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  1. #51
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2007
    Sturgis S Dakota
    I have one SIMPLE question that is importand...To me, my children...
    Should the United States Congress, President, Vice-President be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for the deaths of AMERICAN CITIZENS at the hands of ILLEGAL-ALIENS?
    Because of their Oath of Office, I feel that the way that they VOTE and ACT towards the SAFETY and SOVEREIGNTY of America and AMERICANS should be a factor in their being in Office.
    <div>MY eyes HAVE seen the GLORY... And that GLORY BELONGS to US... We the PEOPLE!</div>

  2. #52
    geminga's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    1.) Do you feel that the US Constitution gives Congress the authority to regulate trade and commerce with foreign nations?

    2) If so could you support a function within Congress which would mandate that a cost benefit analysis be done with a requirement that a trade agreement must be of positive impact on the citizenry as a whole. The fuction should include ordinary citizen input from those who do not or will not have a conflict of interest in any corporation or any entity which through campaign or any other manner could benefit from their candid opinions.

    3.) Are you prepared to make a committment to your constituants that you will not give access to any public or privatly held corporate interests paticularly those who contribute to your campaign?

    4.) Are you prepared to eleminate the tax and other legal advantages to corporations who outsource jobs either internaly (H1B visa)or externally by physically relocating?

    5.) Would your consider laws that make it easier to pull corporate charters of corporations whose profit motives show a lack of a moral compass and disregard to the enviornment and/or the welbeing of the US citizen. The process should mandate input from citizens with no possible conflict of interest.

    6.) Would you consider putting Congress back in the drivers seat of our trade policy by pulling out of the WTO. As it is now WTO rules override US rules. Can you support the idea that Congress is a better steward over US trade policy and what is in the best interest of the American people.

    7.) Do you feel the citizens of this country should be forced to pay for services to support illegal aliens in states and cities that are sanctuary . According to the Heritage Foundation it is about $22,000. per illegal family.

  3. #53
    EYE4TRUTH's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    My fellow Americans please keep the following in mind:

    Could this be any more understandable? Why are Americans not cleaning up their own hen house?

    545 people control the life's and destiny of 300 million Americans.

    Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper:
    Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

    Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, we have deficits?

    Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, we have inflation and high taxes?

    You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does.

    You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

    You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

    You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

    You and I don't control monetary policy, The Federal Reserve Bank does.

    One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president and nine Supreme Court justices - 545 human beings out of the 300 million - are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

    I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress.

    In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered but private central bank.

    I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority.

    They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman or a president to do one cotton-picking thing.

    I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it.No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.

    Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

    What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall.

    No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits.

    The president can only propose a budget.

    He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

    The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes.

    Who is the speaker of the House?

    She is the leader of the majority party.

    She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want.

    If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

    It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts - of incompetence and irresponsibility.

    I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people.

    When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

    If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

    If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.
    If the Marines are in IRAQ, it's because they want them in IRAQ.

    There are no insoluble government problems.

    Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power.

    Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like 'the economy,' 'inflation' or 'politics' that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

    Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

    They, and they alone, have the power.

    They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses - provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.

    We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!
    I go along with this lets get rid of all of then and start all again and see if we can pick better people to lead this country.

  4. #54
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Oregon (pronounced "ore-ee-gun")
    OK, here's my most recent (probably a first or maybe second draft) at the compiled questions so far. I have removed ones that were very similar (in some cases identical). I have also removed questions that were not directly related to immigration (we can always use some that were posted earlier if we'd like to use those as well). I added two of my own in places as well.

    I generally did re-word the questions to personalized them for the proper audience (many changes like: 'what would they do..' to what would you do...')

    Give 'em a look and provide some feedback. Especially look for obvious gaps for things not mentioned (again, polite reminder for things directly related to illegal immigration/mass legal immigration/etc).:

    Chain Migration:

    1. Will you work to place tighter restrictions on familial based immigration petitioning?
    (There needs to be greater restrictions on who can immigrate under family sponsorship)

    14th Amendment:

    2. Would you be willing to reconsider the issue of giving citizenship to children of illegal aliens?

    3. Would you make a sincere and honest effort to repeal or amend the 14th Amendment?

    Real ID/Driver Licenses/ID Requirements:

    4. Would you support a Federal policy to end granting driver licences to people here illegally?

    5. How will you help to end the practice of granting driver licenses to illegal aliens?

    6. Would you support Federal legislation to forbid the acceptance, by banks and other businesses, of identification like the Matricula Consular Cards to open accounts or secure mortgages?

