Hello, ALIPAC.....the last I came here.....it was around the 4th of July.

I will never forget what happened on 9-11-01.

I sit here and think back at what happened on that day......do I think that we will be attacked again? Absolutely, I do.

Am I prepared? Yes. Mentally I am prepared.

Is America prepared? No, I don't think we all are. I think we take advantage of what we have here in the States.

What happens if we are attacked again? We focus on the American Spirit. How when we come together and ask our Creator to help us.......well.....He will when we humble ourselves and turn and seek His face.

Are you prepared in the event we are attacked again?

I hope you are......... at least mentally............

It's been almost 5 years......

I'm not sad so much as I was before.....I'm mad as hell. Why? Because Americans have allowed these bastard terrorists to dictate our own American policy. How, do you ask? Immigration Reform and the way we conduct our daily lives.....albeit the Patriot Act and so forth.


I'm pissed.........and if it ever came right down to it......I'm mentally prepared and physically fit to arm myself and fight for our Freedoms.

Nothing is worse than a pissed off Chicana-Vet. I'm their worst enemy.....and by that I mean I am the enemy of those who are not compassionate and who are not for Freedoms.