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  1. #51
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by dxd
    If there really are patriots in the R party that care about America, they should be willing to switch parties NOW.

    I think many of the people here on our boards in America could care less about the D or the R.

    We are going to encourage our supporters to take on a new voting behavior in 2006 where illegal immigration is their top litmus test issue. Where a candidate has to meet certain tests of their positions and

    "Don't know ya? Don't vote ya."

    Meaning, if our voters do not know the stance of a candidate on this issue or do not like their stance, they do not cast a vote in that race.

    No more of the lesser of two evils game. Never again will a Karl Rove be able to tell a GW that "These voters have no place to go sir"

    We vote in every election, but if you are not with or we do not know your stance you DO NOT GET OUR VOTE. If you want to win, you must please us and stand with the public on this issue.

    I personally no longer care what letter or party is associated with their name as long as it is not some radical group.

    We are going to endorse Democrats, Republicans, Independent candidates, 3rd party candidates, whatever it takes. There will be only one consideration guiding our choices and it WILL NOT BE PARTISAN POLITICS.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #52
    Senior Member Dixie's Avatar
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    Texas - Occupied State - The Front Line

    What I Feel!

    I told the TV Reporter, "I love my country dearly and we are being invaded… I feel we need to protect ourselves..."

    I feel I am trapped between illegal aliens that are exploiting me, are disrespectful, a health hazard, dangerous criminals, which retaliate and are racist. And a lame duck dictator that doesn’t give a rats A and a bunch of foolish Senators that are going to sell us out. I feel helpless because they are not representing me. I fear America will become the Next Mexico, which will become Socialist with a corrupt government, and be impoverished, filthy, diseased and crime ridden. Look at what they have done to LA I want no part of what the illegal aliens have to offer. I have see nothing positive. Bush wants to push the culture on us. Is he ever loving out of his mind. He has no idea about the “real culture”. I do I see it infesting my city every day. I see the hatred, crime and arrogance. The freaking noise alone! Speakers in the trees! I’m getting angry. I’ve been as tolerant and I possibly can. I’ve had my car totaled right in front of my house. I’m so sick of the trash. The Mexican alcoholics that urinate in public and pass out on the side of the streets. The once cute houses being painted lime green and pink. Don’t forget the illegal construction and fences built from stolen construction site materials.

    You know, for the first time in my life I do not feel safe in America. I’ve lived through some wars, recession, 9-11, hard times… and during all that I knew we would be alright. Now, I can not say that.

    I want my way of life back. I want the illegals out of my country so we can repair it. It has been marred by trash, corruption, sub-standard living conditions… I don’t want to become Mexico and that is what scares me the most. I don’t even feel like I can fly my flag or put a support our troops bumper sticker on my car because of the retaliations I might endure. I as an American I should not feel that way. My rights are being violated.

    Let me tell you something else. After I was on TV, I got a glass of water with my meal from a fast food place near the protest site. The little Hispanic girl brought it out and she was just too happy and friendly. I smelled a rat. I got home and took a sip. She put something in my water. I’ve called the health department to have it annualized and I will press charges. Hopefully, hate crime charges because that‘s what it was. Little girly you should have put something stronger in my drink. You made the mistake of making an enemy and letting the enemy live. That really peeved me off. When I own the restaurant, free burgers to all Alipacers!

    I’m tired of being angry and putting up with the abuse. When they do stuff like that to me, I’m more determined to fight them out of this country. They will not stop me from doing everything lawful I can to root them out. I’m darn mad and I’m not taking it any more.

    If Bush makes the mistake of pushing an amnesty guest worker program on me. I’m going to turn into a rabid anti-Bush monster. I will work on every person I know to turn them against him and any Congressman that support the amnesty program. I will be unrelenting because they just ruined my country and the next people I elect better make it right or I‘m going to be dishing out more.

    Also, those people are not going to protest in my streets without me being across the street. They will not get a free walk thru town the next time. I'm not going to hide from them or let them "yes we can" me agian. From now on, they will be know as Mexican'ts.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #53
    Senior Member
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    Let me tell you something else. After I was on TV, I got a glass of water with my meal from a fast food place near the protest site. The little Hispanic girl brought it out and she was just too happy and friendly. I smelled a rat. I got home and took a sip. She put something in my water. I’ve called the health department to have it annualized and I will press charges. Hopefully, hate crime charges because that‘s what it was. Little girly you should have put something stronger in my drink. You made the mistake of making an enemy and letting the enemy live. That really peeved me off. When I own the restaurant, free burgers to all Alipacers!

    DIXIE.........I'm trying to absorb this and having difficulty.
    The other day when I was thinking about this sort of thing I made the decision NOT to eat anywhere there were latinos in the kitchen. If I can't see the kitchen, then I'm out of there.

    And now you're talking about it actually happening. Are you certain that something was in your drink? That noticeable?

    *** Never be afraid of flying OLD GLORY or SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS.
    That's the very problem that we create by fearing and allowing these animals to dictate our actions. NEVER GIVE IN TO INTIMIDATION. They smell it.

    If you're not already proficient in martial arts........learn to protect yourself.

    If you're not proficient with a weapon.......go take shooting lessons and a safety course.

    Every woman should know how to protect herself in this world. When you do, your demeaner is different. You have a quiet strength about you that actually stops these animals from targeting you. It's worth it. And DIX, I go into some very dangerous areas for business so I do understand this situation from first hand experience.
    {And yes, I am and I do}
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #54

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    New Richmond,Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by MustangJo
    We have a constitution party to support..they need petitions signed to get on the ballot....

