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Thread: Ron Paul on the Issues

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  1. #511
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    $5,958,245.08 Contributed So Far TOWARDS FREEDOM!!!!!
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  2. #512
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    Ron Paul Comments on Obama ‘Recess’ Appointments

    “President Obama has acted in clear disregard of the Constitution”
    LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s appointment of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Finical Protection Board and Sharon Block, Richard Griffin, and Terence Flynn to the National Labor Relations Board:

    “By making ‘recess’ appointments to the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) when Congress is not actually in recess, President Obama has acted in clear disregard of the Constitution.
    “And the President must be called to account for his actions.

    “It is disappointing that a former constitutional law professor does not understand that the President is not a dictator or a king who can simply ignore the Constitution whenever he feels frustrated by the system of checks and balances wisely put in place by our Founders.

    “I have opposed unconstitutional power grabs by Presidents of both parties throughout my Congressional career, and this consistency leaves me as the only Republican candidate with the credibility and the record to challenge President Obama on his continuous overstepping of his constitutional boundaries.

    “If the President insists on behaving in such a cavalier manner with regard to requirements set forth by the Constitution, then action by Congress may become necessary to rein in his flagrant contempt for the rules.”
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  3. #513
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    Hot Mic At Pentagon Presser Catches Reporter: "See This Room? Two-Thirds Of Us Laid-Off When Ron Paul Is President"

    Video at the link

    As C-SPAN was waiting for President Obama's Defense Strategic Review press conference to begin a hot mic caught a reporter taking a swing at Ron Paul.

    "See this room? Two-thirds of us laid off when Ron Paul is president," the reporter said.

    Before the comment was made, the reporter could be heard laughing about Ron Paul.

    Soon after the reporter made his remark C-SPAN turned down the audio while an anchor announced the details of the press conference.
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  4. #514
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    Mike Krieger On Why He Supports Ron Paul

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/05/2012 15:33 -050
    Submitted by Mike Krieger of KAM LP
    Why I Support Ron Paul

    Now consider that an ideologue is not necessarily a fanatic. What he does is adjust most of his ideas to circumstances, without recognizing the opportunism latent in such ideological adjustments. The opportunism of a great statesman, on the other hand, rests on principles. What John Morley once wrote about Edmund Burke may be applied to Churchill: “He changed his stand; but he never changed his ground.” Or what the aged Metternich once wrote: that an idea is like a fixed gun in a fortress, ready to fire and to hit error in one straight direction; but a principle is like a gun mounted on a fixed but revolving base, capable of firing at error in all directions. - John Lukacs in Churchill: Visionary, Statesman, Historian

    Ron Paul
    I hold a deeply held view of Ron Paul as an honorable, genuine and trustworthy American statesman. In fact, I cannot really think of anyone else in the tepid cesspool of American politics today whom I could even remotely categorize as a statesman as opposed to a run of the mill politician (or ideologue as Mr. Lucas puts it). Mr. Lucas moves on to explain that to an ideologue it is current ideas that matter, while to a statesman it is certain principles that matter. He states that an ideologue’s view of the world and its inhabitants is political, while to a statesman it is historical. These simple sentences are what I believe inherently separate Ron Paul at his very core from everyone else currently running for president. This is merely what separates the man’s character from the others. This is reason enough to consider him, but not reason enough to vote for him. His ideas about liberty, war and economics also separate him from the pack and it is his strongly held principles on these subjects that in my view make him the only one capable and with enough conviction to help heal this country’s wounds, get us back on the right and moral path and foster real change as opposed to a campaign slogan.

    Why the Elite Establishment or TPTB Hate Ron Paul

    In case you have been asleep under a rock for the last few months let me fill you in. The elite in this country that control all forms of mainstream communication in the United States as well as both fake political parties are having a panic attack in response to Ron Paul’s surging popularity. There is a simple reason for this. On the important issues, the issues that affect your freedom and economic future he does not tow the party line of TPTB. As I have written about endlessly for almost five years now, the Federal Reserve is the mechanism of American empire and this institution’s policies are the primary reason the middle class in America is on the verge of being completely destroyed. It is the mechanism for transferring wealth and power to a smaller and smaller faction of the population through persistent inflation. As Keynes wrote: “Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”

