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  1. #21
    Senior Member ruthiela's Avatar
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    President Bush's speech last night was more of the same things that we have been hearing from him since he took office in 2000. More lies. More coverups. More dodging the REAL issues that Americans want action on.
    He has made it clear to all that our Constitution is only a "God Damned piece of paper" as he put it in December, 2005 to all of us. That was one statement made by our President that I don't think I will ever forget. OUR Constitution means NOTHING to him. OUR laws mean NOTHING to him. When he said that the Illegal Immigrants were "out of the reach of US law," that said a lot about the kind of people that are supposedly running our country and of our government as a whole and how much our laws mean to them. OUR safety and security means NOTHING to him. OUR country means NOTHING to him. WE mean NOTHING to him.
    He made it clear by making that statement that anyone can come into our country at any time and do as they well want to and that they are not even going to try to stop them. If we cannot depend on our own government, who by the way are ALL paid by the LEGAL US citizens in this country, then WHO do we depend on? WHO is out there protecting us, Who is protecting our country? What are leaders there for if not to uphold our Constitution and laws and to make sure EVERYONE in the US does the same? Why have Homeland Security if they can't secure the homeland? Why have Border Patrols when they aren't allowed to arrest and deport those who cross our borders ILLEGALLY? Why have baggage checkers at airports if they don't check all baggage going in and out of our terminals? Why only let a few pieces of cargo on a few boats get checked once in a while instead of ALL the cargo on ALL boats? Why let and encourage foreign countries who cater to terrorism OWN OUR ports and military equipment plants? WHY have a President that says he wants to fight terrorism and sends our men and women to the most dangerous parts of the world just to get killed when he WON'T even try to fight terrorism here in the US where it struck us on 9/11/2001? WHY send the National Guard troops to protect OUR borders when he won't arm them and he won't allow them to make arrest? More waste of taxpayers dollars.
    President Bush did not tell the illegal aliens to stay out of our country or to go home. He did not tell the American citizens he plans to KEEP out terrorists or Illegal Aliens. Our government is afraid of standing up for the rights of American citizens and for America. They are afraid of what other countries will say about us protecting our own. How long will be it be before our country is run by the likes of Castro and his government, or is it being run by people like that now?
    Whether we voted Republican or Democrat is neither here nor there. Whoever was elected would have been just as bad as what is there now. Our country would be no better off because it has been decades and decades since we had leaders who truly cared about their country and people instead of corporations, big businesses, money and votes.
    President Bush says it is impossible to round up all the illegals and send them home. Why is it impossible? President Eisenhour did it and so could President Bush if had the guts to do what is right for the American citizens. Our Immigration policy has a clause in there for guest workers. President Bush and the rest of our government doesn't seem to understand the meaning of guest workers. They all do need a refresher course in History and our laws and our Constitution, not to mention our Declaration of Independence. They all need to learn the meaning of LEGAL IMMIGRATION.
    I don't feel safe in my country anymore. I have NO idea is here or what they have brought here. How can our government expect us to respect them and have faith in them when they are only out for themselves? How can they expect us to abide by laws when they won't make everyone here abide by our laws?
    I truly will never vote Republican nor Democrat again as long as I live if they allow the Illegal Aliens to make demands on our country that they have no rights to make demands on.
    Yes, my ancestors all came here from another country.
    Is it too much of the American people to expect our government to protect us and to expect our government to uphold our laws as we, Legal American citizens, are expected to uphold them?
    If they feel they can not serve THIS COUNTRY and it's RIGHTFUL CITIZENS, then they need to get out themselves. BEFORE it is too late.
    END OF AN ERA 1/20/2009

  2. #22
    KickEmOut's Avatar
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    Rural N. CA
    The President's speech on Monday night merely reiterated his grand plan for our nation. It really has little to do with the illegals (whom he characterizes as good, hard-working and honest people; what does that imply about the citizens of this country? That we aren't good, hard-working and honest people?). His grand plan is to get illegals beholden to him, get them voting and merge our country into a Union of American States.

    We are to become the United States of America in which America is composed of North, Central and South America. This new geopolitical entity he envisions is to be competitive with the Asians and the EU. He has been talking about this plan for years. Every time he mentions "America must be able to compete in world markets" and America must "be prepared for a changing world" he is actually talking about the NEW America. I'm sure he thinks he's preserving our nation's ideals in some new morphed picture. I'm sure he thinks this is the only way we can survive, by joining forces with other nations and becoming a new nation.

