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  1. #11
    Senior Member CheyenneWoman's Avatar
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    MEXICO: "La Nueva Revolucion" may start tomorrow

    Ernesto Cienfuegos
    La Voz de Aztlan
    June 7, 2006

    Los Angeles, Alta California - June 7, 2006 - (ACN) Mexicans on both side of the border are very apprehensive about the future. The collective destiny of the Mexican people is presently in the hands of a few politicians in Mexico City and Washington D.C. What occurs tomorrow at "El Zocalo" in Tenochtitlan may determine the fate of the Mexican people, and possibly of all Latin America, for many generations to come.


    There is great potential that a new Mexican revolution will commence tomorrow at El Zocalo. If Andrés Manuel López Obrador lits the "spark" tomorrow or soon after, the events that will be unleashed will have great repercussions for us here in Aztlan and for the USA. There will be a huge unstoppable flood of Mexican immigrants coming across the border. Twenty thousand national guardsmen and border patrol agents would not be sufficient to stop the hundreds of thousands of new immigrants that will be joining their brethren on this side of the border. If this occurs, we here in Aztlan, will have the moral responsibility to assist and to help these political refugees in every way possible.

    You want to know why people are upset -- read this!

  2. #12
    Senior Member CCUSA's Avatar
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    The illegals must go back and build up their countries! Fight for their rights in their own countries! How many American businesses have already left for Mexico. Change the governments in your own countries for the good of your people!

    How come Mexico and the rest of South America cannot become 1st rate nations! You have the natural resources and beautiful coastline. You should go back and fight for infrastructure improvements, push for better education for all citizens, healthcare ect.. I see the strong nationalism they have for their countries ,why not focus that energy to improve the future of their families and culture in their own countries.

    Your fighting the wrong country! We did'nt serve you a bad deal. You broke our laws, overstayed your visit and now expect us to give into your demands and get better treatment than legal Americans are given. (in state tuition, entitlements from fraud, free healthcare ect.. You wonder why we are mad!

    Go back and improve your home and fight for change in your own country!
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #13
    Senior Member Dixie's Avatar
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    chicano, What do you have to say about the picture of your countrymen that loservillelabor posted. I would like you to respoind to that . Oh, there is a lot more where that came from. We have videos of your countrymen and supporters attacking Americans walking down the street. How about the elderly people they attacked? Would you like to really see and understand why Americans are not welcoming illegal aliens?

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  4. #14
    chicano's Avatar
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    Just to make sure, the statement I just made was at the moderator who is trying to have a little fun with me. But now to what I was originally talking about. Most of what you advocate here I completely agree with. Yes, people should assimilate to this country. Yes, people must learn English. Yes, people must obey our laws. And yes, secure the border. But sippy, I disagree with you in your defense of the notion that illegal means illegal and the arguement ends there. Since when are people who have broken the law not given another chance once they have paid the consequences? I am not saying to continue to tolerate the mass amounts of illegal immigrants into our country. I am trying to speak for those who have already made their lives here. Make any solution that would stop all illegal immigrants from arriving here in the future and I would most likely support it, but now, today, at this moment, I believe those who have made a living here should be given a chance to pay the consequences, and contribute their part to our society. Remember, if he/she becomes a resident or citizen, the governement will know exactly who to tax.

    Loserville, you posting that picture would be the same as me posting a picture of people wearing white sheets and burning a cross. It is just stereotypical garbage that people use to get the pointless message across.

    Cheyennewoman, I agree with alot of what you say. But believe me when I say I know where my allegiance lies, and it is not with Mexico. I call myself Mexican American because that is what I am. It would be the exact same thing of a black person calling himself African American. So let me be very clear. I am American, born of Mexican parents. I am proud to be American, just as proud as I am of my heritage, customs, and all the things that I am sure you value in your own culture. And I am calling nobody racist. I know that this issue is not about race nor color but rather about legal or illegal status.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Rockfish's Avatar
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    From FLA to GA as of 04/01/07
    Since when do kids have to pay the price because of the mistakes of their parents?
    Chicano--welcome. At least we can explain our positions here in an actual discussion.