    Language Requirements/English/ESL/etc

    7. Would you support an end to free English lessons, ESL and other programs that seek to teach the English language to persons that should have already mastered it by the time they arrive?

    8. Would you support an effort to make English the singular official national language?
    (If so, what would you do to make that Federal law?)

    Education/In-State Tuition:

    9. Do you oppose in-state college tuition for students that cannot prove legal residency?

    10. What will you do to end the practice (by some states) of allowing students lacking legal residence in-state tuition rates?

    Identifying and Removing Criminal Aliens:

    11. What additional actions will you take to help identify and remove illegal alien gang members? (An example involves Jamiel Shaw, who was recently murdered by an illegal alien gang member who had just been released from prison the day before. Why wasn't he deported?)

    12. What will you do to increase the effective deterrence for those (illegal aliens, especially criminal illegal aliens) that illegally re-enter the US? (Many reenter multiple times)

    13. Will you support severe penalties for those illegal aliens that illegally re-enter the country?

    14. What are you willing to do to increase the funding for programs like the CAP (Criminal Alien Program) - which helps to identify, detain and deport criminal illegal aliens?

    Sanctuary Jurisdictions:

    15. Will you work to end Federal funding to sanctuary cities or states?

    16. What would you do to discourage cities and states from becoming "sanctuaries" for illegal aliens, and what would you do to those that already have such sanctuary policies?

    17. Would you be willing to withhold federal funding for cities and counties that do not use CAP or 287(g) programs.

    18. Would you support a policy to make sanctuary policies unlawful at the Federal level?

    19. Would you support a law to impose fines on any individual or organization who aids, abets, and provides sanctuary to illegal aliens? If so, how or what will you do to help this become law?

    Interior Enforcement*:

    20. Do you support our existing immigration laws?
    (If yes, will you enforce them? Will you keep your word and do just that?)

    21. Will you just enforce existing immigration laws?

    22. Will you support a requirement to force employers to use E-Verify in all states?
    (It's a joke that it's currently voluntary and only 15% of companies utilize it. Wonder why)

    23. Will you support increasing the legal severity of initial illegal entry to a CRIMINAL FELONY? (Now, it is a civil misdemeanor)

    24. Will you work to impose large fines and jail time for employers who knowingly hire illegal workers? (AZ is a good model for this situation)

    25. What would you do to help ensure greater funding or policy flexibility to local and state jurisdictions to enhance local enforcement to end the cycle of ‘catch-and-release’?

    26. Will you send out DHS/SSA ‘no-match’ letters?

    27. Will you support an increase in fines and punishment for businesses that hire illegal aliens?

    28. Will you support drastically increasing jail time and fines for those individuals and companies that hire illegal aliens?

    29. Will you work to see that law enforcement (state and local) has access to any means available to enforce immigration law without the complicated process and financial stumbling blocks that face so many cities and counties who are currently being denied access to the 287(g)?

    30. Are you willing to increase the scope of deportable offenses - to include: Drug and DWI convictions or the presence of serious communicable diseases?.

    Social/Welfare Benefits (Social Security, Welfare, Medical, Food Stamps,etc)

    31. Will you work to stop the (SSTA) Social Security Totalization Agreement with Mexico already signed by the SSA in 2004?

    32. Do you support an end to public health and welfare benefits to illegal aliens?

    33. What would you do to ensure there are no health and welfare benefits provided to illegal aliens?

    34. Will you support a Federal law that would require recipients of benefits to prove legal residency or citizenship in order to receive them?

    Religious Groups:

    35. How will you deal with churches and agencies that aid and harbor illegal aliens?

    36. Will you change policy to require churches to support the refugees they bring in (instead of forcing the burden onto the public dole)?

    37. Will you support expanding practical jurisdiction to allow Federal authorities to police local churches (in terms of immigration policy), as opposed to allowing church organizations to do so?
    38. Will you support a forfeiture of tax-exempt status for churches that engage in politics?
    If so, will you support making that policy retroactive back through 2006?

    Ethnocentric Groups:

    39. What will you do to end or prohibit groups like LaRaza, LULAC, MALDEF, etc. from receiving public Federal funds?

    40. How can the Federal government justify grants and contracts to groups like LaRaza, LULAC, MALDEF, etc. specifically in terms of existing non-discrimination policies?

    41. Do you believe there is an illicit or conspiratorial relationship between groups like LaRaza, LULAC, etc. and their history of facilitating illegal alien’s presence in the US?
    If so, what would you do end this skirting or breaking of Federal law?

