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  1. #31
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Both of you need to shake hands and back off from each other if you are both truly committed to our platform and goals.

    Nexus1961: It is a violation of our rules to insult other users. While 'pinhead' is a light offense, please do not insult other users.

    recce1: We usually ban people quickly for race baiting here. You have violated a very serious rule. If you have any evidence of racism then post it or bring it to the attention of board management.

    Otherwise, you are just throwing out the race card like a standard illegal alien supporter and we do not allow that kind of abusive and deleterious language here. It also violates our rules about insulting other users.

    Any further rule violations by either of you will result in account suspensions.

    As far as proving my point about Americans being forced to learn Spanish, well I have stated exactly what my evidence is.

    The parents have the letters in their hands stating their children WILL be taught Spanish by the state. We are immersed in Spanish by companies and our own government. We have ALIPAC supporters that have been told by their employers to learn Spanish or find a new job. And we have documented the "Non Spanish speakers need not apply" job ads here on these boards.

    You may not feel this evidence is enough for you, that is fine. I believe Americans are being forced into many things we do not approve up in what is turning out to be the gang rape of America.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #32

    Join Date
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    The gang rape of America! What a powerful and accurate description of what is happening. Thank you!!

  3. #33
    Neddster's Avatar
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    Re: TEST CASES ... Challenge the regional Sanctuary business

    Quote Originally Posted by chuckwalg
    William, can't we use the courts to challenge the regional reconquista communities in demanding that espanol is spoken? I hate the thought of the ACLU as a defender for America, but would they or some other organization be willing to take a class action suit against any and all businesses, and it has become virtually all retail stores now.
    Wishful thinking, my friend (apologies to William G. for speaking for him). The ACLU wouldn't take up any such cases for a couple reasons (1) It's already defending our current open borders with our perpetual influx of illegals and taking to court any city, county or state that wants to enforce our laws. The thought of the ACLU as a defender of America just doesn't exist. The organization serves to undermine our country and sovereignty. (2) A suit against businesses is seldom initiated by the ACLU as they (the ACLU) get the bulk of their money thru the taxpayer via successful suits against cities, counties, states and the feds. The ACLU will go after the private sector in some areas (like forcing religious agencies to provide contraceptive coverage for employees or hiring cross-dressers) but since the pile of gold isn't big enough for them in these cases, they usually forgo legal action against them.

    Many of us, including William G., know how the ACLU stands in the way of immigration reform at any turn. If there is any law or bill considered to put the brakes on it, count on the ACLU virtually every time (no exaggeration) to be there with a legal challenge. The organization is antithetical to any and all traditional values and now its San Diego chapter (and I'm sure their L.A. and San Francisco chapters as well) is pushing its radical agenda to the point of defending Mexican illegals identified as gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals and cross-dressers. Only the ACLU can push the homosexual agenda and illegal immigration at the same time. You can't get much more extreme than those birds.

    Anyway, a class action suit would generally apply if there were huge numbers of Americans that we hurt by someone or some company's actions. The harm has to in some way be tangible, otherwise a court will simply dismiss such a case. IMO, it would be tough to prove that because you would have to show how a large segment of the American populace was hurt by bilingualism. Businesses have to follow laws against knowingly hiring illegals or anyone without a social security card but they currently (and I'm not sure they ever can) cannot be cited for putting signs up in English and Spanish or in their phone communications when they say "press one for English, ponga numero dos para Espanol". Hearing this message is annoying as well as these outfits promoting bilingualism but I don't see how it can be proven that it hurts us individually. However, if gov't agencies are promoting Spanish or any other language in violation of an established law or an ordinance, then that is entirely another matter open for a legal challenge.

    Frankly speaking, I got disgusted going to Lowes, the Home Depot, J.C. Penney and others that have to put signs up in both English and Spanish. Such stores should indeed be boycotted and indeed I no longer patronize these outfits, especially Lowes & Home Depot. But what can the law do about stopping this? Nothing that I'm aware of. You may be able to force compliance with the law on hiring but on what you can sell and display in a public store, our hands are tied.

    The legal powerhouse Judicial Watch is aggressively going after any gov't entity promoting illegal immigration and breaking our laws but I'm not aware of any suit against private businesses. As a public interest law firm, JW, like the ACLU, won't be suing the private sector very often.

    I hate to burst your bubble but I think you're at a dead end with your suggestion, as much as I wish I didn't have to say that. This picture sums up the ACLU's pro-illegal alien position on immigration

  4. #34
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    New job posting today in our paper for a day care. Wanted, Spanish instructor.
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  5. #35
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    Despite al the heated and convoluted rhetoric Mr. Gheen, you have failed to prove your point that Americans are being FORCED to learn Spanish

    Not with a gun to our head yet.... but there are ways to force people to comply. Such as fine, don't speak Spanish and you won't have a job. Yet it's discriminatory to deny a Spanish speaker a job because they don't speak English. Tell me how that works?

    Tell me how having English being required for citizenship and the language of this country, makes it easy for other new immigrants who come here, to now be burdened to learn 2 different languages to live and work here? The ONLY people not making any effort to speak the language of this country are the hispanics. The majority aren't even here legally to begin with! Tell me how that works out well for anyone other than the hispanics?

    They had this conversation on a talk show and only new legal immigrants or recent citizens called in. Some admitted to fighting it at first because they could get by in their neighborhoods without it, but after awhile they did and not one regretted learning it because it opened so many doors for them. Not only here but abroad.