    Remember, the Fed creates dollars out of thin air and then forces countries to accept this counterfeit, backed by nothing, and consistently devalued money for their resources. While many people now understand this concept, what most U.S. citizens still do not seem to understand or want to accept is that it is not in the national interests of other countries to accept this certain to be vaporized currency for their hard produced goods. Fortunately for us, there is a solution to that. Support (or install via coup) if necessary despotic puppet regimes around the world to accept this monetary system. Our Federal Reserve system and indeed our way of life is supported through the barrel of a gun pointed at every other “sovereign” nation on the planet. If you step out of line you will be deemed a terrorist state and we will single you out and fight for sanctions on you and then if none of that makes you fall in line we will start bombing you. We will say that you commit atrocities against your people and you probably do (although we were also probably your ally recently despite the atrocities). Make no mistake about it. Every country we every go after militarily relates to defending the Federal Reserve system. Since oil being priced in dollars is the key to the system, we are always on the verge of invading oil producing countries that we do not already have under puppet control. Israel is merely another U.S. colony. We defend it so vociferously not because of the Jewish lobby but because they are a strategic asset in the oil rich Middle East that we use to defend the Federal Reserve system and the American empire.

    If you Attack the Federal Reserve you are Racist, Anti-Semitic and Possibly a Terrorist

    Let me fill you in on a little pattern that I have noticed. In American politics you are allowed to criticize pretty much anything except the Federal Reserve system. This is the third rail of American politics. Why? Because this is by far and away the most important issue on planet earth. Republicans will run around yelling about cutting back on government and preserving “freedom” but they NEVER EVER attack the Federal Reserve. The only time we have ever seen this in recent memory was this political season in the Republican primary and that is only because opportunists like Rick Perry saw it was a popular issue. Ron Paul on the other hand means business when it comes to the Fed. He has been criticizing it for decades and it is not just talking points. He is the only one out there that actually understands how the monetary system works and how it is destroying this nation.

    So isn’t it interesting that whenever a popular movement with anti-Fed elements comes out it is not attacked based on the ideas, but it is immediately categorized as racists or anti-Semitic. Why? Because TPTB want to be able to turn people off as quickly as possible. They know that if people actually do a little research they will see the truth. This is why the tea party was branded that way immediately by the mainstream media fake left. This is also why Ron Paul is being attacked the same way. They do not want to talk about the substance of ant-Fed arguments. They want the whole thing to disappear as quickly as possible.

    What also has been very interesting to see is how the mainstream media fake right went after OWS. OWS is a huge deal in American history because it was when elements on the other side of the political spectrum really started to attack the Fed and banking system for the first time. Sure many, many of the ideals behind the tea parry and OWS are totally different, but what is far more important and dangerous to TPTB are the similarities. Both are against bank bailouts and have anti-Federal Reserve elements. Thus, the media had to attack them as well. They used the “lazy, ignorant, imbecile meme” for these guys.

    Continued Below
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  5. #515
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    Ok, so now we have their entire playbook. Any popular movement is not to be listened to. If it comes from the heartland it is to be categorized as being dominated by “racists, anti-Semites and survivalists.” If it emerges from the urban areas on the coasts it is to be deemed as being dominated by “ lazy, unemployed, morons who are probably high on drugs and want free stuff.” Most important to TPTB is that these two groups remain separated and the goal is to create as much animosity between them as possible so they never realize they agree on the key issues. Divide and conquer is being used on American citizens in America. This tells me one thing. The criminals in charge on Wall Street and Washington D.C. are afraid. Very afraid.

    I am Jewish and I Support Ron Paul…There are MANY of us

    When I saw this the other day, where Joe Scarborough basically labeled Ron Paul supporters as anti-Semitic I became infuriated. First of all, I have been a Ron Paul supporter for years and I am well connected to many of his key supporters all over the country. I think I might have an idea as to whether they are anti-Semitic or not and they are certainly not. Meanwhile Scarborough hasn’t been in the Ron Paul circles but yet…“On Morning Joe this morning Joe Scarborough revealed that he's always heard from friend who support Paul that there is an underlying strain of anti-semitism to Paul events, which some in the past have tied to Paul's anti-Wall Street, anti-Fed views.” Huh? This is journalism? Some anonymous friend says Ron Paul rallies are anti-Semitic? Who is this friend and why doesn’t he come out publicly? This is like a middle school rumor-mill. Sadly, that is what the mainstream media has devolved to nowadays.