    I went to their website the other day. Personaly I do not see myself supporting that party. What i saw was their party riding the illegal issue into ballot boxes when they have what I consider some very extremist views on a few other issues. To me that is scary. Another fox in the hen house.

  5. #55
    DiverMike's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    What do I feel like....well lets take a ride.....

    From The Declaration of Independence--
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government ... it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


    When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    Our Forefathers knew what they were talking about....those following tried to mask it as today....What Say You Today......????

    DiverMike -- Proud American willing to follow our Forefathers!!

  6. #56
    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    Heart of Dixie
    I feel that Mexico has been bitterly jealous of this country from the beginning. They teach their people that we "stole" from them, but they don't mention to their people that they "sold" to us. Mexico has had the same opportunity to develop into a country of equal stature to the U.S., but they wallow in corruption, poverty and illiteracy. Many of their people are taught by "word of mouth" by manipulative expansionists that want to "expand" into this country.
    I think that our president has personal ties that are clouding his judgement as to what is best for the people of "his" country base on his personal experiences and contacts as the owner of an oil company and the owner of a ranch - he always had the respect because he was the "boss".
    I doubt he has ever had to deal with gangs moving into his neighborhood, of his children being assaulted or members of his family losing jobs to be replaced by economic terrorists and then having to try to get public assistance that has been "taken" by the illegals also.
    I don't think he has lost a loved one to a drunk illegal with no license or insurance.
    I wonder if 47 illegals are using his social security number or stealing his identity?
    I doubt he has ever had to move from his neighborhood because of gangs, drugs, gunshots and prostitutes. I'll bet his children could always play in the front yard. He has no empathy for the American people that are not making a buck off of the illegals.
    The American people are being expected to pull Mexico out of poverty. I am sick the ILLEGAL ALIENS demonstrating their self entitlement to my county. THEY STEAL WITH PRIDE
    I think our President is going to give a speech to reiterate his plan to absorb all the poverty, social dysfunction, crime disease and violence of Mexico. I hope not and I would be relieved if he just closed out borders. I am going to see how I feel at 9PM on Monday.
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  7. #57
    Senior Member DEEDEE's Avatar
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    Has anyone gotten in touch with the NRA for they will take away all guns?yWhat about getting in touch with MinuteMen for you know what the gov did to them put their lives at risk.Where are the lawyers ?I agree we have to stand together in a NEW PARTY.We have to fix this now for Mexico is going more Communist. I listened to Tancredo on Savage on the radio and a million on the border was mentioned -really good link a couple of pages ahead. We can all PLEDGE to be together, for this is our country. It is our flag and we cannot let her down.
    Thomas Jefferson said: When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty !

  8. #58
    KickEmOut's Avatar
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    Rural N. CA
    I'll tell you how I feel about a government that doesn't listen to its citizens.

    I just off the phone with the ICE Hotline. What a joke. I reported a local business that hires illegals. I was asked how I knew they were illegal. I said because I've done business with them in the past -- I know. Well, that wasn't good enough. I asked what proof does ICE need? She said she asks the questions not me! She hung up on me.

    I called my congressman in Washington. I demanded my social security money be returned. I said I was lied to about it and I know it won't be there when I'm 66 years old to collect it. I also asked why I had to prove my residency before I could send an email when illegals don't have to prove anything? Again, I lost it and was hung up on.

    This speech tonight will be pure BS. I am tired of trying to work this out through the proper channels. I'm ready for the next step.

    How do I really feel? Angrier than ever before in my life.
    <div>Want some ICE with that cervesa?</div>

  9. #59
    Senior Member BorderFox's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by nittygritty
    RE" If you voted for Bush in 2004 you gave the okay for the betrayal. Bush showed what he was in 2001"Quote

    I take full responsibility for voting for Bush in 2004! I will tell you the reason I voted for Bush. You I say, you because evidently you are a democrat right? Anyway, I voted for Bush, and I will be man enough to say here I would do it again, were the circumstances the same again as it was in 2004. I will not ever vote for John Kerry for even dog catcher! The man gives me the creeps and did the first time I saw him on TV, he reminds me of an old time snake oil salesman! I think he was a traitor to his country when he went over to speak with leader of the North Vietnamese when we were still at war with Vietnam and while he was suppose to be in the naval reserves.I could go on and on about the subject of Mr.John Kerry, I won't there would be nothing gained by it because you either see him as a snake like I do or you see him as a possible savior like the dems did, I have to say they were just as blinded by him as you evidently think we who voted for Bush was blinded to his ways. It was not so much we were blinded, we were not so much voting for Bush, as voting venehemtly against John Kerry! Bush is a bumbling inept blind fool as far as the illegal immigrant issue is concerned and should be kicked out of office if he doesn't change his views and secure our borders and deny amnesty to the illegals. Bush has not commited treason to his country, it's not his picture that hangs with MS. Jane Fonda's pic in the museum devoted to the North Vietnamese, it is the pic of John Kerry, that hangs there as aiding and abetting the enemy. he was the traitor not Bush in my eyes at least! Both sides, the republicans and the democrats are just as culpable in this nasty illegal alien business, not one any more then the other, neither is fit to run our nation at this time!
    Me too. My thinking exactly. The lesser of two evils. Does anyone really believe that if Kerry were in office it would be any different?
    Deportacion? Si Se Puede!

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