Quote Originally Posted by DarthIllegal
Quote Originally Posted by NoBueno
Quote Originally Posted by sarum
Quote Originally Posted by xchange
Quote Originally Posted by Justthefacts
We have been ignored from day 1
then we need to do something about it. be as big and power as these Hispanic Caucus, United Latino American group and other nonesense like that. they work 24/7, 7 days a week, 12 months of the year pushing, promoting , voicing their stance and issues and demands for their own people to Washington.
I believe that they have the biggest and most money on the planet behind them. This is not a movement that has grown from the ground up only. This is much more than most people realize I am sure.
This is an invasion in which mexico( and probably other latin american countries) is funding and supporting. Illegal invaders send billions in remittances to mexico, who in turn sends some of that money back to this country to fuel such groups who advocate on behalf of invaders.

I'm convinced of this.
I agree with that. I think the leadership in this country don't have the foresight to see the bigger picture, or the consequences of their actions. Dems and Repubs see votes and dollar signs, so they allow the invasion. As far as the perp, it is Mexico and other Latin countries. After seeing fliers and other materials that are handed to the potential illegal that show them how to cheat our system, they are obviously the biggest factor in all of this. We need a president who is going to give the finger to Mexico, and do his/her job, protect the citizens, and uphold the constitution.

But at the same time, I think that there are higher ups like the Bilderberg's that are controlling all of their puppets, without the puppet knowing fully what their masters are up to. Bush is probably a good example. Great guy, the kind I'd like to have a beer with and watch a baseball game, but just not president material. Now we have Obama, which is essentially Bush 2. We really need a Ron Paul, but the republicans need their idiots with an IQ of a disabled spider monkey, and the dems platform obviously doesn't bode well for the survival of this country. Pelosi, who looks like Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars, Reid, and all the others need to go. Our country needs a fresh start completely.
I think they know exactly what they are doing. Pushing socialistic democrapic unlawful law and disorder. America is being dismantled from within.

Not to give them credit...but to think them inept and stupid is very dangerous. If we allow them that as an out...we do not hold them accountable for the insidiousness treasonous willful and knowing usurpation they are inflicting on the people and America.

No...I will not give them stupidity as a scape goat. Pelosi is at the helm and needs to be held accountable. I want to see her in court with that stupid gavel she loves to swing around.