    When I saw this clip I felt the need to respond. These sorts of tactics are going to backfire big time. It got me so riled up it inspired me to write this email as well as to make the decision to dedicate much more of my time this year to politics rather than the markets. 2012 is a year to fight these guys in that realm and I plan on being relentless. This clip was an insult to me as someone who is Jewish and to all of those Jews I know personally that support Mr. Paul. What is so ironic about this whole anti-Semitic argument is that the guy that is seen as the most influential figure in Austrian economics (the economic perspective that Ron Paul adheres to) is Lugwig Von Mises. Guess what? He was Jewish. How about Murray Rothbard, the economist that popularized Austrian economics in the last couple of decades? Also Jewish. Then during Ron’s 2008 run his economic advisor was Peter Schiff. Another Jew. For an anti-Semite this guy sure surrounds himself with a lot of Jews. To those that hear something on mainstream media or read one of the newsletters and become turned off I ask one thing. Read his books. They are short. If you still feel turned off at least it is on the actual issues and then I can live with that conclusion.

    Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy Views are “Dangerous.” Dangerous to Who?

    There is one issue where the RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) will actually engage Ron Paul on the issues and that is foreign policy. They try to portray him as an “isolationist” but in reality he is Anti-Empire. He believes in strong national defense he just doesn’t believe in constant preemptive war. He also points out that it is hypocritical to support one totalitarian regime while bombing another. For these rational views he is attacked vehemently by the likes of Gingrich. The dirty little secret however is that some of Ron Paul’s strongest support emanates from the U.S. military. This makes sense. At the end of the day, most of these war mongers in both the Republican and Democrat party have never fought in a war and they know their kids would never be sent overseas to die, yet are such tough guys and war mongers with OTHER PEOPLE’S KIDS.

    The fact that the military is strongly supportive of Ron Paul’s foreign policy is so terrifying to the elite cowards in this nation that CNN resorted to outright censorship the other day. When this active duty soldier who has been serving his country for the last ten years in war time started to discuss his criticism of American war mongering he was immediately cut off. See this incredible clip here

    Oh so you think this guy is a one off? Nope. Check this out. The armed forces are Ron Paul’s three biggest supporters. Look at who is backing Romney. Wall Street has clearly made a bet on who its next puppet will be.

    Why Ron Must Run Third Party

    I support Ron’s attempt to get the Republican nomination even though I recognize that hell will freeze over before the Republican establishment allows him be chosen. Nevertheless, it is a smart move as he is exposing the lack of ideas amongst the Republican field and exposing them as the empty suits that they are. Other than him, they will all be puppets of TPTB just like Obama. I think that simply his running is changing the debate and converting more people to his perspective.

    So the big question is what should he do after the Republicans choose their new Wall Street puppet Romney. In my opinion, he must run as a third party candidate. No matter what he will not be returning to Congress so this is really his last shot and I actually think he can win as a third party candidate. Just imagine a debate between Romney, Obama and Paul. How will they respond to Paul’s strong defense of civil liberties. Or his attacks on the Federal Reserve system. Or his anti-preemptive war stance? They can’t and it will expose Romney and Obama to be the same guy on the important issues at play today. They will be shown once and for all as the empty suits that they are. Even if he doesn’t win, turning this whole thing around will not happen overnight. It is a process and him running as a third party candidate will further expose the two party system as the sham that it is and further accelerate the demise of both parties. In fact, I already think that by 2016 the Democratic party will be essentially a shadow of its former self and the Republicans may be as well if they continue on the path they are on much longer. To paraphrase Shakespeare. The tides in the affairs of men are changing. Neither political party can comprehend it.

    Finally, let’s remember that it is both bought and paid for parties that hate Ron Paul and that is because he is the only genuine threat to the establishment. As soon as this man topped the polls in Iowa the mainstream media went into total freak out mode. Watch this clip that shows how both the fake right and fake left media portrayed the Iowa caucus in 2008 and now 2012.
    Finally, Jon Stewart several months ago joked about how the media systematically ignores Ron Paul.

    Welcome Aboard

    In conclusion, I want to welcome the hundreds of new people on my email list. Those that are joining come from all over planet earth, in every field imaginable and I believe represent key players in helping to create a new and better world. So welcome all of you to the list and feel free to forward this and every other email I write to as many people as possible. We have a moment right here and right now. Let’s do some good.

    Peace and wisdom,
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  6. #516
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    Romney Sinking, Ron Paul Surging In New Hampshire

    Romney losing two percentage points a day, Paul shows huge gains

    Paul Joseph Watson
    Thursday, January 5, 2012

    The very latest polls out of New Hampshire ahead of next week’s primary show that despite his frontrunner status, Mitt Romney’s support is sinking at a rate of two percentage points a day, whereas support for second placed Ron Paul has surged.

