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  1. #71
    I could not find the results of fox text message poll, however I found these comments on the Fox speak out page.,2933,295846,00.html

    [quote]Who do you think was the winner of the debate? FOX wants to know!

    E-mail us at and check back later to see if your response has been posted.

    Here's what FOX Fans are saying:

    "Ron Paul wins all the time because he is the only one who upholds the United States Constitution 100 percent." — Gerrit (Ephrata, PA)

    "I think the debate did not make me more likely to vote for any of the candidates ... the questions are one sided and the liberal candidates are not asked equally challenging (or many ridiculous) questions. Fred Thompson had a much better strategy!" — Anna (Whippany, NJ)

    "I felt Mike Huckabee answered the questions straightforward and honestly. I do not feel answers should begin with "When I was ...." Huckabee has something different to offer, with his direct answers to questions and different answers. He can think on his feet, and can give us something new and fresh. Mike Huckabee won this debate. I'll stand beside him." — Gerald (Suwanee, GA)

    "Fred Thompson wins hands down. He was smart enough to stay out of this silliness. He also realized who has the most viewers and it certainly is not a debate. He is the only Republican who has half a chance of winning in November '08." — John

    "Ron Paul won last night’s debate. He has the courage to stand alone against seven others who think alike on foreign policy. Ron Paul is the successor to Reagan and "pre 9-11" Bush. From where I sat in the seventh row the crowd seemed to love him. Thanks for hosting a super event." — Lincoln

    "The winner of this debate and of the last three Republican debates is Ron Paul. Any time a candidate defends true constitutionalism, he is the winner. I know his position on Iraq is not popular, but he is right. It is an unconstitutional war and one we cannot win." — Scott (Lake City, FL)

    "I believe Rudy G. won the debate. Watching the debate made me proud to be an American and
    a Rebublican." — Robert

    "I am not sure who the winner was, I definitely like Huckabee, the fair tax has my vote! Give me MY money! There is not a whole lot the governor has ever done right, except waste money. Give it to the people that work for it, they know better how to spend it." — Mike (Ethan, SD)

    "I think Rudy Giuliani won the debate, hands down. He is comfortable in his own skin and has a record of leadership and accomplishment that will serve America well. How do you spell leader? R-U-D-Y!" — Proud American

    "Mitt Romney spoke well on all subjects and is more than capable of being the president." — Jim

    "The clear winners were Giuliani, Romney, and Huckabee, in that order. Ron Paul is a very poor excuse for a Republican and should run with the other idiots on the Democrat side." — Mr. & Mrs. Payton (Florence, OR)

    "I think, surprisingly, I was most impressed by John McCain and I would say he "won" the debate. I was also impressed by Romney, Giuliani and Huckabee. Paul is a certified lunatic." — Rod (Garden Grove, CA)

    "Love Huckabee...but Ron Paul represents the 1776 Gentleman Farmer - a man of common sense who loves this country. I'm changing my support to Ron Paul." — Fred (Dacula, GA)

    "MITT ROMNEY. He is the only candidate who answered the questions from a position of strength and honesty." — Jason (Atlanta, GA)

    "I sincerely believe that Congressman Ron Paul won the debate tonight. Since World War II the United States has not declared a war and since that time we have also not won a war. The idea that we can even "win" the war in Iraq is ridiculous because we never declared who it was against or what it was for." — Luke (Florida)

    "Hands down, Mike Huckabee won the debate. He's brilliant, witty, a proven leader, sincere, and right on the only issues that should matter — life, marriage, and national security." — Rena

    "Rudy Giuliani was the clear winner. His experience transfers perfectly to the challenges of decision making necessary for The Presidency. He accomplished a great deal in New York with reduced crime, tremendously reduced welfare recipients, and lowered tax rates and cleaned up the citiy. I liked his answer to gun control. He said it wasn't the guns he needed to control, it was the criminals. He got them off the streets and the crime goes down. I'd like Duncan Hunter for VP." — Cordelia (Fletcher, NC)

    "It was John McCain hands down. He had a command of the issues and actually answered his question intelligently. Others sidestepped, repeated the same thing or were vague. I am looking forward to the October redebate." — Gail (Wauwatosa, WI)

    "I feel that Ron Paul won this debate. He continues to stick to his principles and, in my opinion, gives the most honest responces. I felt that the the "frontrunners" — Romney, McCain, and especially Giuliani - avoided answering several questions truthfully and completely. The decision of who I will vote for is between Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee, with me leaning towards Ron Paul." — Brian (Crossville, TN)

    "Rudy Giuliani - Hands down. Track Record & Experience. Let's make America change just like New York did." — Gary (Pace, FL)

    "McCain showed an understanding of all of the questions he was asked tonight. Giuliani and Huckabee were the next in line. I go for McCain as the winner tonight. Thank you for a good debate with good questions." — V.V.