    First, you must realize that when an American commits a crime, no matter how serious, their kids will also suffer. This is because the parents are responsible for their kids. For example, if for some stupid reason I am arrested and sent to jail for 10 years for tax evasion, the state will not take care of my kids unless they are left without supervision. The state will not replace my salary. As long as my wife is around, that responsibility would be left to her. Do you think the state will replace my salary? Heck no and my wife and kids would then suffer. If not, why should our government should support the children of illegals? Any wrong that a parent does will always affect their kids. Even running a stop light, if you think about. Our government should not be resposible for the offspring of a law-breaker. If someone crossed our borders with their children, then if they are deported, their children should also go, for two reasons. One, the child is here illegally and two, as in the case of Elias Gonzolas from Cuba, the kids should be with their parents and NEVER separated. It is not right for any others to take that responsibility.

    But you all cannot tell me that the view of the vast majority of members in this website represents the views of all nor most Americans.
    In EVERY poll I have read, this is the case. Americans want their borders secured becuase of the way we are threatened these days. Those pro-illegal politicians of ours try and tell us that the majority is for open borders. They are the same politicians who would bring this country to its knees all in the name for bigger gains. So they spread their propaganda and try and convince us by puttting out false poll results.

    But as I am sure, most of you will not see where I am coming from. But if you actually went to Mexico and saw their poverty, you would understand why it is that people cross rivers, deserts, and leave their families and homeland.
    I'm sorry, but I cannot sympathize with this scenario. People must never leave their kids. The people of Mexico must rise up against those who oppress them. They cannot come here to escape what is rightfully their responsibility..which is to make their own country better. Mexico has alot of resources and there's no reason in the world that they couldn't do better. It's her leaders that stop the social mobility that her people so desparately need. It's wrong for them to come here and use the services that are meant for OUR citizens. We feel that Fox is dumping his poverty at our doorstep and does not care about them.

    Let me make a few points here, Chicano. I'm sure you realize this is not a issue about race, it's about the rule of law. For too long, our government has ignored its responsibility to enforce our laws. If they had been enforcing our immigration laws since 1986 when the last 'amnesty' was given, we, you, all of us would not be facing this problem. Especially if they had been going after the employers who hire illegals. This has been mostly igonred by our current President. Meanwhile, the Mexican people have been coming here illegally and getting stiffed by the people they work for in the form of abuse, sub-standard wages, endless work hours, etc. Those illegal workers are forced to obey their employers without recourse in fear of being deported. That's one huge reason to not overlook illegals working here--they need protection. I believe that once one migrates here legally, they should not be subjected to that kind of behavior from an employer.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #16
    Senior Member CheyenneWoman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicano

    Cheyennewoman, I agree with alot of what you say. But believe me when I say I know where my allegiance lies, and it is not with Mexico. I call myself Mexican American because that is what I am. It would be the exact same thing of a black person calling himself African American. So let me be very clear. I am American, born of Mexican parents. I am proud to be American, just as proud as I am of my heritage, customs, and all the things that I am sure you value in your own culture. And I am calling nobody racist. I know that this issue is not about race nor color but rather about legal or illegal status.
    Thank you for addressing one of my points. How about addressing the rest of them please?

  7. #17
    Senior Member Dixie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicano
    Yes, people must obey our laws.
    Then why are you advocating amnesy? The law says, deport illegal aliens. No exceptions. We are not going to write new laws for law breakers to get off scott free. We aer not going to make any more exceptions.

    You do the crime, you pay the price.

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  8. #18
    chicano's Avatar
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    Sure CheyenneWoman, but first do you agree or disagree with what I said?

  9. #19
    Senior Member Dixie's Avatar
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    Are you avoiding me? Please clarify why you dissagree with my statements. I know it's hard. Come on, give it a shot.

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  10. #20
    Senior Member CheyenneWoman's Avatar
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    If I may, I'd like to add one more thing, chicano -- can you now see that the elitists in this country are trying to create another slave class?

    To many illegals work for less than minimum wage BECAUSE THEY ARE ILLEGAL. If they had come into this country legally, they would be able to demand at least minimum wage.

    Do you really believe that if this amnesty goes through, that all of the 12-20 million illegals will go through the "process" to become legal? Why should they? If they can stay in the shadows because our government won't enforce the laws of the land, why would they be stupid enough to come out into the open?

    That will keep them in a substandard living class forever - ergo, a slave class.

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