    Video at the page link:

    “Our daily tracking shows it all: Romney losing two points in the last 24 hours, while Ron Paul picked up four, bringing him closer to Romney than he’s been all week,” reports Boston’s 7 News, who conducted the poll in association with Suffolk University.Romney remains the clear frontrunner with 41 per cent, while Paul has bolstered his second placed spot with 18 per cent and Santorum is in third with 8 per cent, having only increased his tally by 2 per cent despite virtually tying with Romney for first in Iowa.There are still 17 per cent of likely Republican voters who remain undecided.“So, for Romney, the trends are troubling: He can’t let his support continue to go down, while his two major opponents–Paul and Santorum–go up, but he may not be able to stop it,” states the report.

    In a separate Zogby poll, Paul has drawn even closer to Romney on 24 per cent to Romney’s 38 per cent. Rick Santorum is in third with 11 per cent.“On the heels of his close third place finish at the Iowa Caucus, Ron Paul is polling a strong second place in New Hampshire. From here on out, it is a two-man race between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney given that one of the tickets out of Iowa was a dead-end due to Rick Santorum’s glaring lack of viability,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

    As the New York Times’ Projection shows, support for Ron Paul has surged over the last few days before and after his third place finish in Iowa.Paul has leapt from 14 per cent, to 18 per cent, to 24 per cent since January 2nd according to the three most recent polls taken consecutively. Given that ratio, Paul could push Romney a lot more closely than expected come the primary on January 10th.Despite Paul’s massive surge, the establishment media is obsessing about Santorum’s comparatively minor 2 per cent rise, while ignoring Paul’s numbers altogether.
    Last edited by AirborneSapper7; 01-05-2012 at 10:19 PM.
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  7. #517
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    Cockeyed Hawkeyes? Romney wins in Paul-friendly “super caucus” Tuesday night

    Andrew W. Griffin
    Red Dirt Report
    January 5, 2012

    OKLAHOMA CITY – Driving the more than 10 hours back from Iowa City, Iowa yesterday gave this reporter a lot of time to think about what I witnessed and experienced while covering the first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucuses.

    First, the people Ted Smith and I met and talked to during our short-and-quick visit were amazingly friendly and courteous. As it happened, we kept running into very passionate, excited and energetic people – young and old – be it in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Coralville or Iowa City. There was the World War II vet named Del in Cedar Rapids who was a hardcore supporter of Newt Gingrich. There were the brothers Heflin – Matt and Travis – who worked tirelessly to spread Ron Paul’s message of freedom and liberty in the Iowa City/Coralville/University of Iowa area. And there werethe good, civic-minded Iowans who were uncertain of who they really preferred, at least until they attended Tuesday night’s caucuses in their particular precinct.

    But back to the Ron Paul supporters. In the Iowa City area, Ron Paul was the only candidate to have an actual campaign office, which also happened to be manned largely by young people. Ron Paul political signs were everywhere. Ted and I looked hard to find signs or support of other candidates. Only Del and longtime GOP activist and caucus organizer Jim Conklin were the only Newt Gingrich supporters we could find during our short visit to Cedar Rapids.

    And that takes me to another issue that I did not get to cover as the votes came in, ultimately showing that candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum emerged in a virtual tie – eight votes separating the two warmongers.

    First, the Romney camp did not have anyone manning their central Iowa campaign office. Ted and I called over their multiple times while in Iowa and could not reach anyone. How did Romney win over so many Iowans on Caucus Night? Others told us that when they visited the Romney campaign office, stacks of Romney signs were gathering dust, unused. Where was Romney’s organization? They couldn’t return calls from the visiting press and somehow they pull off a victory, a slim one, but a victory nonetheless.

    And Santorum? As the other social conservative and neo-conservative candidates fell away – it was clear Michele Bachmann’s campaign was done during our Des Moines visit – they were supposedly left with Rick Santorum. Continually polling low, in the last week, rigid, big-government Santorum gets a boost from Iowa’s Republicans. At the “super-caucus” Red Dirt Report covered in Coralville, Iowa, just outside Iowa City, there was not a single Romney sign visible in or around the large conference center, yet he would go on to win, despite the Ron Paul signs outnumbering the Rick Santorum and Rick Perry signs 7 to 1.