    Opposition to Amnesty:

    42. How do you feel about Amnesty and what do you consider Amnesty?

    43. Do you consider the largest previous Amnesty of 1986 to be a policy success or failure?

    44. Will you oppose any form of Amnesty, including any "pathways to citizenship?"

    45. Will you commit to permanently disallowing Amnesty for illegal aliens present now or for those that may come in the future?

    Border Security:

    46. Will you work to provide greater funding for physical border security and enforcement?
    (We need more boots on the ground, more holding facilities and transportation)

    47. Will you see that the fence is built and that morale within the Border Patrol is restored so that are not afraid that you will be unfairly or inappropriately charged for doing their jobs properly?

    48. Would you seek to prosecute Johnny Sutton and anyone else who had a hand in sending agents (Ramos, Compean) to prison?

    49. Will you secure our borders north and south?

    50. When will a double-layered border fence be built on the US-Mexico border?

    51. Would you work to get Ramos and Compean pardoned and/or set free?

    52. Would you support placing the military on the borders?

    53. Will you work to make sure our borders are secured and out current Laws are enforced and provide funding to ensure it is done?

    54. Would you be willing to put the Military on our southern border to finally secure it?

    55. Will you secure the border now with fences soon? Will you support funding for this fence?

    56. What are your opinions on Ramos and Campeon being imprisioned, how long will it take you to get them out, and also what kind of compensation would you give to these two brave men (and their families), for what you've been through?

    57. Will you bring home all the troops everywhere and put them on our border?

    58. When will the wall on our southern border will be built?
    (I want a date certain of completion. NO EXCUSES)

    Legal Entry and Exit Monitoring:

    59. Do you support an end to the Cuban ‘wet foot, dry foot’ policy ?

    60. Will you support a visa system requiring mandatory/universal expiration dates?

    61. Will you support a moratorium on legal immigration until we can secure our border and identify and remove all those who’s visas have expired or are otherwise out of status?

    62. Will you support a policy to prohibit a fast-track citizenship or visa application processing?
    (Immigration should never-ever fast track a citizenship application. There have been too many exceptions on the basis of security, background or health checks).

    63. Will you support a policy requiring a visa applicant/holder to post a significant bond (eg. $5,000) as a means to ensure the visa holder abides by the terms of the visa? [Editor note: to work visas only, or to student?, tourists too?]

    64. What will you do to end visa application abuses? (The USCIS has documented many cases of fraudulent applications by individuals and business groups).

    Data Security/Misc:

    65. Would you end the outsourcing of the processing of tax returns and/or passports?

    66. Would you support legislation that prohibits persons with dual citizenship from all forms of Federal employment and/or service? (Federal employees CAN NOT have more than one loyalty. This MUST be legally verified not just an oral statement of denial)

    Exportation of Jobs (Outsourcing/Offshoring):

    67. What will you do to bring back jobs to America that have been outsourced?

    68. Would you support fiscal incentives for companies to bring back manufacturing jobs to the US rather than continue to support policies which encourage the outsourcing of US jobs?

    Worker Importation/Guest Workers:

    69. Do you think there should be law to stop people like Bill Gates from lobbying Congress for even more cheap labor, when there are millions of American citizens unemployed?

    70. Will you support a policy that would require companies (that sponsor temporary workers) pay workers the same wage and benefits as Americans AND require you be covered under
    worker’s compensation? (Then the companies will stop importing them)
    [Editor note: the question doesn’t say it, but is arguing to do away with ‘comparable wage rate’ comparisons and the use of the same]

    Tax Policy/Trade Agreements/NAU/SPP:

    71. Would you support legislation requiring all materials that are used by our military to be manufactured in the US, by a US manufacturer employing US citizens?

    72. Would you end any grants and tax incentives that encourage American manufacturers to move production off shore?

    73. Do you support the creation of a panel of citizens to execute oversight of trade agreements? (The objective of the panel would be to identify and object to trade agreements that are not demonstrably in the best interests of American workers and consumers)

    74. Would you support legislation requiring American companies be given preference in letting federal contracts and grants?

    75. Do you support the repeal of both NAFTA and CAFTA?

    76. Would you support fair trade agreements that benefit the USA rather than foreign countries?

    77. What limitation would you be willing to place on foreign investment in America?

    78. Would you support a symmetrical/’mirror’ structure with regard to import duty fees, tariffs, etc?

    79. Would you refuse to vote for free trade agreements that hurt American workers and our country as a whole?

    80. Would you commit to a public statement that says the USA will no longer tolerate anyone entering this country illegally (and be willing to stand by your statement)?

    81. Would you be willing to tell the government of Mexico to mind it’s own business?
    82. Would you let the Mexican truckers on our highways? [Editor note: Just Demo project? Or All?]

