Hey folks,
I would like to get everyone's thoughts on this one.

Let's set the immediate future hypothetical stage with the following.

Its Feb. 2007, many of our dirt bag politicians (Kennedy, Guiterrez, Pence, Specter, etc.) miraculously get relected. Now that the election heat is off, they go back to the 'drawing board' to hammer out the differences with the Senate and the House bills.
Let's say the "resolution" Congress comes up with is a mix with some border enforcement and offers a blanket amnesty for those who are already here? What will Americans do then?

I fear the day is coming soon when We The People will need to take action into our own hands. I am not implying anything voilent, but something must be done.

IMO, I believe another million man march would be necessary in Washington. But again, this is just my opinion.

If this is not practical, then what would be our next course of action?