    Where did Romney’s support come from in Coralville? He would get 262 votes, according to The Des Moines Register, and Ron Paul would get 203 votes. Precinct 4, which we covered, went overwhelmingly for Paul, as did the others we visited. But Coralville Precinct 6 seemed to have a lot of “activity” going on. They were the largest – and last – precinct to release their ballot results. It reminded me of some things that Jim Conklin, the outspoken Cedar Rapids Republican and Newt supporter who had long ago ostracized himself from the Iowa GOP’s heavy-hitters because, as he told us, they care about money and the wealthy. Was money changing hands in Iowa? Brad Funkhouser, writing for, noted “that abusing suddenly lax ID registration may have created many fake votes for neocons Santorum and Romney. Santorum has no organization, never drew over 100 people during his entire campaign. Of course he did bribe and received the benediction of that ‘family’ leader who demanded 1 million dollars that were to be distributed in part to cronies.” That “family leader” is the social conservative bigwig in Iowa, Bob Vander Plaats, a guy who Conklin derisively called “Vander Poof.”

    Again, the question is being asked … were the caucus results fixed? Funkhouser said Santorum did not earn 24 percent of the vote in Iowa. How did that happen? Some say it’s because Santorum stumped in all of Iowa’s 99 counties and was committed to the Hawkeye State. But the polls were still weak in the final weeks for Santorum. Ron Paul was on the rise and many pundits were calling for Paul in advance of Tuesday’s results. So, what happened? As one fervent political watcher told this reporter in the hours after the results, “Just look at Rand Paul’s face, as he stood next to his father on Caucus Night. Rand knows something. He did not look happy. I think he is convinced it was stolen from his dad.”

    Perhaps. But the problems are not just on the Republican side of the aisle. The Democrats, using their ACORN proxies, are already invading poor neighborhoods in cities like Cedar Rapids and are strong-arming folks, many who are not legal U.S. residents, to sign up to vote – as Democrats. We witnessed that here in Oklahoma City in 2008 and Red Dirt Report found their secret headquarters trashed and abandoned on the city’s southside in the weeks prior to the election which gave Barack Obama his victory.

    But back to Iowa. It is interesting to note that the Coralville “super-caucus” started late because of the several hundred newly-registered Republican voters coming through the door. It was curious and while Red Dirt Report has no proof of chicanery, it was clear from all the buttons, stickers and signs supporting Paul that he was far-and-above the most popular candidate amongst Coralville Republicans. As we had heard from locals, a Ron Paul rally drew hundreds of University of Iowa students right before Christmas break. And with school out during the caucus, Paul didn’t get the support he might have otherwise received. The media was no help and as MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews told Red Dirt Report in Des Moines on Monday, the media has done a lousy job of taking Ron Paul seriously. If a hardcore liberal Democrat like Matthews is saying such a thing and noting that many Republicans are experiencing “war fatigue,” despite the establishment pushing for an attack on Iran, you have to wonder what is really going on behind the scenes.

    Regardless, Ron Paul had the most excited base in Iowa while we were there. The caucus after-party at Tailgators in Coralville was full of happy Ron Paul supporters. Sure, they were disappointed Paul didn’t get in first but as Paul fan Travis Heflin told this reporter, there is now an organization in place that will continue to grow regardless if Ron Paul is the candidate or not. The infrastructure is now there and will remain. And as a University of Iowa professor and long-time libertarian told Red Dirt Report that on the notoriously liberal campus, “libertarianism is fashionable again.”
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  8. #518
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    Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Ron Paul’s Iran Policy Most Accurate

    Paul receives more support from U.S. military than all Republican candidates combined

    Paul Joseph Watson
    Thursday, January 5, 2012

    Despite numerous Republican candidates attacking Ron Paul over his “dangerous” foreign policy, Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer praised Paul for being the “most accurate” out of all the GOP contenders when it came to his perspective on Iran.

    “I think Ron Paul’s perspective or policy on Iran is probably the most accurate of the current GOP candidates,” said Shaffer during an appearance on Fox News, adding that Iran probably already has a nuclear weapon.

    As Shaffer points out in the clip, Iran would be committing suicide if it decided to create any kind of pretext for a US/Israeli attack by targeting US military assets in the region. The Iranian economy would almost certainly collapse and Iran would be completely outnumbered and outgunned.

    Indeed, as this illustration highlights, Iran is completely surrounded by US military bases. The characterization of Iran as an immediate and deadly threat to the security interests of the United States is nothing less than fearmongering propaganda that has been used by numerous GOP candidates to pose as tough leaders. It is their foreign policy of pre-emptive war that represents the greatest ‘danger’ to US security interests.

    While the likes of Rick Santorum and John Huntsman have openly declared they wouldn’t hesitate to bomb Iran, Ron Paul has consistently pointed out that pre-emptive wars against countries that pose no threat to the United States have bankrupted the country.

