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  1. #11
    Senior Member nittygritty's Avatar
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    Cassie, I haven't heard about any of those things from the other candidates either, my money is on Tancredo, right now if we cannot get a hold on this situation with the invasion of our country by another meaning Mexico, then the other things you mentioned will be moot anyway as we will no longer have an America, not as we know it now!
    Build the dam fence post haste!

  2. #12
    MW is offline
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    Rep. Duncan Hunter's got my support!

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" ** Edmund Burke**

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  3. #13
    Nittygritty wrote:

    my money is on Tancredo, right now if we cannot get a hold on this situation with the invasion of our country by another meaning Mexico, then the other things you mentioned will be moot anyway as we will no longer have an America, not as we know it now!
    I agree Nitty, the first step is to get this invasion under control ! We need a good man to care enough to do it. GOOOOO TOM!

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by April
    Nittygritty wrote:

    my money is on Tancredo, right now if we cannot get a hold on this situation with the invasion of our country by another meaning Mexico, then the other things you mentioned will be moot anyway as we will no longer have an America, not as we know it now!
    I agree Nitty, the first step is to get this invasion under control ! We need a good man to care enough to do it. GOOOOO TOM!
    April ??!!! Where is your lovely avatar with that baby tiger ???
    You can vote for Tancredo in the primaries, and I rally hope for you that he wins the GOP nomination. If it’s going to be a Tancredo / Bill Richardson, Joe Biden, Chris Todd ( or another bad Democrat ) I may even vote for Tancredo, only if I’m 100% sure he’s:

    Not a liar, like Bush
    Will not drag us into a war, unless there’re no other options ( I’m not a pacifist )
    And cares about the environment, educations, our poor, good health care, etc.

    If it’s going to be a Hillary / Tancredo, I’ve to disappoint you.
    Hillary has more experience, and is the ones Republicans dislike the most.

    Quote Originally Posted by MW
    Rep. Duncan Hunter's got my support!
    He’s a Republican, they went to war for Halliburton

    Quote Originally Posted by nittygritty
    Cassie, I haven't heard about any of those things from the other candidates either, my money is on Tancredo, right now if we cannot get a hold on this situation with the invasion of our country by another meaning Mexico, then the other things you mentioned will be moot anyway as we will no longer have an America, not as we know it now!
    I know what Hillary thinks of the issues I think that are important too. We learned a lot from her pov when she was the first lady. See above, under certain condition I may vote Tancredo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kate
    Cassie, you should consider tuning into C-SPAN during the day time aif you are able to catch some of the discussion in the House and Senate. It is very educational and the dynamics are very interesting. You would be surprised at how many times the Republicans stand up for the welfare of average citizens, while the Democrats are trying to pull wool over the eyes of the citizenry. The Republicans I'm referring to are not Bush and his inner circle or the neocons like McCain. I'm talking about people like Senator Jeff Sessions who I find to be about the most rational, thoughtful person in the Senate.
    There’re more Republican officials that oppose illegals. I agree with you on that, but they’re now famous and less known. I can only vote for a Republican if he apologizes to the American and Iraqi people for the unjust war in Iraq, and if he’s also trying to make America better for all Americans, and not only for greedy business
    mkfarnam, thank you so much for ya help. My laptop & windows are working again as it used to be. Thanks to you !!!

  5. #15
    Senior Member patbrunz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cassie
    What about environment ??
    Poverty ?
    Gun laws ?
    International relation ?
    Making sure that women make the same amount of money when doing the same work ??
    Death penalty ?
    Tackle gangs ?
    Improve education ?
    Our roads ???
    Health care ???
    I don't think that email was supposed to address every issue out there.

    What have all the other candidates said about these issues? I haven't heard anything from the other candidates on these issues, so I can never vote for them!

    If you would like to know where he stands on these issues, perhaps you should go to his website. If you don't find your answers there, perhaps you should email or call him.

    Quote Originally Posted by cassie
    Tom is a few issue person, and I can never vote for such a person.
    How do you know this? What is your evidence to support this claim? Have you done anything other than reading the email at the start of this thread that makes you say that?

    I've done a little research on the guy and found that he has positions on many issues, not just the ones mentioned in that email. Just because someone has a few issues they deem to be more important than others, or that they are more passionate about, doesn't mean they have no views on other issues.
    All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing. -Edmund Burke

  6. #16
    April ??!!! Where is your lovely avatar with that baby tiger ???
    Dixie's horse A___ with gas avatar inspired me to change my avatar to one that reminds me of good times on my horse. Horses are cute too!

