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  1. #111

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Here is a post that I made up to post EVERYWHERE about B. Hussein Obama (not just anti-illegal sites). Look how I lead them into coming to Alipac!!!

    Learn the truth about B. Hussein Obama!!!

    B. Hussein Obama.......Let's attack Pakistan (who has been working with the US to stop terrorists)...And, make nice with Iran (who has threatened to wipe the US, Israel, and all western countries off of the face of the Earth).

    Here is Hussein's statement saying that we should attack Pakistan---and the worldwide reaction!! What a DANGEROUS idiot!!! He will put our country and its citizens at EXTREME risk!! ... tan&page=1

    B. Hussein Obama does not want to show respect and patriotism to the US Flag--even though we now have men and women dying for our country.....

    However, look what he has hanging in his Houston office!!! The Flag of Che Guevara (Marxist revolutionary and leader of Cuban and international guerillas):

    Maybe that is why B. Hussein Obama's wife said that this is the first time that she has been proud of the US---because even though their loyalties are to Muslim terrorist countries and other countries and murderous rebels---the US is still letting her husband run for president---and has many cultists supporting him.

    Muslims LOVE B. Hussein Obama----are those machine guns at the end of the video?? ... rican.html ... 0547.story

  2. #112
    GOrwell's Avatar
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    upon further review, at least he admits he is a socialist unlike insane mccain...

  3. #113
    Junior Member recce1's Avatar
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    Ad hominem attacks come easy for the non compos

    GOrwell, you’re quite facile with your assertion that McCain is insane. Just what's your expertise in the field of psychology or psychiatry? Do you even have a college degree at all? Or could it be that in your hubris you fail to see yourself as needing professional help. It seems that ad hominem attacks come easy for the non compos.

    You're the type of Republican who'll lose us the election. Oh, I forgot, you're an agent provocateur working for Sen. Obama. It seems that partisans like you didn't learn from Gore's defeat in 2000. Bush didn't steal the election; defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory by the Greens under Nader and rabid partisan liberals who turned off moderates with their incessant stream of canards, innuendoes, and prevarications about Bush. The same happened to Kerry in 2004. That and the fact he wouldn't give a straight answer to questions until it was too late. It seems like Obama is going down the same road by preferring pep rallies to discussing anything of substance.
    A politically incorrect conservative curmudgeon

  4. #114
    GOrwell's Avatar
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    Re: Ad hominem attacks come easy for the non compos

    Quote Originally Posted by recce1
    GOrwell, you’re quite facile with your assertion that McCain is insane. Just what's your expertise in the field of psychology or psychiatry? Do you even have a college degree at all? Or could it be that in your hubris you fail to see yourself as needing professional help. It seems that ad hominem attacks come easy for the non compos.

    You're the type of Republican who'll lose us the election. Oh, I forgot, you're an agent provocateur working for Sen. Obama. It seems that partisans like you didn't learn from Gore's defeat in 2000. Bush didn't steal the election; defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory by the Greens under Nader and rabid partisan liberals who turned off moderates with their incessant stream of canards, innuendoes, and prevarications about Bush. The same happened to Kerry in 2004. That and the fact he wouldn't give a straight answer to questions until it was too late. It seems like Obama is going down the same road by preferring pep rallies to discussing anything of substance.
    I hope he is, for his sake. "100 years in Iraq" "My friends there will be other wars" "I dont want amnesty".

    Okay so he is only a deranged blood thirsty warmonger and a degenerate liar.

    To tell you the truth if I could do it all over again I wouldnt of mind having a democrat president with a republican congress, what Bush did these last years is a complete disaster.

    Your exactly the type of neocon who has destroyed the republican party your follow however the party props up, well what if the republican party no longer holds the beliefs I do? then what, do I still vote for them just for the sake of voting republican?

  5. #115
    JRB is offline
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    To give some context to this post I will explain what is to follow. I recieved a donation request from the Obama Campaign and this was my reply to that request.

    I wouldn't travel to the next town for that Bought and Paid for Politician. You can tell him for me that when he starts talking about real issues like Illegal Immigration and the War in Iraq and what he is going to do to fix them, then you can email me and ask me for some money. Problem is I watch the issues in the Senate and I know where he stands and that is not with the Legal Citizens of the United States. You can also tell him that from a Disabled American Veteren, his choice of not wearing an American Flag on his Lapel shows his true alegance and that is also not with the people of the United States. Its a travisty that a pretty face and an empty suit will probably be the next President of these United States of America. At this point the only prayer we have is that we can vote in a Congress that will not allow his toothless agenda to ruin this Great Nation. I look at Obama as the lesser of two evils but when you look at that its still evil. I am one of a huge amount of fed up Americans that are tired of the lies and backdoor politics happening in Washington. I would also pose one more question to Mr. Obama and that would be is he going to borrow answers from his friend when he's in the White House or is he going to think for himself. I would also like to ask what flag will he have flying over the White House? If you feel you would like to discuss this with me or if Obama would like to talk with me about this feel free to call me on my cell phone. The number is ###-###-####. I know you wont call because he doesn't have the answers to what I have writen and neither do you.


    Fed Up Legal American

  6. #116
    ndmibby's Avatar
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    "After his death, Guevara became an icon of socialist / marxist revolutionary movements and a cultural icon worldwide."