    Paul was attacked yet again following the Iowa caucuses by Newt Gingrich, who in the midst of an angry rant said Paul’s foreign policy was “stunningly dangerous” to the U.S. Paul responded by pointing out that Gingrich is a chickenhawk.

    “You know, when Newt Gingrich was called to service in the 1960s during the Vietnam era, guess what he thought about danger? He chickened out on that, he got deferments and didn’t even go,” said Paul.
    The true popularity of Paul’s foreign policy can be judged by the amount of money he receives from the U.S. military.

    Ron Paul has has received more money in donations from active duty military personnel than all of the other Republican candidates combined and more than Barack Obama himself.

    “Paul’s military-connected contributions for the three months more than double such contributions to all the other Republican presidential candidates—and they also exceed Obama’s,” confirms Politifact.

    In the three months from April through June, Paul received “more than $25,000 from individuals who listed their employer as a branch of the military” (the campaign itself puts the figure closer to $35,000).

    So if Paul’s views on how the U.S. military should be used throughout the world are so “dangerous,” as Gingrich and others have charged, why are his foreign policy positions backed by the very people tasked with fulfilling that role?
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  9. #519
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    New Hampshire Press Endorses Ron Paul For President

    Three State newspapers choose Paul over Romney

    Steve Watson
    January 5, 2012

    Ahead of the New Hampshire primary next week, three of the State’s newspapers have endorsed Ron Paul for president.

    The Littleton Courier, Berlin Reporter, and Coos County Democrat all announced today their support for Paul, citing Paul’s consistentcy and legitimacy on major issues.

    “Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has been in the lead for months,” wrote the editors, “but voters still seem desperate for an alternative — there’s always another candidate pulling stronger or almost as strong numbers in the polls. Voters have lost faith in Obama, but they are not sold on Romney to replace him.”

    Congressman Ron Paul, however, “has never voted to raise a tax and voted against all of the bailouts that have riled up Tea Partiers and Occupy Wall Streeters alike,” they continued. “His prediction that the United States can no longer afford the economic cost of our overseas commitments makes many Republicans uncomfortable, possibly by the very truth of the assertion. For decades he has been that rare sort of politician who speaks what he believes to be the truth and doesn’t flutter in the wind of public opinion. That could not be said of Obama or Romney.”

    “Powerful leaders like Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan change the political landscape,” the editors concluded. “This is what Ron Paul would do for our country and why we support him.”

    Two debates are scheduled to take place in New Hampshire prior to the primary next Tuesday. Ron Paul will be in attendance at both events.

    The first, an ABC/WMUR sponsored debate to be held at the Dana Center at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, is scheduled for this Saturday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern.

    The second debate is an NBC News/Facebook and Union Leader sponsired event, to be held at Chubb Theatre at the Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord. The debate will air on the NBC network as a special edition of “Meet the Press” and will stream live on Facebook.
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  10. #520
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    New Polls Place Ron Paul A Strong Second In New Hampshire

    Nearest rivals are polling in single digits
    Steve Watson
    January 3, 2011

    With the New Hampshire primary just one week away, two new polls have found Ron Paul is in a strong second place behind runaway leader Mitt Romney.

    Romney is practically a dead cert to take the primary, and has been for some time. Consequently Paul’s campaign and his supporters will undoubtedly be encouraged by such a strong showing with just seven days before voting begins.

    In a 7 News/Suffolk University daily tracking poll, conducted December 31 and January 1 and released Monday, Romney came in with 43 percent to Paul’s 17 percent.

    The next nearest competitor, the poll found, was Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman who garnered 9 percent. The poll placed Newt Gingrich in fourth with 8 percent.

    “New Hampshire voters are losing confidence in Gingrich, similar to recent Iowa trends, which may result in an early state one-two punch that knocks Newt out of the presidential race,” said David Paleologos, director of Suffolk University’s Political Research Center.

    In another poll, conducted by Magellan Strategies, Romney polled at 41 percent to Paul’s 21 percent, with Huntsman and Gingrich tied at 12 percent.

    Support among New Hampshire voters for Rick Santorum, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann is in the low single digits in both polls.

    Ron paul’s figures in New Hampshire have held steady for several months now. Back in November Paul was polling second with around 17 percent.

    In recent weeks the Congressman has noted that in order to continue his campaign beyond January he feels he needs a top three finish in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

    At the beginning of the week, Paul released his final campaign ad before the primary takes place, to be aired all this week in the Granite State.
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