I'm not worried about it, not one bit. I will never walk out of my house, get in the car and be worried for 1 second about a possible pot smoker on the road. I used to own a business and it's obvious as hell to any manager if someone's impaired by drugs or liquor, and you send them home. See if drugs were a problem in the work place, there would be separate studies but it isn't so they lump them in with the drinkers. The biggest hazard of alcohol in the work place are the drunk executives cutting deals with Mexico and China to relocate their operations and close the plant.

Stay focused on the big stuff that really matters. Weed doesn't matter. Jobs, Trade, Immigration, FairTax and Peace. That's what matters. Our country isn't going to hell in a hand basket because of cannabis, it's going to hell in a hand basket because of lack of good jobs, trade deficits, illegal immigration, massive legal immigration, income taxes and foreign wars that never end due to the actions of the same people who ban recreational drugs. They were wrong on all the others, so why think they're right on drugs? Nope, they were wrong all the way down the line because they're CROOKS AND IDIOTS.

Man, what a week this has been, huh??!!