I visit the site so now and then, but didn't have the feeling to write yet.
I'm just wondering if you would also report illegals you like.

I support the deportation of all illegal aliens, including their children.
But I've the feeling that most people that want to deport illegal aliens, only want the Hispanic illegals to leave the country. We should not forget that wel also have tens of thousands of illegals from Europe too.

Now having said that ( that all illegal aliens should be deported ), I do have some conflicting feelings. I work in a bar during the weekends and I check people's ID before I serve them alcohol. One girl came up to me and showed me a foreign driver's license, which I refused as I can't read a foreign language. So later she came up with her passport ( Polish ) and it had a US tourist visa in it, but it was expired for more than 6 months.

Actually I shouldn't have looked into her passport apart from the first page as I would not have seen the visa on page 10. I told her that it expired and she looked scared when I mentioned it. But, it's not my job to deport her. It's my duty to report, but not to deport. I now see her almost every week now and I start to like her, although I know she works without a ssn, and gets paid under the table. Normally I would report ANY illegal alien to ICE, but I think it's wrong to report her.

So my question is: Do some of you also think that you would never report an illegal who you personally know ?

PS: interesting site anyway.