    "Up until tonight's debate, I wasn't sure who the Republican front runner and my choice for President would be. Tonight, John McCain answered my questions and is clearly the man for the job." — Alfred (Houston, TX)

    "Mike Huckabee and John McCain were my favorites in tonight's debate. I am really looking forward to learning more about Fred Thompson. From what I know at this point, he looks like my overall favorite.. It would have been nice to see him in tonight's debate. It is great to be an American! It is a place where our voice can be heard by going to the polls and casting our vote." — Jess (Michigan)

    "While McCain performed better than expected, I thought overall Romney won it. Giulani was just plain disappointing." — Laurel (California)

    “I liked Huckabee and McCain. Most well-spoken. Hopefully McCain knows illegal immigration now.â€

  2. #72
    Update on MSNBC poll

    Vote on the New Hampshire Republican debate

    Who do you think did the best or worst in the following six categories?
    Cast your vote on the debate

    Who stood out from the pack? * 46740 responses

    Sam Brownback

    Jim Gilmore

    Rudy Giuliani

    Mike Huckabee

    Duncan Hunter

    John McCain

    Ron Paul

    Mitt Romney

    Tom Tancredo

    Tommy Thompson

    Who showed the most leadership qualities? * 46366 responses

    Sam Brownback

    Jim Gilmore

    Rudy Giuliani

    Mike Huckabee

    Duncan Hunter

    John McCain

    Ron Paul

    Mitt Romney

    Tom Tancredo

    Tommy Thompson

    Who was the most convincing candidate? * 46162 responses

    Sam Brownback

    Jim Gilmore

    Rudy Giuliani

    Mike Huckabee

    Duncan Hunter

    John McCain

    Ron Paul

    Mitt Romney

    Tom Tancredo

    Tommy Thompson

    Who had the most rehearsed answers? * 45492 responses

    Sam Brownback

    Jim Gilmore

    Rudy Giuliani

    Mike Huckabee

    Duncan Hunter

    John McCain

    Ron Paul

    Mitt Romney

    Tom Tancredo

    Tommy Thompson

    Who avoided the questions? * 45173 responses

    Sam Brownback

    Jim Gilmore

    Rudy Giuliani

    Mike Huckabee

    Duncan Hunter

    John McCain

    Ron Paul

    Mitt Romney

    Tom Tancredo

    Tommy Thompson

    Who had the best one-liner? * 44620 responses

    Sam Brownback

    Jim Gilmore

    Rudy Giuliani

    Mike Huckabee

    Duncan Hunter

    John McCain

    Ron Paul

    Mitt Romney

    Tom Tancredo

    Tommy Thompson

  3. #73
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by apropos
    The laughter was Guiliani for the most part. If you watch him, notice that he never misses an opportunity to rip Paul or try to discount him.
    Maybe Giuliani had the giggles, because he was in a gay mood:

  4. #74
    Senior Member Dianne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I did notice laughter each time Ron Paul was asked a question. And I am 90% sure it was Rudy Guliani. Shows how mature he is !!!

    By the way, his excuse for making New York a sanctuary city was because the Federal government wasn't doing their job. So he decided it was best to welcome the illegals than to alienate them. And as a result they saw a reduction in crime. I loved his face when one of the hosts mentioned posters and signs Guliani had constructed which said "If you are illegal and here to work, you are the person we want in New York".

    They also tagged Romney a good one when they insinuated he has been flip flopping on the issue of illegal immigration, and if he still had illegals working on his lawn, lol. Of course his canned response was that he hired legal contractors, who then hired illegals...

    McCain is stating the people have made it clear they want secure borders. So that is one of the first things he will do... then we'll take up the millions of illegals already here... ya... let me guess what that might be "amnesty".

    Huckabee is completely zoned out on illegal immigration.

    Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter are the only three candidates we can trust to get us out of the illegal amnesty mess we are in.

  5. #75
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BearFlagRepublic
    Romney said he supported building the fence.

    Maybe he wants to walk on it
    Only if he call fall from one side of it, to the other, in between steps!

  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC
    Can anyone get a tally on the text message vote results?

    I could not find the poll on fox so I am posting this. ... landslide/

    Fox News Republican Debate Poll: Ron Paul wins by a landslide '
    By William
    September 5th, 2007 - 10:59 pm

    Ron Paul was clearly the most intelligent and well spoken candidate in the Fox News Republican debate in New Hampshire on Wednesday night. The response of the live audience was clear, as was the post debate Fox News Poll. Here are the results:

    FOX NEWS DEBATE POLL - who won the debate?

    33% - Ron Paul
    18% - Mike Huckabee
    15% - Rudy Giuliani

    The big loser of the night clearly was no-show Fred Thompson, as Fox News reported on Fred’s follies.

    Fortunately for Democrats, it’s clear that the Republicans will never nominate Ron Paul, their best and brightest. After the debate when the final poll results were given, neocon Sean Hannity seemed quite upset with the fact that Ron Paul slam dunked the field, nearly 2 to 1. So much for the war candidates … like Fred Thompson.

    After watching the debate a second time, I was struck by the deliberate attempt by Fox News to ridicule Ron Paul. Listen to Chris Wallace and Brit Hume asking Dr. Paul questions. There is a blatant note of sarcasm and worse, loud laughing coming through the moderator’s mic. Once the Fox cameras even dropped in a shot of Rudy smirking while Paul was speaking. When they highlighted the exhange between Huckabee and Paul, they cut off Paul’s final response and asserted that Huckabee ‘won’ the debate on that point - Iraq. So blatant. Unfortunately, for Sean Hannity, Wallace and the others… the viewer poll showed the joke was on them.

  7. #77
    Senior Member Dianne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    You could tell by the questions to Ron Paul that it was a hit job by FOX... But I agree, the jokes is on FOX.

  8. #78

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Telephone poll and complete transcript of last night's debate:
    "We have decided man doesn't need a backbone any more; to have one is old-fashioned. Someday we're going to slip it back on." - William Faulkner

  9. #79
    Thanks for posting apropos!!! I was going crazy trying to find the poll on Fox.

  10. #80
    Senior Member SOSADFORUS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I just don't understand why Hunter and Tancredo are not polling better, besides being left out of so much of the debate!!
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