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  1. #21
    Xianleather's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    Well, when the future of your country is on the line, and it seems as if your Government won't help, and you see nothing HUGE being done about it, I'd say it's normal to have a tremendous amount of stress built up. I feel the same exact way. ...


  2. #22
    Senior Member lsmith1338's Avatar
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    Yes WavTek there are many of us females that are very concerned with this amnesty issue for our country, ourselves, our families and our jobs. I too am obsessed with this issue and spend many hours each day doing research, sending emails, letters and calling anybody and everybody, politicians, family, friends, media to get the word out. We must stand up and fight to save our country from this invasion. Haven't lost any weight though, just sleep
    Freedom isn't free... Don't forget the men who died and gave that right to all of us....
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  3. #23
    sunsetincali's Avatar
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    After the initial protest I was SICK. I couldn't concentrate and I was
    on the net researching day in and out. I was so glad to find this site
    with like minded individuals b/c everywhere else I went I was ignored
    or called racist. I am sleeping better now but this topic is always simmering below the surface for me and WAITING for an opportunity to EXPLODE.
    Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed.
    Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
    Mahatma Gandhi

  4. #24
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    Sometimes I feel this has become an unhealthly issue for me but I cannot stop please tell me am not alone.
    The fact that you feel upset and the fact that you can't walk away is a good sign for our country.

    Apparently illegal aliens didn't want to be upset, tired and angry regarding issues which effected their own countries which explains why they are now running.

    Thank you for being upset with US. Oh, by the way sometimes a little laughter helps, and we do that a lot here too ! And last but not least there's always the option to for a few minutes.
    Our country is worth a few tears, and it's even good for US !
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #25
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    This is a great thread.

    Yes, to those of you that are new a lot of the women here are some of our strongest fighters. It's a good thing too because to be honest we have plenty of troubles in the ranks of the men of America. I'm not male bashing, and I suggest that most of the ladies politely decline to add to this statement, but American males are not thriving well in America's contemporary culture. Across the board from the voter registration files, high school graduation rates, and college enrollment American men are falling out of the process. As a group, we (men) are not holding up as well as past generations in America.

    I have a personal theory as well that many women are very protective of home and family. I believe this has brought many women to the front lines of this fight. This invasion was invisible to most before the protests. Many women spotted it early on because they are very sensitive to threats to their children, families, homes, and communities. Many women are also highly tuned in to body language and non verbal communications that indicate threats to females. You also encounter a lot of illegals in the marketplace and at the risk of sounding a tad sexist, I do think most of the ladies enjoy the marketplace more than I do.

    Regardless, we have a strong coalition on our hands with a good balance of men and women. We have many LEGAL immigrants at our side and a good showing from the Hispanic and black communities. The point has been well made that we need more black Americans in this struggle and more Hispanics must find their courage to express themselve against the illegals. We know how they feel from their votes and the polls, but speaking up is what counts now.

    It is going to take Americans of many walks of life fighting together to save our nation from what we face.

    We are also about to launch a new effort to reach out to younger people because the polling data is showing us that they are least aware of the problems associated with illegal immigration. We have a plan for that to be released soon.

    I find great comfort in those of you that have chosen to stand with us in this fight. As one regular user here we have not seen much of in a while always says

    "This is a hell of a way to meet!"


    PS: Word to the wise gents. Try to stay on the good side of the ALIPAC ladies and be damn glad they are on our side.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #26
    Martin's Avatar
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    The armpit of the world

    Re: have I gone crazy?

    Welcome and, for the good of your own health, take it easy; I felt exactly the same way. I too began to experience abdominal pain, and the obvious outrage over the recent events. (I'm not quite sure which vame first, the outrage or the abdominal pain ). And since it is not politically correct to express such views, that only adds to one's sense of possible insanity...and the abdominal pain.

    I've contacted a Legislator, an influential local radio personality (who, to my amazement, agrees with me!), and now I'm just goint to watch the events unfold.

    Do whatver you think is within your power, and just chill. Don't get an ulcer or colitis over this.

  7. #27

    Join Date
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    Southern Mexifornia
    Whether we know it or not, we're part of the Minutemen-- "The Minutemen of the Internet" !

    We're all hyped up on adrenalin. And that's an eminently normal response to the abnormal situation we see developing around us. The "knot" in the stomach, inability to sleep, obsessive reading, etc. are part of nature's fight or flight syndrome. If a fire was raging out of control in your neighborhood I bet none of you would take a nap. We can't stop to rest either, not now, not today. But balance is needed so we MUST pace ourselves or face burnout.

    If anybody is "crazy" it's those who can't see the threats facing this nation and continue spreading their "politically correct" mantras.
    “Homeland Security? What Homeland Security ?”

  8. #28
    Senior Member AmericanElizabeth's Avatar
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    against,don't worry, when we have all the illegal aliens out and our country back to what it should be, you'll be ok, so will the rest of us!!!

    As for it being a legitimate concern, BIG TIME!! I live in a complex of 99% Hispaincs (all illegals?) and then just us and one single guy. As the weather gets nice, we expect more trash sent our way, verbally that is. Just today, our son (who is 12) was out in our car getting his older sisters son's carseat, and one of the boys here, walked past him and said "Americans suck".

    As he told me this, my 23 year old daughter and I said in unison, "well here it goes, summers coming". It's been extremely stressful living here. I know my blood pressures up.

    All I can say is to channel that anger into this and other local groups, and then find something humorous (like that Larry the Cable Guy) and laugh at all things bad!! It helps so much to hear someone like this guy and let your stress go.
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  9. #29

    Join Date
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    New Richmond,Wisconsin
    No hun It's not just you. I have spent 10 to 12 hours a day for the last 6 days on my comp surfing, reading, posting in forums, debating in forums, raging in forums. I have the same knot.

    The outright defiance of the Illegals, rebellions forming, propaganda brainwashing anyone who watches TV or picks up a newspaper I personaly find very disturbing.

    I am also mad at myself on this one. I removed myself for the most part from politics a few years back. Feeling that my vote truely didn't count for anything, with the corruption of electorial votes and the counts at polls. Tired of the politicians BS. In doing so I have ignored what was brewing for 2 years. Didn't see it coming because I wasn't diving into the politics of it to find out. Neither party has been worth the saliva to spit on for years, let alone vote for. So I am really mad at myself on this one.

    And apoligize to my fellow countrymen. But, as an American I have the choice to pick my fights and battles, and I can tell you this one is well worth the fight. It's on baby! I am preparing for a very long hard fight and am commited to every single aspect of it. There is far to much at stake here to ignore. And I am to damn old to worry about learning Spanish just to order a whopper from a Burger King drive threw window.

    I am very disappointed that I am not seeing anything going on in Wisconsin to oppose this. I have written the politicians here twice on this issue and once on the ports issue. I see no marches or ralley's, no groups forming. And I am right across the boarder from MN and the twin cities so I can do that one too.

  10. #30
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    Glad you found us Jezzabell. Perhaps you can make ALIPAC your new base of operations. You can even call up the cavalry from here to other forum fights once you establish yourself among our activists.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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