Quote Originally Posted by anamarie View Post
I agree ! With Obama,we know where he stands. With Romney,everything is speculation.As far as a third candidate goes,that ship has already sailed !!And let me reiterate,If Obama goes,so does Holder and Napolitano!!!!!
In the coming weeks and months, Romney will have to clarify once and for all where he stands on illegal immigration. He cannot continue to wiggle himself out of the issue or it'll harm his campaign. If he says what we want to hear, I'll force myself to vote for him, otherwise, see ya later. On the other hand, it sounds to me like some are dead set in voting for him no matter what he says. Heck even declaring support for amnesty would not be enough and that is dangerous because if these people get the sense that they don't have to be strong on illegal immigration then what's the point? Defeating Obama is good and all, but what sort of message are we sending to these fools in the long run?