How is this National ID different, in your minds, to a SS card or a Birth Certificate? Both are National IDs that everybody is required to have or get, and to me, the only difference between them and the Real ID is that the RID will be pretty damned hard to fake.
A National ID would compromise a U.S. citizens right to privacy, a freedom ALL Americans are inherently entitled to as per our Constitution. Why should we compromise ANY freedom for Governments failure to enforce the laws of the land. A drivers license and an authentic SS card are perfectly suitable forms of ID for American Citizens. Any law enforment agency, even my small "townies", can use these to easily confirm my lawful status. On the other hand, illegal Jose could have the most authentic looking forged drivers license and SS in the state BUT, if these are CHECKED (key word here), Jose's deception is exposed. So what are the consequences of Jose's actions? Unless he has a criminal record, he is set loose with a court date which he has no intention of attending. Same this goes for all the Jose's caught with NO documentation.

If you think for a moment that our govenment intends to do ANYTHING (let alone deport) illegal aliens stopped or hired without a National ID, I have a unicorn to sell you.

If you ask me, and no one did, I find all this talk about the gov't wanting to track our every move really goofy. I don't feel so important that I'd think anyone would give a crap about what I was doing, let alone have the finances to track me indefinately, unless of course I was caught buying vials of small pox or something along that lines.
That is exactly the way felt less than 24 hours ago. While I dont think for a moment that they would bother to track me (they'd die of boredom) it is the very fact that they COULD that I find so disturbing. What about the William Gheens, and the Chris Simcox's of this country? A government willing to ignore long established laws would like nothing more than to operate as stealthily as possible. Would they attempt to silence the modern day Paul Revere's, that are determined to warn American citizens of the dispicable actions (or inactions) of their so-called leaders? Who knows. But again, it is the fact that they COULD that we should ALL think long and hard about.