OK I didn't know how to do this either until someone on another forum showed me.

If you are posting a URL and it is extremely long, that is what makes it needed to scroll back and forth to read it. There is a simple solution. I will give you the link. All you have to do is right click the url you want to post. Place it in your post AND PREVIEW IT FIRST BEFORE YOU CLICK SUBMIT. If it makes the page too wide then use this resource. It's called tinyurl.


Go back to your orginal url. Right click your mouse on the url and left click COPY

Go to tinyurl, place the large url into the box by using right clicking your mouse and then left clicking PASTE

Then click on "make tinyurl" Viola! Your url is now smaller and won't scroll the page.

Replace the large url with your tiny url in your post. Once again select the tiny url use Controll button and "C" then place it in your post Controll button "V". (or the right click left click method)

Give it a try.