    I believe this grand plan (I call it the grand scheme) was initiated during the FDR administration when he started the "New Deal" plan. It was to get Americans less self-reliant and more government-reliant. It was the beginning of the end of the individual's ability to think for himself. The depression was the catalyst that got the ball rolling. As subsequent administrations came and went additional pieces to the grand scheme were implemented. I would say that even my hero (Ronald Reagan) bought into the scheme when he was suckered into signing the first amnesty act in 1986. With the passage of NAFTA and the other similar trade agreements, we had the first real inklings of what was to come.

    This grand scheme had to be sold to the peoples of the other nations, too. The peoples south of our border didn't have enough vision to understand what was happening to them. Since many of them live on a subsistance level, anything would seem an improvement. The Canadians are so far along in socialism that they don't see a problem.

    So now the President wants to legalize the illegal because he knows he can get a big voting block to go along with the rest of the grand scheme. He's already got the open borders group on his side. He's got the socialists on his side. He'll soon have the largest minority on his side -- the Hispanics. With all the other brain-dead people in this country -- all those who don't want to miss out on a freebie -- he will have enough votes to take the next step. It won't be for a couple of years yet, but the next step is to create a borderless continent and a bilingual society (sorry Quebec, but there aren't enough of you to warrant a trilingual society) and by the year 2020 there will be no USA as we know it.

    The grand scheme has to be kicked into high gear because China and India and the EU are improving their economies at a much faster rate than originally thought. The fact that we already import most ethanol from Brazil is part of the scheme. The fact that socialists in South America are regaining control is part of the scheme. All these summits and meetings that are held are to coordinate their activities and our leaders are right in the thick of things.

    I am not talking about a conspiracy, I'm pointing out historic events and modern day actions. The future for us is one big bi-continental nation.
    The Canadians provide the resources, the Hispanics provide the cheap labor and the Americans provide the talent and big corporations to coordinate things. We are all being used and the illegals are just one part of the equation.

    The only way to stop this evolution of our nation into a piece of a much larger nation is to get the word out. You have to be careful how you express the grand scheme because many Americans will think you're a lunatic. This website is a great place for people to see news clips and articles for themselves. We must also put heavy pressure on our politicians in the House. The Senate is already too far gone to get them back. But even if we prevail in preventing this newest amnesty plan from succeeding, we must remain VIGILANT to other pieces of the grand scheme as they materialize. The CAFTA must not happen. The national health care plan must not happen. These are parts of the power grab and are designed to further induce Americans into total reliance on the government. The more powerful the government's hold on people, the less powerful the people and our votes become. You can already see this happening because "the decider" couldn't give a damn about what the people are saying about his amnesty plan.

    So to answer ALIPAC's question: I see the President's speech as one more phase of the ultimate destruction of the United States of America as we know ourselves today, and the reinvention of the United States of America into a NEW USA that will be socialistic, intercontinental and driven by corporations who want to dominate the planet.
    <div>Want some ICE with that cervesa?</div>

  3. #23
    Senior Member Acebackwords's Avatar
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    William: That was one of the best analysis of George Bush's lame-brained b.s. -- I mean his, um er, speech on illegal immigration -- that I've read. I have nothing to add. You've said it all.

    P.S. Does anyone even care what this guy George Bush thinks about ANYTHING, with his 71% no-approval ratings?

  4. #24
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    usmcvet wrote:
    The two political parties have become one, and neither gives a s*it about America or what it means to be an American. I weep for my nation.

    Husker wrote:
    This is the EXACT reason for the 2nd ammendment. This ammendment has NOTHING to do about duck hunting. It has to do with giving the populace muscle in handling a tyanical government (WHICH WE NOW HAVE). Our founding fathers wrote directly into the constitution how a government which no longer represents the populace should be handled.


    Time for a truly concerted effort to CLEAN HOUSE

    The "speech" was nothing more than a call for Open Borders and an end to our Sovereignty.

    I do hope that everyone realizes that the ONE thing that's stood in the way of the Globalists plan to bring down Old Glory has always been & is now
    the AMERICAN PEOPLE'S tendancy to be STUBBORN in their protection of their country.
    That statement was written in a document from the Council on Foreign Relations among other places. It was also written in a communist manifesto during the '60s. I have also seen similar coming out of Ivy League academia.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #25
    I saw so much love in Bush's eyes. I heard so much love in Bush's voice.