    I am dead serious when I say, what good does it do for me to learn Spanish in my own country? I don't even live close to the border to use tourists as an excuse. Do I get more money? No. Is it going to help me hob nob in the new global world? No. I am not a world traveler and if I were, no offense, but hispanic countries are right there with outer Mongolia and the North Pole as places I want to go to. I don't even want to visit there let alone ever live there. So why should I bother when I already know French and German. I don't get any more money for that either, and outside of a few incidences, it hasn't been the huge benefit everyone claims it should be. Even though I want to go to Germany, it's very unlikely I'll ever make it there either. Even if I spoke Spanish...around here I still wouldn't make it in because I'm not a minority. (Yet once they take the census I'm sure that will change.) Must speak Spanish is OKA hispanics only need apply. 60 something different languages are spoken in this area because it's a big immigrant area and refugee area. ANY other language should give a person an edge.....but no....must speak Spanish. From folding laundry to warehouse work to call centers, teachers aids on down the line and up the line. With 60 something different languages spoken.... there isn't a job that demands you speak any of those other languages to get it. Only Spanish. (baring home care for elderly) Yet I can't order a burger or a pound of bologna in English and be understood. I never left here and I feel like the new immigrant yet not sure exactly what country I landed in.
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  6. #36
    Senior Member Ex_OC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazybird
    New job posting today in our paper for a day care. Wanted, Spanish instructor.
    I am so sick of this! It's like we Americans are living in Bizzarro World. THIS is what we should be hearing when we apply for jobs: "DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?" and not "Do you speak Spanish?" GIMME ME A BREAK -- THIS IS AMERICA!

    A few months ago, just as school ended, there was an article about high school kids in San Bernardino, CA, who were finding it hard to find summer jobs because everywhere they applied, they were turned down for not being able to speak Spanish!! The article interviewed Black kids.

    So tell me again, does anyone still think illegal immigration is a victimless crime? Does anyone still think that illegals are not taking jobs that Americans -- and especially our kids -- won't do??? Good grief, we're talking applying at McDonald's, for crying out loud. Since when did applying at a burger joint get so competitive and exclusionary for young Americans BECAUSE OF SPANISH???

    Like I said, we live in BIZZARRO WORLD.

  7. #37
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    Speaking Spanish was no help when we went to war this time. Spanish isn't going to help me if my interest is Russian studies. Isn't going to get me in medical school or help me with ancient relegions or a host of OTHER options out there for learning ANOTHER language. Spanish isn't going to do squat for me if I want to do relief work in Africa or do big business in China. Not to mention sign language for the deaf.

    I noticed Omaha was the home for a poster. I lived in the northern area of Nebraska. Near the Red Bud Indian reservation. Seems they are encouraging their students to learn their language because there aren't many left who can speak it. I'd rather learn that, to keep a dying language, alive than Spanish. Other peoples cultures and ethnic backgrounds are just as valuable to them and they have the right to make the choice. All I know is if English is so offensive....then people shouldn't come here to live and work if they don't intend to learn it and speak it. There's a whole world of other options out there. Go there then.
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  8. #38
    Senior Member Ex_OC's Avatar
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    Right on, CrazyBird.

    You know what is so ironic? That the "Spanish" Obama says we should learn is not even the real Spanish!! It's Mexican Spanish. The real Spanish is what they speak in Spain. All Spanish-colonized countries "localized" the real Spanish to incorporate indigenous words.

    You can ask a true Spaniard about this. IT IS TRUE. My mother-in-law is from Spain. She was the one who pointed this out to me years ago.

    So, tell me again, Obama, if I traveled to Europe -- as in your example -- how are they going to understand my Mexican Spanish???? They won't. ONLY MEXICANS UNDERSTAND IT.

    Sheesh. What an idiot. A would-be US President that doesn't even know what the true Spanish language is about. Jackass.

  9. #39
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    I am so sick of this! It's like we Americans are living in Bizzarro World. THIS is what we should be hearing when we apply for jobs: "DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?" and not "Do you speak Spanish?" GIMME ME A BREAK -- THIS IS AMERICA!
    I tell ya, my mouth dropped open. Day care!!! It wasn't even Spanish speaking day care worker was for an Instructor!

    Now granted the parent has the choice to put their child in there, but I have yet to find a day care to teach English to immigrant children to prepare them to speak English when they get to school.
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  10. #40
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    So, tell me again, Obama, if I traveled to Europe -- as in your example -- how are they going to understand my Mexican Spanish???? They won't. ONLY MEXICANS UNDERSTAND IT.
    Our school system imported teachers from Spain. The kids couldn't understand them. They had the Senior advanced Spainsh students go and read children stories to the kindergardeners. Didn't understand them either. I 100% agree even when you put the effort out to learn's not the same and from what I have heard it's alot more different than Police Officer vs Bobbie, Umbrella vs Bumbershoot with the English language. (Since they say our English is far from the mother tongue as well.) I can still understand it, even if I don't speak it 100% properly.

    I've talked to people from Spain, Cuba, Puerto Rico, South America and Mexico and in each place it's different. Some more so than others. Gee then what? I offend the Cubans because I learned Spanglish? Spain calling us dumb Americans because we soured their language by adopting Spanglish as speaking proper Spanish? Can't win!
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