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  1. #11
    Senior Member Catslave's Avatar
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    Well said!

  2. #12
    Senior Member mkfarnam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler
    The title of the article: The looting of America, Reinventing Slavery!

    You can talk all day about businesses who take advantage of illegals, you can carry on all day about how the illegals are victimized, you can speak of their children being the poor souls.

    Fact is, Americans are losing their jobs and American children are the poor souls. Twist it anyway you want, it's our country and our children lose when invaders try to take over.

    Cut to the chase and talk about YOUR country and how to heal it. Leave America and their children out of the territorial battle. Our children deserve better. Afterall, it was their ancestors who made this country worth colonizing by invaders.
    If you haven't noticed, this was posted from another link and not in "my" words.

  3. #13
    retro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redpony353
    Well, the kids certainly don't believe that. It's difficult to go back to a place you have only lived in for 2 years. Most of the kids came here when they were little. They can't speak their home languages and you want them to go back? That's harsh! But what do I know?
    Well you're not them and since I am one of them, I can say not nobody cares for your pity. You don't understand us, you're just blinded by misguidance. Don't presume to feel insulted for us. We don't need it. We don't need pity from heartless adults like you.

    They came here when they were babies! Kids under the age of 5!

  4. #14
    retro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler
    The title of the article: The looting of America, Reinventing Slavery!

    You can talk all day about businesses who take advantage of illegals, you can carry on all day about how the illegals are victimized, you can speak of their children being the poor souls.

    Fact is, Americans are losing their jobs and American children are the poor souls. Twist it anyway you want, it's our country and our children lose when invaders try to take over.

    Cut to the chase and talk about YOUR country and how to heal it. Leave America and their children out of the territorial battle. Our children deserve better. Afterall, it was their ancestors who made this country worth colonizing by invaders.
    Now I have many American friends of all ethnicities and let me say that not every American kid feels proud to be American. There are Chinese kids who tell me "f*ck America" and they are legal residents of this country. They despise American culture and watches Chinese television all day. They are still American though, because they're born from Chinese American parents.

    How do you feel about that?

  5. #15
    Senior Member mkfarnam's Avatar
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    Pity is the last thing your getting from anyone on this board!!

  6. #16
    Senior Member mkfarnam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by retro
    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler
    The title of the article: The looting of America, Reinventing Slavery!

    You can talk all day about businesses who take advantage of illegals, you can carry on all day about how the illegals are victimized, you can speak of their children being the poor souls.

    Fact is, Americans are losing their jobs and American children are the poor souls. Twist it anyway you want, it's our country and our children lose when invaders try to take over.

    Cut to the chase and talk about YOUR country and how to heal it. Leave America and their children out of the territorial battle. Our children deserve better. Afterall, it was their ancestors who made this country worth colonizing by invaders.
    Now I have many American friends of all ethnicities and let me say that not every American kid feels proud to be American. There are Chinese kids who tell me "f*ck America" and they are legal residents of this country. They despise American culture and watches Chinese television all day. They are still American though, because they're born from Chinese American parents.

    How do you feel about that?

    It doesn't make me feel less than an American!!

  7. #17
    DJ is offline
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    Retro, I do think people feel sad for the kids brought here when they were small and had no choice. I can't speak for everyone on this board, but I especially feel for the kids who have graduated and want to go to college. I imagine that some people would not react so strongly if agreeing to these students having a way to gain a green card did not also involve the chain migration aspect! That is what would keep me from ever supporting any kind of Dream Act idea. All we see is that the illegal parents will now be rewarded! That is wrong. Why has no one ever suggested that something be done for the students with NO CHANCE of bringing in their relatives? They won't do that--because it really isn't about concern for these students. Those who are promoting the idea just want amnesty for a huge number of people currently here illegally.

  8. #18
    retro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkfarnam
    Quote Originally Posted by retro
    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler
    The title of the article: The looting of America, Reinventing Slavery!

    You can talk all day about businesses who take advantage of illegals, you can carry on all day about how the illegals are victimized, you can speak of their children being the poor souls.

    Fact is, Americans are losing their jobs and American children are the poor souls. Twist it anyway you want, it's our country and our children lose when invaders try to take over.

    Cut to the chase and talk about YOUR country and how to heal it. Leave America and their children out of the territorial battle. Our children deserve better. Afterall, it was their ancestors who made this country worth colonizing by invaders.
    Now I have many American friends of all ethnicities and let me say that not every American kid feels proud to be American. There are Chinese kids who tell me "f*ck America" and they are legal residents of this country. They despise American culture and watches Chinese television all day. They are still American though, because they're born from Chinese American parents.

    How do you feel about that?

    It doesn't make me feel less than an American!!
    So you are perfectly okay with the citizens who insult this nation? You're okay with the fact that they feel more loyalty to China? Now, dreamies are illegal kids, but there are many of them who are patriotic. I, for one, would die for this country in Iraq if the country allowed me to serve. (You're just going to make fun of me even more with my last statement aren't you? You don't need people like me to serve right?)

