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  1. #41
    Senior Member Ex_OC's Avatar
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    Idaho, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by crazybird
    So, tell me again, Obama, if I traveled to Europe -- as in your example -- how are they going to understand my Mexican Spanish???? They won't. ONLY MEXICANS UNDERSTAND IT.
    Our school system imported teachers from Spain. The kids couldn't understand them. They had the Senior advanced Spainsh students go and read children stories to the kindergardeners. Didn't understand them either. I 100% agree even when you put the effort out to learn's not the same and from what I have heard it's alot more different than Police Officer vs Bobbie, Umbrella vs Bumbershoot with the English language. (Since they say our English is far from the mother tongue as well.) I can still understand it, even if I don't speak it 100% properly.

    I've talked to people from Spain, Cuba, Puerto Rico, South America and Mexico and in each place it's different. Some more so than others. Gee then what? I offend the Cubans because I learned Spanglish? Spain calling us dumb Americans because we soured their language by adopting Spanglish as speaking proper Spanish? Can't win!
    Yup, CrazyBird. You understand what I mean about the REAL SPANISH language then. You saw it yourself. The kids saw it. I just wish Obama saw it. Sheesh!

  2. #42
    fred410's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    learn spanish?? bull crap

    Hello.... English or some version of it has been spoken here, in the US, since the American revolution (and actually way back to colonization)

    all the road sign are stictly english (but regrettably fewer and fewer things are that way).

    So if Barak Otrama has his way, does this this mean all our nations road and traffic signs will become biligual??

    Hell -- all the businesses have certainly bent that way... been to Lowes or Home Depot lately?

  3. #43
    fred410's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    spanish -- what about french...

    same thing bout french dudes -->> Canadian french â‰* France french

  4. #44
    fred410's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    Re: Americans speak English

    Quote Originally Posted by Scottiemom
    I am so disgusted with our government.
    dude, you are SO right...

  5. #45
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    Joliet, Il
    The hispanics in their quest for making Spanish our second language has failed themslves to do what they demand we do. Seen any bi-lingual signs in their store windows? Seen them hire English speakers to appease the English speaking clients that might be traveling through?
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #46
    slantedplanet's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    Re: learn spanish?? bull crap

    Quote Originally Posted by fred410
    Hello.... English or some version of it has been spoken here, in the US, since the American revolution (and actually way back to colonization)

    all the road sign are stictly english (but regrettably fewer and fewer things are that way).

    So if Barak Otrama has his way, does this this mean all our nations road and traffic signs will become biligual??

    Hell -- all the businesses have certainly bent that way... been to Lowes or Home Depot lately?

    I'm glad you brought up the issue about road signs. I've been to the drivers license bureau and overhear many hispanics getting their license, and it's obvious they are spanish-only speakers. I guess the test they take is in spanish, too.

    So, how do they read the road signs when they're only in English? I doubt if they're able to read any warning signs, etc. Maybe that's why my auto insurance is so high. That, and the fact that there are so many uninsured drivers in Texas. I don't understand how they get away with it.

    I wanted to instigate a little tax revolt of my own, so I didn't renew my registration when it was due (made me feel like a real outlaw). But it made my husband too nervous, and he ran down and got the registration.

  7. #47

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    learn spanish speak french

    as i watched obama make his statements, first on how kids should learn spanish and then the one where he ridiculed americans who travel, i coudn't help but wonder at all the people laughing with him, didn't they realize that he was also including them as i doubt any of them spoke either spanish or french. guess not or it doesn't matter as they love anything he says or does. at least i didn't see any of the faint. lol

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Tucson, AZ

    Americans forced to learn Spanish

    I wish I had not voted for Obama, he has broken so many promises he made before and after he became president. One of the worst is ths topic of illegal immigrants. I know that Americans are being forced to learn Spanish. If you want to find employment especially in a state like Arizona.
    Spanish is forced everywhere you go and just about every business you you phone. I tried to get a job at a camera store and was told he wish he could hire me but since I did not know Spanish he could not. Obama immigrats will learn English. He is so out of touch. I have spoken to Spanish speakers who have told me that have no reason to lear English. They don't want to learn English, they want all that this country but do not want to learn English. Why should they lealrn English, especialy in the westen part of th country. Here in Arizona everything is spoon fed to them in Spanish. I have been in govermet buildings and even the bus where every poster, brochure is available in Spanish but not in Eglish. How many times have you spoken to some sales clerk or someone on the phone who could not speak could not English very well. I wish my son was school age just so I coud have a voice about this issue. I am trilingual, but that does not mean a think because I don't speak Spanish.The President needs to know that there are more immigrants then Spanish. My ethnicity is Greek. But when you fill out forms that ask what is you ethnic background. There is only white and or Caucasian. I googled the word caucasian and I encourage everyone to do the same One means the peole of Caucus. That means I am not Caucasian for sure. They showed maps of this country. One of the map was for geographical informatmion and the other is for political information. It is crazy. I think that it does not mean anything relavent to me. How is white an ethniicityl. White is a colour and I am not white. If you compare your skin to white it is not valid.

    I don't lilke the idea of beeing forced to learn Spanish or to learn the country I choose to holiday in. It is not possible. You would have to plan your trips yeas in advance. Spanish spakers who plan to live here need to learn English. Although we know that the quota for Spanish speaking people is not something most people who want to come here will do. I wish Americans would get their heads out of the sand so they can see and hear what is going on. People want to support what is fashionable to support. None of my friends want to talk about it because they have made up their mind. America, where is your anger?

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Tucson, AZ

    Re: Americans speak English

    Quote Originally Posted by Scottiemom
    I am so disgusted with our government. We need to screen aliens, close our borders and suggesting we be made to speak spanish is the last straw for me. This is AMERICA and I'll be darned if the flood of illegal aliens will have me learning spanish. They should be screened and if allowed to work here THEY should have to learn English. If english speaking Americans have their jobs threatened because they do not speak spanish a law suit is in order. When you go to Mexico they do not bend over to understand english and they do not force their people to learn English. Wake up politicians puppets and tell them NO WAY in the USA!
    I refuse to learn Spanish even though I have already lost a job because I don't speak Spanish. I believe three languages is enough. Who is bending over for the legal Greek immigrants by learning Greek. At least I found out they will provide a Greek ballot if told in time.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Tucson, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Dixie
    So, my children are suspposed to learn to speak Spanish so they can speak to illegal aliens or so they can go to Spanish speaking countires like Mexico and take jobs from Mexicans that even Mexicans wont do?


    Have you notice that when people are talking words in Spanish will crop up in the conversation?

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