  7. #17
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    cassie with regards to Tom Tancredo's views on other issues

    There is no doubt that America is facing an illegal immigration crisis. Currently, there are at least 12 million illegal aliens living in America. I am absolutely opposed to amnesty. In addition to rewarding those who broke our laws, amnesties simply do not solve the problem of illegal immigration. The only realistic solution to the problem of illegal immigration is a strategy of attrition, which seeks to reduce the flow of the illegal alien population over time by cutting off the incentives for coming to and staying in America - most importantly by eliminating the jobs magnet. America must also reexamine its legal immigration policies. Since 1990, that number has been roughly one million yearly - and that doesn't count illegal aliens. America should reduce legal immigration to 250,000 people a year, which will allow the newcomers to assimilate.

    In the wake of the September 11th attacks and the ensuing war on terrorism, it has become clear that the United States is facing a new security threat. The war America is already engaged in will not be fought like the wars of the past. After witnessing the tragic terrorist attacks against the nation, it is now time to coordinate the efforts of federal, state, and local agencies to provide better homeland defense. Tomorrow's attacker is more likely to board a commercial airliner bound for the U.S. with a tourist or student visa - or he may simply walk across our porous southern or northern border carrying a device in his backpack. These issues must be addressed.

    Having served as a public school teacher in Colorado and as the U.S. Secretary of Education's Regional Representative, I have earned real world knowledge of how to best educate America's children. Control over the education of our children must be in the hands of the parents. I believe in the ability of parents to choose the educational path best suited for their children. I support tax credits for families who choose to allow their children to attend any other institution whether it be a private, parochial, or home school. I oppose increased federal involvement in education, and broke ranks with my party to oppose the No Child Left Behind Act for that reason.

    Social Security
    It is important that we acknowledge some of the shortcomings of Social Security as it currently exists. The current system simply cannot cope with the upcoming demographic changes in our country. The ratio of workers to retirees will drop to close to 2-to-1 within a generation. To provide for tomorrow’s retirees, we must become a nation of owners and savers.

    Unfortunately, the existing Social Security program does not save or invest for future generations of seniors. Without action to strengthen Social Security, the only options available to the government beginning in 2016 will be massive tax increases, deep benefit cuts for seniors, borrowing money on an unprecedented scale, massive cuts in other government programs -- and likely all of the above.

    Simply ignoring the impending crisis is irresponsible. Younger workers must be empowered to invest a portion of their payroll taxes into private accounts, which will allow us to gradually move away from the current unsustainable defined benefit approach of Social Security to a defined contribution approach -- similar to 401k programs and the Thrift Savings Plan available to federal employees. Until we provide the option of personal accounts to younger workers, we will never be able to afford Americans a personal stake in their own retirement.

    I support tax relief, because it helps families save more for retirement, education, and medical care. In addition to decreasing the overall amount of taxes Americans pay, I also support efforts to scrap the current cumbersome income tax system and start fresh with either a national sales tax or a flat tax.

    As a devout Christian, father, and grandfather, I am a strong believer in the right to life for the unborn child. For years, activist judges have undermined life. As president, I would stop this by appointing strict constructionists as judges, reining in the power of the judiciary, and supporting constitutional amendments that respect life.

    Government is spending dangerously beyond its means. For years, Congresses and Presidents of both parties have continued to spend more money than they take in. The largest component of this spending-spree is entitlement spending.

    Simply put, federal entitlement programs are too big and cost far too much. The American taxpayer cannot be asked to continue funding numerous entitlement programs or be all things for all people. Finally, we cannot ask the American people to pay higher taxes to finance this spending spree. We must remember that federal government is in debt because it spends too much, not because it taxes people too little.

    There two types of government spending—discretionary and mandatory. Discretionary spending, which accounts for roughly one-third of all Federal spending, includes money for things like the Army, FBI, the Coast Guard and highway projects. Congress explicitly determines how much to spend (or not spend) on these programs on an annual basis.

    Mandatory spending, on the other hand, accounts for some two-thirds of all government spending. This kind of spending is authorized by permanent laws. It includes ‘entitlements’—things like Social Security, Medicare, and Food Stamps—programs through which individuals receive benefits solely because of their age, income or other criteria. Spending levels in these areas is dictated by the number of people who sign up for these benefits rather than Congress. In order to reduce this kind of spending, Congress must make fundamental changes to the underlying programs – something that few political leaders in Washington have the stomach for.

