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  1. #41
    Senior Member Rawhide's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    I also have been laughed at and ridiculed , yes even by some in my family.
    I have also heard the exact same argument "the gov't is gonna do whatever they want and you can't stop them"-then I remind them of the shamnasty bill and how the phone lines crashed,it registers in they're eyes and then they say"you can't stop them you know(the illegals) and my response-how is it you can stand up with no spine? and how it is nice that our veterans don't feel the same as they do.I can usually trip them up by posing the question-So if I wanted to live in such and such a country I should just move there right,not go through legal channels?The typical response-no that would be wrong.
    It must take them forever to get around on those one-way streets.
    At that point I bid them a good day because they are a lost cause.
    I am not giving up the fight and I think our most powerful tool is prayer,I use it all the time.

    Head 'em up,move 'em out Rawhide!

  2. #42
    jjmm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    How sad that people have such an attitude. Perhaps they deserve the America they're going to get with such a lame outlook.

    Geez, what SHEEP.

    I think the media has just all but hypnotized the American sheeple public. Movies, DVD's, the internet ..they are all so wired and plugged in -- but plugged in to nothing.

    And the celebrity culture as well's all they see, all they think about, all they respond to.

    Our young people are woefully always so uninformed, so blase about everything. I have a lot of teens around me and I see their attitude.

    And you can't get this type of news on cable news networks. All they do is these ridiculous fluff stories -- and then break for a commercial.

    I dunno. I'm glad I at least got to spend at least half my life in the greatest country this world has ever known. I'm ashamed that I helped vote in such a traitorous president. I hope the tide turns, and I'll do all I can, but I'm also a parent to three kids, one in college, one with special needs, and a person who has to work, pay taxes, keep MY head above water -- and there's only so much I can do.

    I just hope those who CAN do, who have the time, the resources, will fight as hard as they can. If I had nothing else to do, it would be my full time job.

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