW, welcome all new people.