    83. Are you opposed to the North American Union/SPP?

    84. What will you do to stop the ongoing development of the SPP, NAFTA, & the TTC Corridor?

    85. Do you support the NAFTA Superhighway?

    86. Will you vow to protect the Sovereignty of the United States?

    87. Will you work to see that funds are denied to those countries who refuse to accept their deported citizens for repatriation?

    88. I would ask the candidates what assurances you can offer to American Citizens that you will prevent State governments from asserting eminent domain, depriving Citizens of their property, in order to enrich private companies or enhance state revenues?
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #55
    Senior Member Gogo's Avatar
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    Alipacers Come In All Colors
    As an American citizen I have to ask myself, why would a U S Congressional Representative not want to pass the Save Act:

    1. Why does he/she not want to protect my Social Security number from being used for identity fraud to obtain employment?

    2. Why wouldn’t he/she want to protect law-abiding small businesses from law breaking businesses using illegal aliens for hire and not paying taxes on them?

    3. Why won’t he/she stand up to big business and say “my constituents want this country’s border secure against drug cartels, Mexican army incursions, and human trafficking?

    4. Why would he/she call law-abiding citizen racists and xenophobes for wanting the laws they obey, obeyed by others?

    5. Why are some laws enforced on the American citizen but not on enforced on those who break our immigration laws?

    6. Why would I want that U S Representative to stay in office?

    These are important questions. They come down to MONEY every time or just plain corruption. If anyone else has some one line questions or answers, please give them.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #56

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    a pledge for candidates

    Will the candidate pledge to:

    1) a) close the southern border, and, if necessary, the northern border
    b) put in place a foolproof system to track visa overstayers
    c) change the 6 month tourist visa to a one or two month visa
    d) end in-country conversions of tourist visas to e.g. student, asylum, etc. visas

    2) endorse "attrition through enforcement" to lead to "self-deportation", by means of:
    a) instituting a fool proof system of identification of those who are legal residents
    b) enforcing employment laws against hiring illegal aliens
    c) changing violation of employment laws from a misdemeanor to a felony, so that it will be easier to levy heavy penalties against employers
    d) mandating sharing of evidence of fraudulent use of social security numbers between government agencies, and from government agencies to the lawful holder of a social security number, to cut down on identity theft by illegal aliens.
    e) imposing penalties on all local and state agencies that violate laws by providing welfare benefits to illegals that are intended only for citizens, including WIC, subsidized housing, food stamps, etc.
    f) legislating penalties for all local and state agencies that provide free education K-12 for illegal aliens (overturning the faulty Supreme Court decision if necessary)
    g) legislating penalties for medical facilities that provide non-emergency health care to illegal aliens
    h) pass a law ending the misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, clarifying that it was intended to give citizenship to former slaves, not to every foreign national who plans to have a baby as a shortcut to United States citizenship; retroactively revoke citizenship already granted to all children of illegal aliens.
    g) impose penalties on any state granting drivers' licenses and/or reduced college tuitition to illegal aliens.

    And do anything else necessary to convert incentives to enter and stay in this country illegally into incentives to return to country of origin.

  7. #57

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Although it goes without saying by the conditions I posed above, I forgot to emphasize that a candidate must pledge to oppose amnesty in any form, and in any disguise. Any person now in this country illegally may not apply for legal entry until he or she has permanently repatriated. While having been here illegally may be forgiven, it does not give anyone any advantage in the legal process. Applying for citizenship while residing here is a HUGE advantage and must not be permitted.

    And, candidates must also pledge to revoke the 1965 Immigration Act that gives priority to family reunification, and replace that qualification with:

    a) ethnic balance from all areas of the world, so that we do not run the risk, as now, of cultural and linguistic dominance from any one group, and resulting failure to assimilate, and;
    b) admission predicated on skills and talents that are needed by the United States, plus;
    c) strict compliance with the system of sponsorship, so that U.S. taxpayers are not saddled with the burden of indigent and undereducated immigrants who will be a net drain on tax revenues for their entire lives

  8. #58
    Senior Member WorriedAmerican's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Looks GOOD PhredE! Thanks for the hard work.

    You need a space between #37 and #38....

    Maybe all Governors should have to take an oath to this too.

    How can politicians get away with NOT following the Constitution??

    I would like to know why if states are going to empty their prisons, they don't just send all the illegals home? That would free up lots of space. What better consequence than to go back home to Mexico! At least the murderers, rapists and abhorent people would be in another country, for them to deal with.
    If Palestine puts down their guns, there will be peace.
    If Israel puts down their guns there will be no more Israel.
    Dick Morris

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