    A love for a HUGE underclass that is so easy for an elite class to lord over.

    A love for low wages so people of his class can expand their wealth and power.

    Love for a demographic that actually has less intelligence than he has... book learnin' intelligence, what with the majority of invaders having never completed high school.

    Love for his elite class masters as he spewed the meaningless tripe his masters and future employers want to hear..... corporate America.

    So much love. Warm squishy love.

    But, sadly, that love did not extend to the majority of Americans. Bush continues to spit in our faces. Despising us. Representing an extremely small minority of Americans while attempting to force us to exist within what ultimately be a 2nd-world nation.

    Bushy Boy and his elite masters are still my enemies.

  6. #26

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    Jan 1970

    Mexico is the problem, not George Bush

    I seriously get tired of politcal bashing when there isn't a single party member, Dem or Rep. who will state the real problem.
    Reality is that we actually have to take immigrants and the reality of an open boarder with both Mexico and Canada really DOES exist.
    If the Canadian ecconomy was like Mexico's, we would be hit from both sides. This why we have so many immigrants from Asia, India and the Middle-east
    The issue here my friends is not how to stop them at the boarder, it is getting Mexico out of a third world ecconomy.
    Every American hates to see our companies investing in China right now. Not long ago it was Mexico and there was a revolt against it. remember NAFTA? Guess what? Those new jobs don't exist in Mexico any more, they are in China. This is why the increase in illegal immigration from Mexico.
    I love Mexico, it's people and it's culture however, I do not respect a leader who is ignorant to his countries needs. Fox is the issue with illegal immigration, not Bush. America cannot solve this alone without Mexico stepping up to do the right thing.

    Immigration is great and without it, most of us wouldn't even be here so we have to continue.
    Illegal immigration from Mexico is the result of their ecconomy and our companies accepting them into our work force.
    The solution as I see it is, go after the companies who hire illegals and they will dry up. The American government should work with Mexico to stabalize their ecconomy and show them how to create jobs at home. One has to believe that there are smart Mexicans who can create new industiral jobs, not just mooch off of vacationers to Cancun and Cozumel.

  7. #27
    Georganne's Avatar
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    illegal immigration

    I love President Bush and have supported him on almost every other issue. I am very distressed at what the illegals are going to do to our country!!!!!! And have!!!!! I thought the border patrol was a decent START, but I am very unhappy with giving the OK to these 12 million law breakers who barged into our country and are getting a pat on the back and a handshake. This is a slap in the face of our laws and what our country was built on. What example is this sending to everyone about our self-respect, our integrity and the deterrent to abide by our laws! As citizens we seem to almost have less rights!!!!! Our forefathers all must be turning in their graves!

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    IMHO, we were sold out to big money decades ago. This culmination is just one fruit of their labors, and just one reason why I've been voting for independant candidates since the late 80's. We need a third party.
    One with values and backbone, not just deep pockets.

  9. #29
    patriotluvr's Avatar
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    I decided months ago that I would vote for every Independent I could find except in that rare instance where a Republican or Democrat is actually serving this country and his/her constituency. Might write in Tancredo for President. Mexico is also boycotted in my household - absolutely no trips to our southern neighbor.

  10. #30
    Truthed's Avatar
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    U.S.A. is not Mother Theresa

    I was a legal immigrant in 1968, I was only 19 years old and I have to comply with the draft law not being a U.S. citizen. I wasn't drafted but I did what the law required of me. Now I see this madness of illegal rights ?...Send them back home to wait in line like everybody else. Require businesses to hire legal citizens and penalize them heavily and if they don't pay, close them down. Mi wife and I are retired in my country of birth, Uruguay. My U.S. born wife couldn't get temporary residence until she proved source of income, otherwise she has to leave the country. Why does the U.S. allows illegals to stay with no proof of income ?. By penalizing the companies, individuals, that gives illegals work, they will have to go back to their countries of origin and discourage those that want to come without the proper visas. Sorry, but U.S.A is not "mother Theresa"

    Thanks, Eddie
    "Those who would seek the truth should take care that they may find it and in finding it be horrified." Delos B. McKown

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