It's all about dedication to their cause...I just did a Google search for anti-immigration groups for the State of New York...on the top of the list was not people OPPOSING immigration, but a pro-immigrants right group here in New York. Below I have pasted a part of their web site...take a look at what all they have going on, how organized and active they are. They have a FIST full of WORKING GROUPS that are meeting on regular basis to map out and implement strategies...we have message boards.

NYIC Task Force List

Get Involved!! There are many ways that members of The New York Immigration Coalition can join together to push for changes that better the lives of immigrant and refugee families. Please consider joining a task force or getting more involved to help move our collective agenda forward.

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Quarterly Forums is designed to hold quarterly forums with prominent speakers to address key issues and challenges facing the immigrant community. Forums may address big-picture, economic or political analysis; other sessions may focus on narrower issues but present in-depth information and analysis. For more information, call Chung-Wha Hong at ext. 228

Legalization Strategy Working Group brings together immigrant groups from across the state to coordinate local and national legalization efforts and to develop a New York State campaign for comprehensive immigration reform. Through regular monthly meetings, organizations share information, develop advocacy strategies and get involved in legalization campaign activities. For more information, contact Avideh Moussavian at ext. 244.

Post 9/11 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Working Group is a wide range of community, advocacy and legal organizations that meet regularly to develop and implement an integrated advocacy response to increased anti-immigrant measures at the federal, state and local levels in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. For more information, contact Avideh Moussavian at ext. 244.

Driver’s Licenses Working Group meets regularly to discuss state driver’s license policies and to fight for expanded access to driver’s licenses and non-driver ID for all immigrant New Yorkers. For more information, contact Avideh Moussavian at ext. 244.

Immigrant and ELL Education Reform Task Force consists of immigrant, education and legal advocacy organizations that meet regularly to coordinate advocacy and exchange information around issues affecting English Language Learners and immigrant students. To get involved, please contact Jose Davila at ext. 241.

DREAM Act Task Force was formed to advocate for legislation that would enable eligible undocumented students to obtain legal status and also ensure that undocumented students are not charged higher tuition rates when attending college. For more information or to join, email Minerva Moya at

Immigrant Opportunities Initiative Task Force works to preserve and expand government funding for English-as-Second-Languages classes, immigration legal services and worker legal services run by community-based organizations. For more information, email Minerva Moya at

Labor Law Enforcement Working Group brings together local organizing groups, lawyers and advocates to promote ways to strengthen labor law enforcement and to address other low-wage immigrant workers issues in New York State. For more information, contact Avideh Moussavian at ext. 244.

Naturalization Test Working Group is made up of ESOL, civics, adult language educators and community groups that meet as needed to monitor the ongoing re-design of the naturalization exam and to ensure that the changes do not result in a more difficult citizenship process. For more information, contact Julie Dinerstein at ext. 226.

Legal Services Task Force is made up of NYIC member organizations that have attorneys or accredited representatives on- staff. Members of the task force are invited to set agendas and meet regularly with the supervisory staff of the New York DHS District Office and the New York and New Jersey Asylum Offices. Task Force members are kept apprised of major changes in law and advocacy opportunities. To participate in the task force, contact Julie Dinnerstein at ext. 226.

Immigrant Concerns Training Institute offers in-depth training on a variety of immigration, public benefits and other issues affecting immigrant communities. For more information or a copy of the training calendar, call Alex Guerrero at ext. 227.