    The only way we can rein in government spending is to take on entitlement spending. And the only way to take on entitlement spending is to fundamentally reform the crumbling and unsustainable institutions of the welfare state. Until Americans demand changes in mandatory spending, we will simply be treating the symptom of deficits rather than addressing the underlying problem of excessive spending. Americans can no longer continue to borrow money from countries like China and allow government spending to run on autopilot. We cannot sit idly by; waiting for the impending fiscal train wreck that we all know is just down the tracks.

    We must make fundamental reforms to our creaky 20th century welfare state if we are going to ensure a prosperous 21st century for America.

    Stem Cell Research
    Medical research to find cures for debilitating diseases like Alzheimer’s and diabetes is critically important. We should do everything in our power to seek new treatments and drugs to help cure these diseases. We cannot, however, compel American taxpayers to pay for research that intentionally destroys human life, or authorizes the farming or cloning of human embryos.

    Embryonic stem cell research is not the only option for stem cell research. Other promising alternatives which do not destroy human life – such as cord blood stem cell research – has shown much promise without the moral and ethical questions that surround embryonic stem cell research.

    Gay Marriage
    I support a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.
    Unfortunately, every state in the union is now just one court ruling from being force-fed a new definition of marriage. If Congress does not act, people like San Francisco’s mayor and a few judges in Massachusetts will be able to dictate to the entire country what does and does not constitute a marriage.

    I do not believe that the government should compel private employers to extend such benefits. I continue to believe that private employers should enjoy broad flexibility to determine their own workplace policies consistent with their own needs and preferences -- provided that those policies are consistent with the law.

    To impose gay marriage on Americans through judicial fiat flies in the face of both traditional American values and the time-honored tenets of American federalism.

    Health Care
    The way to address America’s heath care problems is not through bigger government programs, litigation, regulation, or additional government spending. Indeed, these things have contributed and continue to contribute to the rising cost of health care.

    Another contributing factor is illegal immigration. While health care isn’t generally the first thing Americans think of when they think about health care, it has a significant impact on the cost, availability and quality of health care available to Americans.

    The millions of uninsured illegal aliens in this country invariably get sick or injured. When they do, they seek what ends up being very expensive treatment in hospital emergency rooms – treatment federal law requires health care personnel to provide. The problem has become so acute that Congress recently allocated $1 billion in taxpayer funds to defray the costs incurred by hospitals treating illegal aliens. This is another good reason for our government to take the problem of illegal immigration seriously.

    I believe in market based solutions to health care problems. One solution is the use of Association Health Plans or AHP’s. AHP’s would assist greatly in improving access to affordable health care – without creating a new big government scheme.

    AHPs would allow small business owners to band together through pre-existing professional associations to purchase health insurance at reduced rates. It will help to reduce the number of uninsured Americans by giving small business the same accessibility, affordability, and choice in the health care marketplace that Fortune 500 companies and unions now enjoy. Experts estimate that up to 8.5 million uninsured small business workers could gain coverage and small business owners would save up to 25 percent on health insurance enabling more businesses to provide coverage.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    thank you for sharing this information.
    tom was a teacher ? Just like my sister is, good so Tom at least knows what is wrong with our educational system. He opposes abortion, I oppose partial birth abortion, but think that abortion should be allowed until 3 months after getting pregnant, any date after 90 days must be outlawed and forbidden. Tom want a Constitutional amendment to define marriage between a man and a woman, I disagree. Gays are US citizens too, and should have equal rights under the law, this includes gay marriage.
    Tom believes in marked based solutions to health care problem, but I'm strongly against that. Health care must be provided to any citizen without the threat that insurance companies can raise prices and to make the poor more vulnerable. I believe in a government subsidized health care for all US citizens and legal residents.
    mkfarnam, thank you so much for ya help. My laptop & windows are working again as it used to be. Thanks to you !!!

  9. #19
    Senior Member ShockedinCalifornia's Avatar
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    Ethnic-based Congressional caucuses should voluntarily disband. Or if they won't disband for the good of the country, Congress should just abolish them. Together we need to get beyond race and towards assimilation and unity.
    Their purposes are advocacy and influence peddling, solicitation of money, and racial (ethnic) separatism. They should not be organically attached to Congress in any way. As our population grows, there will just be more of them. Besides, where is the anglo ethnic caucus?

  10. #20
    Senior Member patbrunz's Avatar
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    Personally, I don't agree with Tom on every issue either, but if we don't get this immigration issue taken care of, none of the other issues will matter, because our nation will be destroyed.

    If your house is on fire, do you argue with the firemen over whether abortion or gay marriage should be legal?
    All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing. -Edmund Burke

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