  7. #117
    Senior Member bigtex's Avatar
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    Re: A dearth of appreciation for education

    Quote Originally Posted by recce1
    bigtex, unfortunately you touch on another problem that's tearing down our country. Due to the last four decades of liberal pandering to the fragile psyches of minorities and those who speak English as a second language, barely, educators like you have been forced to dumb down the curriculums in our K thru 12 kindergarten schools. We're told we mustn't flunk children, we must excuse unruly behavior, we must socialize them according to the liberal mandate, and then we must tell them they are great even though they aren't ready for the real world. The three Rs are now romping raunchy rebellion.
    You have that right. I get so tired of seeing things on the news where teachers are being blamed for the failure of our school. I wish people could come into this school and see the conditions we have. I have a class where there are 27 desk, but I have many classes of 40 - 55 students. Many of them have to sit on the floor. We have books that are many years out dated and literally no materials other than old books to teach with. We have no budget to purchase anything.

    I have two blind kid in my class, neither are legal and we have no material for them to be educated with. I have no idea how to teach kids like this and we have no modifications or aids to help. They expect me just to pass them while all they do is sleep.

    I also get 2-3 kids put in my class that have never been to school in Mexico and can't write Spanish. They also can't read Spanish or speak English. Yet they expect me to teach them. Once again, we just pass them along.

    The discipline here is so out of control we lose almost 1/2 our teachers each year. We have had so many assaults on teachers I have lost count. Nothing is done to the kids and teachers are forced to have them back in the class. Despite State laws that prohibit this. Complain this this district and you get black balled all over the state.

    Yes, we have some serious issues here with gangs. Many of the kids here have serious criminal backgrounds and we still have to teach. Most of the kids come to school with no pen, pencil, paper or anything else to do the work required of them. The have very little intention on learning. Getting parental help is impossible. they either don't speak English when you call or don't honestly want their kids going to school. The law is the only thing that keeps them here. Texas is even considering changing the law to where 25 years olds can stay in school and finish.

    Man I could go on and on. Most of the teachers around me are close to retirement and can't wait to give it up. The rest of us would like to change professions but with the economy like it is how can you. So we just put up with it and try to survive.
    Certified Member
    The Sons of the Republic of Texas

  8. #118
    Junior Member recce1's Avatar
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    A neocon? I'm hurt & insulted. Should I cry like a liber

    GOrwell, I'm such a good neocon that I believe that Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, and Rumsfeld should all have been impeached for gutting the Constitution. I'm such a loyal neocon that I'll probably vote for the Constitution Party and encourage all true conservative to do the same. And who cares if we have eliminated all of the Bill of Rights save the Third? Security and the Homeland (Fatherland?) are far more important that essential liberties. Isn’t that what Benjamin Franklin said? But go ahead and make your unsupported assumptions, after all, truth is relative, right?

    However, if you think we can get out of the Middle East quickly and that there'll be no more wars you must be Alice in Wonderland. McCain just spoke the truth about the sad state of affairs. That doesn’t mean I agree with him or his proposed solutions or will vote for him. Nor do I believe either Hillary or Obama have any viable solutions to either facing up to the threat of Islam or to illegal immigration. But I don't resort to ad hominem attack like you seem to prefer.

    I realize that you don't understand what Balkanization is or its consequences. But I must agree with you that a government spit between the two parties (and wishfully a third) is a good check on power. The Republicans, when they got hold of power and the presidency, acted like unruly children let lose in a candy store throwing out their 1994 contract With America for a contract on America. I doubt the Democrats will be any better when they gain both Houses and the presidency this November. But if you think Bush was bad, and he was a disaster as you said, wait until the nanny state welfarists get their hands on the public trough. Think of the consequences of open borders, illegals gaining benefits that citizens find hard to get, illegals being given the right to vote (Democratic of course), a bunch of Neville Chamberlains promoting appeasement, and radical environmental and anti-corporate policies that will make the US a third world country.

    Maybe we Americans should all move to Mexico and take it over for its climate and low cost of living. But then I forget that Mexico’s immigration laws are draconian compared to ours.
    A politically incorrect conservative curmudgeon

  9. #119
    GOrwell's Avatar
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    When did I say there would be no war between factions in Iraq? off course there will be, who cares. We shoudln't even be there.

    Mccain is a lose lose because he will "work" with whatever congress he has.

    Our only chance is to have republicans in congress but that wont happend, rightfully so after the mess they did, they deserve it.

  10. #120
    Junior Member recce1's Avatar
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    GOrwell, I'm sorry but you didn't make it clear you were referring strictly to Iraq. I was referring to war in the Middle East in general. I'm sure you agree the area is a tinderbox. I doubt we will ever solve the problem. That’ll take Divine intervention. But until we're no longer so dependent on Mideast oil what happens there is of vital concern to our economy and security. That's a fact of life.

    To those with knowledge of Islamic history and Islamic beliefs the war with Islam was inevitable. The survival of early America was threatened because of Islamic aggression and Europe wasn’t freed of Muslim occupation until 1924. But what Bush did was first unconstitutional, second ill-advised, and third mismanaged.

    As for McCain being a lose lose situation, I think your right. And the wound to the Republicans are indeed self-inflicted. Had they stuck with their 1994 Contract with America rather than instituting a contract on America they might still hold at least one House and the presidency. But they capitulated to the neoconservatives and allowed Bush to trade essential liberties for a little security. As Benjamin Franklin said, those that do that deserve neither liberty nor security.

    For that reason I'm encouraging conservatives and those who value the Constitution to vote for a third party such as the Constitution Party. Loyalty to the country and to the Constitution is far more important than loyalty to any party or person. As Teddy Roosevelt said, "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
    A politically incorrect conservative curmudgeon

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