    Here a few Americans who we know very well. So much for "protecting" our country. They're citizens with papers. They're American. That didn't stop them from turning against their country. NOW THIS IS REAL TREASON. Dream kids who want to serve this country and stay should be the least of your problems. And I'm sure the Rosenbergs aren't the last.[/url]

  9. #19
    retro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ
    Retro, I do think people feel sad for the kids brought here when they were small and had no choice. I can't speak for everyone on this board, but I especially feel for the kids who have graduated and want to go to college. I imagine that some people would not react so strongly if agreeing to these students having a way to gain a green card did not also involve the chain migration aspect! That is what would keep me from ever supporting any kind of Dream Act idea. All we see is that the illegal parents will now be rewarded! That is wrong. Why has no one ever suggested that something be done for the students with NO CHANCE of bringing in their relatives? They won't do that--because it really isn't about concern for these students. Those who are promoting the idea just want amnesty for a huge number of people currently here illegally.
    Thank you for trying to understand. As a dream act kid myself, I want to respect America's laws if it would just give me a chance to. I wish that they would implant some type of anti-chain migration program so that people such as yourselves won't be concerned with chain migration. But unfortunately, there is no perfect program.

    I don't blame you for not supporting it. That's quite alright. There are a lot of adults in my church who straight out told me they did not support the Dream Act and they know I'm illegal. They are conservative Republicans such as yourselves, and I respect their opinions. However, they do not attack me or my parents, nor do they blame this on me. They blame it on the federal government.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by retro
    Quote Originally Posted by mkfarnam
    Quote Originally Posted by retro
    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler
    The title of the article: The looting of America, Reinventing Slavery!

    You can talk all day about businesses who take advantage of illegals, you can carry on all day about how the illegals are victimized, you can speak of their children being the poor souls.

    Fact is, Americans are losing their jobs and American children are the poor souls. Twist it anyway you want, it's our country and our children lose when invaders try to take over.

    Cut to the chase and talk about YOUR country and how to heal it. Leave America and their children out of the territorial battle. Our children deserve better. Afterall, it was their ancestors who made this country worth colonizing by invaders.
    Now I have many American friends of all ethnicities and let me say that not every American kid feels proud to be American. There are Chinese kids who tell me "f*ck America" and they are legal residents of this country. They despise American culture and watches Chinese television all day. They are still American though, because they're born from Chinese American parents.

    How do you feel about that?

    It doesn't make me feel less than an American!!
    So you are perfectly okay with the citizens who insult this nation? You're okay with the fact that they feel more loyalty to China? Now, dreamies are illegal kids, but there are many of them who are patriotic. I, for one, would die for this country in Iraq if the country allowed me to serve. (You're just going to make fun of me even more with my last statement aren't you? You don't need people like me to serve right?

    Here a few Americans who we know very well. So much for "protecting" our country. They're citizens with papers. They're American. That didn't stop them from turning against their country. NOW THIS IS REAL TREASON. Dream kids who want to serve this country and stay should be the least of your problems. And I'm sure the Rosenbergs aren't the last.[/url]
    very very few dreamies would actually join the armed services, this one of those "see, they are willing to serve..".

    Also, I am sorry. I am not willing to divide up the finite pie to accomodate 'dreamies' at the expense of needy americans. It is not a hard concept.

    Secondly, the dreamy legislation was dishonest. "If" the idea was to "truly help the dreamies" all that garbage wouldn't of been porked onto the legislation. How about this. You DO NOT get any financial aid, you finish and complete schooling enough to get your Associates Arts degree or higher, then you can get citizenship. Thats it. No chain, no 'vocational schools', no loopholes... etc.. all that bologne. AMNESTY ONLY FOR THE DREAMY and ONLY AFTER THEY get an associates arts degree.

    That is it.

    But that wasn't it. There were loopholes, special priveledges, chain migration.. so it was ALL LAME and there were other intentions.. so forget it.

    And Retro, please stop selectively taking arguments - pulling assanine and 1 in a milion situations and saying "so, is this what you want?...." or "so, you are advocating this behaviour...." it just makes you look unrefined and baseless.

    Also, do you see how you want us all to believe that only the government is at fault. Where is your parents responsibility? It is this 'victimhood' that is being cultivated among illegals and their advocates. That you are somehow victims. America is the ONLY country that gives such handouts, and then illegals etc.. have the audacity to have the inclination that you are owed something.

    Your parents are stealing from the taxpayer, knowlingly. The federal government IS responsible, but so are your parents. Your parents knowingly came here with you and then put a burden on the education, social and medical systems because 'they' wanted a better life. How noble. Let me ask you this. How many siblings do you have? How responsible is it for illegals to come here, have anchor babies, and then keep having babies because they know they can take advantage of the american taxpayer to subsidize their illegal and dishonest behaviours. There is NO regard for us, or this rule of law we have.

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